Shown in the sight is a gorgeous world!

Within the star-shaped Star Nucleus of this giant star, all are pure crystals that exude gorgeous rays of light.

Ye Xuan’s body rushed into Star Nucleus, and the familiar System notification sound came from his mind. He had never entered Star Nucleus before, and did not touch the various crystals contained in Star Nucleus. So, System notification sound Never appeared.

But as Ye Xuan entered Star Nucleus, not only did he with the body’s Devouring System promptly, he asked if he would immediately start collecting, even the information and data about these energy crystals in the information database attached to the System. Also all updated in the first place.

Too much to hear can make people numb!

Ye Xuan didn’t know which Primal Chaos Demon God was born in the Primal Chaos source nest. For this, System didn’t prompt, and the information database couldn’t find it.

He couldn’t even see anything in the Star Nucleus like the Demon God Life seed, even if it was explored in detail by the powerful Divine Consciousness of the King’s Land.

Inside the entire Star Nucleus, there are only a variety of gorgeous, different colors of energy crystal, others, nothing!

Perhaps the Primal Chaos Demon God, which was born in this source nest, has not yet appeared in its life seed, or it has already died, and it has dissipated…

Who knows?

Ye Xuan is also not interested in paying attention.

At this moment, his whole mind was completely occupied by the pure energy crystals that can be seen everywhere in this Primal Chaos source nest.

This star is a Primal Chaos source nest. It is extremely large. It is the largest natural star in the world’s three major Starry Sky planes. It is not as good as it.

Therefore, the diameter of the Star Nucleus is also horrifying. The diameter of the Star Nucleus is comparable to a meteor.

The Star Nucleus, which is comparable in size to the meteor, is full of energy crystals of various colors. There are more than one hundred in total. Ye Xuan rushes into the Star Nucleus, and the familiar System notification sound that sounds in his mind has been They are all ringing and have not stopped for a few minutes.

Every kind of energy crystal, System will make a reminder, hundreds of … can be imagined.

Later, Ye Xuan was too lazy to listen, let it ring, and he himself began to work.

These more than one hundred kinds of energy crystals are the most top-level natural resources. After all, is the natural resource in a Primal Chaos source nest in Primal Chaos Void, and where can it be worse?

The vast majority of the energy crystal, Ye Xuan are too lazy to carefully explore its use, and waved into a awning ray of light, he was directly included with the body Eternal World, stored separately.

In this way, after at least one hour of busy work, the vast majority of the energy crystal that can be ignored for a while is finally being charged.

Within the vast Star Nucleus, 90% is more than empty, and there are only five different colors of crystal, which are reserved by Ye Xuan.

These five kinds of energy crystals are the four Starry Sky battles, and the things that are re-forged… One of the kind of purple crystals is the source of mysterious energy that makes the World Insect group crazy.

The five kinds of energy crystals are very large, especially the pure crystal required by the World Insect group.

Ye Xuan didn’t hesitate to re-reserve the 10,000 cubes of all five crystals, with the body Eternal World, in order to prepare for the future, a sudden wave of hands…


“xiū xiū xiū ……”

The densely packed sound of the break continued to sound and lasted for a few minutes.

After a few minutes, the purple energy crystal in the five energy crystals was taken away by Ye Xuan and sent to Tyrant Star Ship Life with the body Eternal World!

With this massive purple energy crystal, not only will the Tyrant Star Ship Life giant swell a new transformation and evolution, but the future energy supply problem will be completely solved.

However, how to use this purple mysterious energy crystal is what Ye Xuan needs to grasp. Otherwise, if there is no limit, the World Insect group will always absorb the energy of purple crystal, and continue to frantically continue to change until All the purple energy crystals are exhausted!

In order to avoid this unspoken situation, Ye Xuan sent the permission command to the first time after sending all the remaining purple energy crystals to the 2-Layer at the bottom of the Tyrant Star Ship Life.

This batch of purple energy crystal, divided into two equal parts, one sealed into the warehouse, as the temperament of Tyrant Star Ship Life, the natural resource and energy reserve natural resource.

The other one is fully open to the supply, allowing the entire World Insect group to impudently absorb it… until the half-purple energy crystal is completely consumed.

After the order was issued, Ye Xuan within the body of the Eternal World Roaring Tyrant Dragon Life, immediately trembled with a violent earthquake, and then there was no movement, like a dead thing, not moving.

However, Ye Xuan clearly noticed that there was a kind of almost crazy biological wave frequency, which was diffused from the life giant. This is clearly the whole World Insect group that formed the Roaring Tyrant Dragon Life. Tonic, crazy split and multiply…

Undoubtedly, this transformation and evolution process must not end in a day or two. This purple energy crystal has such a deadly appeal to the World Insect group, which is enough to show their efficacy.

Coupled with the sheer number of crystals, according to Ye Xuan’s conservative estimate, all half of this purple crystal is completely consumed, and at least in terms of time…

So, there is no need to keep watching.

As this thought flashed through his mind, Ye Xuan’sconsciousness retired from within the body Eternal World, under the eyes bright glow flashes, on the last four different colors of energy in the Star Nucleus. .

Through the resounding System notification sound that was previously in his mind, Ye Xuan already knows these four energy crystals, which happens to be the core natural resource needed for the four Starry Sky battles in his hands.

The four Starry Sky wars, which were the ace cards of Ye Xuan’s hands, rely on them. Ye Xuan can kill the Domain Lord and even the World Lord when he is at Heaven and Earth Realm, and the Immortal geek can be feathered when he is at World Lord Realm. Return, even bombing on the spot.

But now, as his cultivation base strength rises to the kingdom, the power of these four great wars is far from enough.

To this end, Ye Xuan used the bloodline of the squirrel with the body to search for the energy of the four kinetic tribes in the battlefield, and now the four kinetic tribes are all trapped. Sleeping, once you wake up, you must be like a broken Butterfly-Flower…

However, the life level upgrade of the kinetic energy tribe is only software. If the hardware itself is not undergoing a corresponding upgrade, it may not be enough to support the terrifying energy output by the kinetic energy tribe after the transformation.

Therefore, the upgrade of the four great war la is once again imperative.

Before, Ye Xuan had not found the right material, but for now, the problem was completely solved. He decided to upgrade the four Starry Sky great wars at once… at the same time!

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