“Is it true that there is a certain kind of Heaven’s Will that is leading this? Even the source of the nesting stars, which are weaker in the birth process, the Demon God seed, which has been germinated inside, has sprouted, but this is the strongest rule. The source of the nest, but there is still no movement…”

At the moment of the implementation of the foot, Ye Xuan had hung up to the whole heart of the blind eye, and finally fell back to the chest, taking a long breath, with a feeling, muttered: “Or, it is really like headless Infant corpse As mentioned earlier, this Star Lord has a real Primal Chaos Qi Transport?”

“How else, how can the world’s affairs be so coincidental? This source of nesting stars that breeds the strongest power law, simply is like waiting for this Star Lord…”

After some emotions, Ye Xuan did not dare to continue to wait for more. After his body swayed, he slammed into the underground deep place of his feet, and rushed all the way to the core of the stars.

After a few moments, Star Nucleus arrived, Ye Xuan plunged into it, and immediately there was a mighty power aura assaults the senses, in which he is now close to the cultivation base strength of Half-Step, in this power aura Under the cover, there was a kind of deep feeling of powerlessness…

Undoubtedly, what is born in this source nest is the Primal Chaos power law that Ye Xuan wants to find.

What he has to do now is to start the Doppelgänger System attached to the System, differentiate a Primordial Spirit, turn it into a seed, and plant it into the source nest.

The soil planted in this Primordial Spirit seed, if it is not guessed, should be the blood red crystal of the diameter of the center of the Star Nucleus only about one zhang.

Without any hesitation, Ye Xuan first issued an instruction to activate the Doppelgänger System to the Devouring System with the body, and then his familiar System notification sound came from his mind.

“Hey, Congratulations host, find Life Origin Crystal !attribute: energy crystal form! Level: perfect pure level! Grade: Primal Chaos rule level! Is it immediately refining for doppelgänger?”

“叮, Congratulations host , Doppelgänger System activated successfully! Current level: 1st level ! Current level can apply for doppelgänger Quantity: Zero!”

“Hey, Congratulations host, System title 6th level is ready to complete, get System reward: choose one of them, please choose! One: Doppelgänger System level upgrade once! Two: Random activation another one of the affiliate System! Whether to choose immediately… …”

He Xuan was on the spot when he heard the words.

His Doppelgänger System is really only the 1st level. At the 1st level, the doppelgänger made by the Doppelgänger System has only one. This quota has been taken up by the previous Devouring Treasure Body.

In other words, Ye Xuan can no longer refine the second doppelgänger with the Doppelgänger System.

Fortunately, System has already experienced this bug, and actually made a concession, and issued the award of the 6th level System title in advance, giving the option of two choices.

Either choose to activate another kind of affiliate system, or choose to upgrade the existing Doppelgänger System upgrade. If there is no accident, the Doppelgänger System will rise from 1st level to 2nd level, and the doppelgänger that can be condensed with the Doppelgänger System will also One of them becomes the current two.

Thus, this so-called two-choice one does not require any consideration at all.

Or the immediate benefits are more attractive, the ghost knows what other kind of affiliate system will be activated randomly?

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan didn’t hesitate, and even responded, chose to upgrade the Doppelgänger System directly!

Soon, his familiar System notification sound came again in his mind: “Hey, Congratulations host, Doppelgänger System upgrade success! Current level: 2nd level! Current level can apply for doppelgänger Quantity: One! Whether to apply immediately, refining Doppelgänger.”

Without hesitation, Ye Xuan immediately replied and immediately proceeded to doppelgänger refining.

“Hey, Congratulations host, has been determined to use immediately! Target determination, System energy adjustment: Progress 1…”

At this point, Ye Xuan’s whole heart was completely released, and hesitated, even when he sat down in the star Nucleus of this source nest star, he closed his eyes and entered the reincarnation, and I forgot to practice. status.

Soon, his within the body came with an invisible absorbing force. This kind of absorbing power is extremely mysterious, and it seems to be his Primordial Spirit consciousness.

In the midst of it, Ye Xuan felt that her Primordial Spirit consciousness seemed to be divided out and merged with a mysterious force into a tiny spot of light, which then slowly drifted out of his Zifu Lingtai. .

At this moment, Ye Xuan seems to have a second perspective. This tiny light spot that floats out of his purple house is like his other eyes.

As it was isolated, Ye Xuan saw the true body that he closed his eyes and entered the state of cultivation. Then, the angle of view slowly moved forward, not far from the front only about one zhang. Blood red crystal, getting bigger and bigger in the line of sight, finally replaced everything…


At this moment, the voice of the humming sound came from Ye Xuan’s mind. The last point of view of the road was an endless blood red color.

In the next moment, this perspective disappeared, and Ye Xuan squinted at the true body inside Star Nucleus and opened his eyes.

Looking at the blood red crystal not far from the front, at this moment, he felt the feeling of one kind of flesh and blood connected in the same way, as if this blood red crystal was originally with Ye Xuan. Lineage is like life.

Obviously, this original will produce a Life Origin Crystal with the strongest Primal Chaos rule, the rule of power Primal Chaos Demon God, which is now available to Ye Xuan, who is at the deepest place of this Life Origin Crystal. Planted a Primordial Spirit seed.

Once this Primordial Spirit seed sprouts, everything will be unchanged. In the near future, when this blood red crystal gives birth to a complete Primal Chaos Demon God, Ye Xuan’s second doppelgänger will also It was born!

According to his derivation, this time should not be too long, because the Great Desolate big world, which had already collapsed before the endless years, will soon be fully available. If it is not unexpected, the Great Desolate will be comprehensive. The moment of coming, it should be the three thousand Primal Chaos Demon God in Primal Chaos Void, rushing out of the stars, giving birth to the moment…

For the arrival of that day, the current Ye Xuan is extremely hopeful!

When he flashed these thoughts in his mind, the expected System notification sound came from this moment and resounded Ye Xuan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness…

“Hey, Congratulations host !System title exploration mission is complete! System title upgrade success!”

“System current title: 6th level, Interstellar controller!”

“Interstellar controller: The title’s own halo effect, based on the original 5th level titles Interstellar Traveler, Interstellar Adventurer, Interstellar Explorer, Interstellar Pioneer, Interstellar Seeker, will add a new System Ability, random activation. At the same time, the number of Interstellar Coordinates branded by any Universe plane is increased to three by the first two!”

“System mission explores reward: has been issued in advance!”

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