“Come out, you have already exposed…”

With a sneer in the corner of his mouth, Ye Xuan’s gaze is locked in the front of the million, but even in the exploration of his powerful Divine Consciousness, there is still no abandoned life aura.

The tone seems extremely incomprehensible: “As long as you hand over all the magic vine pulp, today the king will not be embarrassed, so leave!”

In the latter sentence, Ye Xuan said that the magic vine marrow pulp has undoubtedly pointed out the origin of the other party’s identity. This is some arrogance. If it is not found, it cannot be done.


Hidden The Starry Sky in the giant abandoned star here, in a moment, consciousness has reached this point, no hidden, a heaven-shaking whistling sound, in the next moment, from the inside of this giant star In the 10 million, even Void, under the scream of this sharp whistling, trembled slightly, and the faintly discernable humming sound…

“I am so violent, I dare to play the idea of ​​this vine… Are you too arrogant?”

As the sound of the whistling sounds, there is a feminine Divine Consciousness sound coming out of the giant abandoned star in front. The other is a plant Life body, which is unspeakable, but the communication between the starry sky powerhouse, Divine Consciousness can pass any message without the hindrance of race.

At the same time, a powerful terrifying aura also emerged from the inside of this star. This is actually a plant life of the king class, and it is not the general king, but the Ninth Step. Great Perfection !

That is, Half-Step is the emperor!

It is no wonder that this Starry Sky magic vine has such a voice of Divine Consciousness, as a Half-Step, even if it is relatively Starry Sky Vicious Beast, it is generally a weaker plant life body. .

But in the face of a starry Sky temperament that is only Titled Immortal King Seventh Step, this magic vine is really full of confidence!

Plant Life’s strength is weak, just relative to the same-order Starry Sky Vicious Beast, but at the moment it is a starry Sky tyrannical, known as fierce and violent, but its cultivation base strength is weak. A small step, Starry Sky is completely fearless.

Even if it is a great death war, he even has the confidence to provoke this provoked Starry Sky… kill it!


“pū pū pū ……”

With the sound of the Divine Consciousness, which was warned by the starry Starry Sky, the giant abandoned star inside and outside the million inside and out, which was already completely locked by Ye Xuan aura, suddenly came without warning. A sharp and unpredictable sound of breaking.

Accompanied by this sharp sound of breaking the air, there is a lot of dull bangs, which are caused by the rock of the soil and the surface being pushed and rolled toward all around.

Looking intently, the original Void in the front of the original Divine Consciousness explored, can not capture even a little bit of Life aura’s giant abandoned star surface, at this moment there is a huge cane of thousands of miles, breaking the land The surface of the ground is like a terrifying Starry Sky python, soaring to the heavens…

In the blink of an eye, the blood color rattan that rushed out of the ground directly spread to the universe void outside the star’s light atmosphere, and its length was several hundred thousand.

And its surface is still full of incomparable blood color barbs, densely packed, and at first glance, it gives a moment of sensation in the back.

This is really a magic vine. Nowadays, it is only a display of a rattan that may not be the main body. It has been so fierce. Although it is a plant Life, its murder is not weaker than most Starry Sky Vicious Beast.

At the same time, with the burst color of the magic color, the starry sky rushed out of the abandoned star’s land table, Starry Sky magic vine through the endless feminine aura’s Divine Consciousness sound, also resounded at this moment: “Murray, Bento The last time I warned you, leave immediately, otherwise…kill!”

“The arrogance? Kill the king? It seems that you are a little confused about the situation…”

Seeing the other side tough, actually threatened and warned himself, Ye Xuan shook his head, the sneer of the corner of his mouth remained the same, but the complexion suddenly sank, and the pupil light was gloomy.

Looking up is a heaven-shaking temper: “Demon Ape nine transformation… Sixth Transformation!”

As the roar came out, the power of Ye Xuan within the body suddenly rushed, just like a snarling of the Nujiang, roaring, with the body, and the insults of the body, and there was a rush to the order. The terrifying strength of Qi and Blood from the human body is pouring from him.

In the blink of an eye, the body shape that was originally only under the zhang high is like a balloon that is inflated at a very high speed. It expands rapidly and is short of three interest rates. It has reached the height of 10 million. A human star.

This is not all!

With the violent body of Starry Sky, there is also the cultivation base aura that has been in the body. In the state of Demon Ape True Body under the shape of zhang high, its cultivation base aura is with the body. It is the Tiddled Immortal King Seventh Step, and now, when the huge body of 10 million’s Sixth Transformation appears, the cultivation base aura emanating from the body has reached the terrifying of the Fourth Step.

This is not the general Feng Step, Starry Sky’s violent body 10 million, the strength of Qi and Blood is so horrible, I am afraid that the general Feng Step is far from the opponent, its real battle The force is already comparable to the general Sixth Step, which is the middle stage peak!


With the completion of Demon Ape Sixth Transformation, Starry Sky, the huge 10 million giant, once again made a roar, all around the stars in the Void, the blink of an eye is like a response, in this heaven- The shouting of the shivering trembled.

In fact, this embarrassment, Ye Xuan did not even push the power of with the body, just a simple shock wave, there is such a terrifying power.

In the next moment, Starry Sky’s violent sputum shot two fierce blood awns, and turned to look at the giant abandoned stars outside the million. Divine Consciousness locked, the figure did not move, and a punch…

“This is what you are looking for. Since you are not willing to hand over the magic vine pulp, then… the king himself make a move to take it!”


Almost in the next moment, in the universe void outside the million, a heaven-shaking explosion exploded, and the abandoned star locked by his pupil light blasted directly in the blink of an eye. It is impossible to resist the terrifying power of this punch.

And a fist hits a large universe of void along the way, but there is no damage at all, completely unaffected…


As the stars blew up completely between the half interest, a scream of screaming screams was also heard from the inside and outside of the smashing stone dust.

I have always been concealed and my body has not been exposed. Even if it is certain that Ye Xuan has discovered his hiding place, in order to repel it, it is only a meaningful extension of the vine body, Starry Sky for demonstration. The magic vine, finally can no longer hide the body shape, the whole body is exposed, and it is in the universe void outside the million in front…

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