With the success of the second Interstellar Coordinate jumping point in this Great Desolate Heaven and Earth shard Void, Ye Xuan is ready to be around the source nest of the power doppelgänger, and the sangzhi he just entered here. Between Star Territory, it’s easy to get back and forth.

Almost dying, you can arrive in an instant.

However, after some indulging, he decided not to return for the time being.

And it’s not just that you don’t return to Sangzhi Star Territory or the Star Territory nothing more. Even two years ago, he entered the site of Xusheng Forbidden Land through a small star, Ye Xuan has no plans to go back.

After all, two years have passed, and whether Nether Furnace is still stranded in the Forbidden Land is hard to say.

What’s more, Nether Furnace’s movements are important, but within the Primal Chaos Void, Ye Xuan has more important things to do.

Previously, according to the headless infant corpse, when the Desolate Ancient was defeated, the entire Great Desolate was collapsed and falls apart, and the mysterious mother star, which originated from Great Desolate, was held by a mysterious mother star, Will. Flying directly with a whole piece of Star Territory, suspected of entering this Primal Chaos Void…

In Ye Xuan’s opinion, anyway, this has entered the Primal Chaos Void. If you come here, you will not be eager to return. You can use the time again to test in this vast and endless Primal Chaos Void. Look for a look and see if you can find the clue of the mysterious mother star…

In the process, Ye Xuan will also start two other important things.

One is the derivation of the twenty 5th level.

Now he, Twenty 3rd level Dan has swallowed, and entered Titled Immortal Sovereign, and the follow-up can help him into the Txled Immortal Emperor’s twenty 4th level Dan, its perfect pill recipe, has already been derived.

After the twenty 4th level, it is the twenty 5th level, which will help the Tiddled Immortal Emperor and enter the Universe Venerable!

Twenty 4th level Dan’s perfect pill recipe, it is extremely difficult to infer, and the subsequent twenty 5th level Dan is obviously more so, Ye Xuan needs more time to ponder!

The second thing is to kill Titled Immortal Sovereign!

Refining Twenty 4th level Dan requires at least five Fenghuang blood essences. Compared with the previous Fenghuang blood essence, it is more difficult to obtain the blood of the Emperor. Ye Xuan must make preparations early…

Both of these things can be explored at the same time as the mother star clues, so the clues to find the parent star in this Primal Chaos Void, even if not harvested, will not be too busy.

At this moment, referring to the clues of the mysterious mother star, Ye Xuan immediately thought of Mosquito Beast Sovereign Child, which is his brother, Big Brother Xue Ben.

More than two years ago, with the help of Xue Ben, the cultivation base strength broke out in Ancestral Bloodline Awakening and became a Bloodline pure Desolate Ancient mosquito. In Void, it sensed the power of one kind of mysterious power. .

The source of this summon was not sure at the time.

After all, Demon Tribe’s Bloodline Primordial Ancestor, with several younger generations in the family, and the Desolate Ancient mosquito as the follower, was looking for a path to return to the ancestral star, to a certain extent They are also very likely to be in this fragmented Void.

If this is the case, the mysterious summon that Xue Ben feels is most likely to come from the Desolate Ancient mosquito that follows Demon Primordial Ancestor, which is his grandfather!

But there is also a kind of possibility, that is, the source of this summon power, is the ancestral star, because even the grandfather of Xue Ben came out of the ancestral star, when he became a bloodline pure Ancestral Bloodline Awakening Desolate Ancient mosquitoes, which sense the weak aura of the ancestral star in a moment, also have this possibility.

However, according to Xue Ben’s intuition, the source of this power of summon seems to be extremely far away, and it is not something that can be reached in three or five years.

And, perhaps because his cultivation base strength is still too weak, although it can feel the existence of this mysterious summon, it is intermittent, not very clear. If it is immediately rushed over, I am afraid it is difficult to specify the specific clear direction. Void is so vast. If it is a little bit, the final result will undoubtedly be a small difference.

For this reason, Ye Xuan was reluctant to put the matter down temporarily. Then, Xue Ben returned to the blood-mosquito, and he segregated and refining the energy of the anthrax blood stored in the body.

Counting the time, blinking, it has been more than two years… If there is no accident, the large amount of anthrax blood energy engulfed by Xue Ben within the body should be completely refining, and its cultivation base strength must be repeated again. Rise.

Now, Ye Xuan, from the Great Desolate Heaven and Earth fragment Void outside the star vortex, enters the Primal Chaos Void connected to it, most likely the place where the mysterious ancestral star is located…

In this way, calling Xue Ben, with his deep in the body of the Desolate Ancient mosquito line, is likely to more clearly sense the kind of summon!

One thought of this, Ye Xuan did not hesitate, waved, immediately called the Xue Ben in the bloody mosquito battle, turned into a blood color, appeared in the front of the Void.

In addition to Xue Ben, the same space in Sennong Cauldron has been seclusion for more than two years, and he was also waved out…

“Is it all broken through?”

With the appearance of Xue Ben and the elephant fox, Ye Xuan in the eyes bright glow flashes, the face immediately showed a touch of surprise color.

The Xue Ben in front of him appears in human form, while the elephant fox still appears as a long-nose fox that is only about one chi.

But the cultivation base aura that the two of them with the body are all Titled Immortal King!

Two years ago, when Xue Ben entered the bloody mosquito battle, he just broke through to Immortal. I didn’t expect it to refining a lot of anthrax bloodstains engulfed by the body for more than two years. The kingdom of the king.

And, because he was with the body’s Ancestral Bloodline Awakening, he became a Bloodline pure Desolate Ancient mosquito. This big realm’s breakthrough is not even needed for two 12-level Baodan, which is really amazing.

As for the fox python, the previous seclusion was already the cultivation base of the Immortal initial stage, and Ye Xuan had already handed him a second 12 class Baodan. It seems that more than two years, this Old Fogy is obviously relying on the large amount of top-level flesh and blood Great Medicine that Ye Xuan has rewarded. He first piled up the cultivation base Strength to the Immortal Ninth Step Great Perfection.

Then, swallowed the second 12 class Baodan, which was promoted to the kingdom!

At this moment, with the appearance of Xue Ben and the two people of Xianghu, Ye Xuan snorted in surprise, and before he asked again, the expression on Xue Ben’s face suddenly changed dramatically. Shocked, turned to look at the end of the Void at the far right.

In the mouth, there is even a cry out in surprise voice, suddenly sounded: “Hey! Powerful and powerful summon power, and there are actually two, one strong and one weak, this … what is it?”

“What? There are actually two summons in your power that have been sensed by you?”

When I heard this, Ye Xuan couldn’t change his face. When he whispered, he was already shocked…

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