
The sound of the empty sound, the purple mang, the blink of an eye, in the universe void near Ye Xuan, there is a thick purple crystal, big and small, piece by piece, looks very magnificent, each piece Among them, it seems that there is a blood of purple that is flowing.

As for the total number, it is just about 1000 cubes, which is not much different from what System has suggested.

Subconscious, Ye Xuan once again from the System data database, will be related to the information of these purple blood soul, quickly browsed, and finally realized.

Last time, when Yi Xuan found the Essence Crystal with the help of the fox, he also got 1000 cubes of Essence Crystal from the massive Essence Crystal.

Essence Crystal is actually a higher-grade, purer quality Essence Crystal.

Because of this, it 1000 cubic meters of Purple Essence Crystal, was later incorporated into the Ye Xuan within the body Eternal World, properly preserved, not to Armoroid Race group in La Void war.

This time, the 1000 cube-shaped purple blood soul that he discovered from the inside of the Soul Crystal is actually the same.

The purple blood soul is also a higher grade, more pure red pulp Soul Crystal.

The general Oran Soul Crystal has a variety of out of the ordinary uses, the quality of its purer purple blood soul, obviously more versatile, better effect.

Without any hesitation, Ye Xuan, even if the 1000 cubes of purple blood souls are installed, like the previous Zis Essence Crystal, properly received the body Eternal World.

Even with a huge amount of hundreds of cubic meters in front of the huge Orchard Soul Crystal, Ye Xuan has taken away half of it, intending to refine flesh and blood Great Medicine in the future and refining various grades of Baodan as a supplementary natural resource. among them.

In the blink of an eye, in the universe void in front, the soul of the blood color has only two million cubic meters left, but for the Weeping Soul Beast who only counts 10 million, it is still enough, each head Weeping Soul Beast is divided into a large number of Soul Crystal, enough to make the entire tribe’s Bloodline evolve to a higher level…


The endless low-pitched sound rang, only a short time around the tea, the Soul Crystal, which is more than two million cubic meters in front, was divided by the 10 million Weeping Soul Beast.

With these red marrow Soul Crystal, Ye Xuan can not expect them to within Bloodline the body, have evolved to the other end of the same height Weeping Soul Blood Ape, because it is simply impossible, Weeping Soul Blood Ape and Corpse Ancestor Drought The Desolate Ancient Almighty class, which is the same as the seven women of Demon and Zixia Fairy.

Even if more than two million cubic meters of Soul Crystal are poured into a Weeping Soul Beast, I am afraid that it will not be able to raise its Bloodline to such a height.

But as long as their Bloodline power and cultivation base strength can all reach the Domain Lord, World Lord Realm, for Ye Xuan, it is enough.

This is the number of 10 million Domain Lord or World Lord, but also has a unique Bloodline Innate Skill, plus the increase effect of Weeping Soul. Once it is promoted, even if it is the king of the king, it must be Taboo…

With this expectation, Ye Xuan gave instructions to all the Weeping Soul Beast to return to the Weeping Soul, and then waved the hand and re-involved the battle with the body Eternal World!

This time, on his way to Xusheng Forbidden Land, he only stayed at this Star Territory for about half an hour, but he harvested a huge amount of Soul Crystal and even 1000 cubes of higher purple. The soul of the blood, can be described as a great harvest.

All of this is all the credit of the fox, and Ye Xuan now thinks that this Old Fogy feels pleasing to the eye!

“This time, give you a big deal!”

Turning to the side of the elephant fox, Ye Xuan nodded and said: “Four great war tweeting tribe enhances the four kinds of cultivation natural resources needed by Bloodline, and now two have been solved, all in this 茫茫Found in the infinite universe void. This illustrates a problem…”

“That is the ancient fragment Void from the distant Great Desolate Era. There are all kinds of rare natural resources. If you have the heart, you will have something to gain!”

Having said that, Ye Xuan turned his head and turned to look forward to the Void in the Forbidden Land of Xusheng, and he looked at it in the distance: “This is only one-fifth of the Forbidden Land.” The journey is gone, the road ahead is still far away, I wonder if it will still be rewarded!”

“Hey, maybe because of the recent breakthrough to the seal, with the body that one third of the treasure seeker Bloodline’s strength has risen, just like the arrival of Qi Transport…”

After taking over the words of Ye Xuan, Xiang Hu squatted with a pair of small claws, and even the thief laughed: “I have a hunch for the old lady. This time I went to Xusheng Forbidden Land. We must have other gains, and there should be more than one. !”

“Although this statement has no roots, but the bloodline of the treasure hunt is so wonderful, everything about the treasure seems to have some kind of power in the role, perhaps… the intuition is really unknown!”

“Then borrow your words!”

For the magic of the treasure hunt bloodline, Ye Xuan has seen it twice, and naturally believes.

Therefore, at this moment, the fox foxes said that they are really ignorant and too embarrassed, but in Ye Xuan’s view, they may not have a certain degree of credibility.

Nodded, Ye Xuan waved his hand and pressed the elephant fox back to the right shoulder socket. Without hesitation, he continued to hurry and became a weak man, and his eyes disappeared into the far end of Void outside 10 million!


The long journey of Interstellar in Void has always been boring.

Ye Xuan and the two people of Xianghu, this way, did not feel this sense of boring, it is because the heart has always had strong expectations, hoping to hit the big move in the next instant, generally not far ahead In a certain star, I found some precious treasure.

Even if it is not the other two great war, the tricycle bloodline evolution requires the cultivation of the natural resource, at least it is better than nothing… After all, let the elephant python within the body that one third treasure hunting mouse bloodline give birth to the feeling of the treasure and natural resource, again And it is not much worse.

But this time, after going on the road again, the two people were running very fast in the Void for 20 days, and the last four-fifths of the long distance, unconsciously already went it’s over half, but in the meantime, the elephant fox has always been Nothing has been found, and it has never been heard.

As if he called the good luck, in the first two times, it has been completely exhausted.

Twenty days later, even Ye Xuan was a little impatient. From time to time, there was a faint anxiety in his heart. Although it quickly dissipated, it was not a good feeling after all.

Fortunately, in the afternoon of the last day of the 20th, in the right shoulder socket, the voice of the fox scorpion finally suddenly sounded again: “Head, more than one million miles in front of the left side, there is another star aura very weird. We seem to have hit the big fortune again…”

Ye Xuan’s body shape was shocked, and he didn’t wait for him to come back. In his mind, the familiar System notification sound was as expected. He said: “Hey, Congratulations host, found the blood of the anthrax! The reserves are abundant! Receive it immediately…”

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