This time I entered Starry Sky Thunder Tomb, and Ye Xuan can be described as a heaven-shaking. Now I just think about it, and it makes him feel like he is in a dream.

Everything was too dreamy. In a short period of time, he actually broke through to the Teen and Earth Ninth Step Great Perfection of Fifteenth Big Realm, and now it is the Half-Step Star Lord, which can be said to be the Star Lord.

This is still in the case of not activating three heads, six arms Immemorial Demon Ape Bloodline, otherwise, it will directly have the cultivation base strength of Star Lord Ninth Step Great Perfection, and directly rise to the Half-Step Domain Lord, becoming a tensile terrifying Domain Lord old blame.

But Ye Xuan is not satisfied with this!

Although the prospective Lord Lord and the real Domain Lord are just a word in the title, they are actually difference between Heaven and Earth. After all, this is basically two different big realms.

Starry sky powerhouse’s evolutionary path, the more to the late stage, often the gap between a small stage is like a heaven, the difference between the big realm, not to mention more.

If it is usually that’s all, this time into the Starry Sky Thunder Tomb, Ye Xuan has repeatedly breakthrough, can completely stop, and stabilize for a while to continue.

But today’s situation is too urgency. Once he returns to Demon Star Territory, he may have a great war immediately. For his own realm strength improvement, it is absolutely urgent for Ye Xuan.

The quasi-Domain Lord and the real Domain Lord are very different in their own combat power, and the greater the impact on the power of the Floodline and various divine abilities, it is even greater.

Therefore, after some indulgence, Ye Xuan took a little more time to use the 10 6th level solution that had already been prepared, and used this to upgrade the true body cultivation base realm to the real Star. Lord Realm, say more!

After the decision, Ye Xuan waved, a crystal clear petal bottle was shot from his body’s Eternal World, hanging in front of him, still spinning in Void.

The bottle in this tiny bottle is the best quality bottle in the eight 6th level liquid in his hand.

Ten 6th level liquids originally out of the ordinary, just the most basic flesh and blood medicine, it is a whole specific type of giant phoenix bird Treasure Body flesh and blood, breaking the order chain, the essence of reorganization Into.

And after the careful condensing of the Shennong four-color flame, the order chain in the flesh and blood of the phoenix bird collapsed completely, and the moment of the body disappeared, even in the blue red slurry ball, there was even a The tiny flesh and blood Black Hole, in the general collapse, can only be seen how terrifying the energy contained in the slurry ball.

Subsequently, in the successful flesh and blood syrup, a large number of top-level Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures were added, and even the Myriad Evils Source Liquid was used, and it was incorporated!

In terms of efficacy, it is Heaven Defying, which can directly make a 15th Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, step into the Star Lord Level!

Now after a green Tribulation Thunder baptism, this azure-green’s ten 6th level treasure seems to have a hint of thunder aura, with a clear surface like a tiny silky lightning, is expanding and exploding.

Moreover, just like the Thunder Tribulation lightning that was born after its birth, the color is green and reveals a thick and strange feeling!

Undoubtedly, after a baptism of Thunder Tribulation lightning, the efficacy of this group of green and green treasures must be even more amazing, and it is also attached with one kind of strange green lightning attribute. Presumably Body Tempering has a miraculous effect. .

In this regard, Ye Xuan’s heart is full of expectations!

In addition to this 6th level solution, Ye Xuan also prepared some Nether Furnace lotion, sap, and Myriad Evils Source Liquid, and once again squatted from the remains of the Presolate Ancient Almighty Purple-Gold Void Mouse Treasure Body. A large piece of Bao Xue Bao meat, waved a piece of Shennong five-color flame for baking.

Then all of this was swallowed.

After completing all this, Ye Xuan remembered that the bottle stopper of the small bottle opened directly, and the green and green treasure contained in it, if it was spiritually flew out, spurred into his mouth.

Ye Xuan blessed the soul, opened his mouth directly, swallowed a bite, and then facilitated Void to sit on his knees, closed his eyes, returned to the inner view, and soon entered the state of cultivation that I forgot!


In the mind, one kind of thunder-like bangs came out, and Ye Xuan’s brain, the Sea of ​​Consciousness, which represents the power of the Void Abode Secret Art cultivation base, instantly set off raging waves.

Several objects suspended above the Sea of ​​Consciousness represent a variety of Xeon divine and Bigline objects, and even if they are inductive, they all begin to bloom.

True body mortal body within the body, and even the Bloodline is rolling. With the terrifying effect of this tube of 6th level liquid, Ye Xuan’s mortal body boils in the first time, and the blood rushes like a river, the force of cultivation base Surging in the meridians.

There is an unprecedented 哗哗chain noise that is endless.

This time, he within the body invisibly reveals a huge chain, covered with various mysterious 晦涩 符, this huge chain directly connects Ye Xuan’s spine with the intracranial Sea of ​​Consciousness, is the human body An important potential on the road to evolution is a chain, like a very difficult crossover.

Tear it, just wait for this scorpion gap, and then break through Heaven and Earth Realm, and become Star Lord.

If it fails, this huge potential 桎梏chain, it is very likely that it will become stronger, and then it is even harder to think about it.

“huā lā lā !”

“hua ……”

The chain sounds, and the more energetic tidal sound of Ye Xuan within the body continues, and the tube of 6th level has been thoroughly removed, including other Myriad Evils Source Liquid and Quasi-Desolate Ancient Almighty-level Purple-Gold Void rats. The top-level natural resource, such as Baoxuebao and so on, has all been completely removed.

All of this, in the body of Ye Xuan’s with the body, into a river of energy, rolling and flowing, but wherever it goes, countless small human potential chains, all are instantly torn.

Although this process is painful, it also has a kind of unspeakable sense of coolness, which is wonderful!

Eventually, the hanging energy Dajiang finally rushed to Ye Xuan’s neck and slammed into the tight chain that connected the mortal body spine to the intracranial Sea of ​​Consciousness.

This moment, Ye Xuan sitting cross-legged in Void, the whole body of the billions of 10 million pores are all in the end of the infinite treasure light, the whole person is like a god.

After a short period of time, this huge 桎梏chain was completely smashed. At this moment, Ye Xuan felt that the whole person suddenly became light, with the body power and the blood of the Bloodline, at least ten times faster.

Even the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the god of the cultivation base in the brain, has skyrocketed more than ten times in size.

When Ye Xuan opened his eyes, the expected System notification sound was quickly heard in his mind…

“Hey, Congratulations host, Void Abode Ancient Secret Art realm breakthrough ! Current realm: Star Lord Realm First Step !”

“Hey, Congratulations host, Mortal Body Qi and Blood realm breakthrough! Current realm: Star Lord Realm First Step !”

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