Although Milky Way Star is a small administrative star, due to its particularity, plus high-level on the edge of Meteor Burial Star Territory, which is rich in Star Nucleus Source, it is rich in oil, so the Milky Way Star’s star defense array , level is really not low.

Even so, for the zombie emperor Tuobo, who has become the Star Lord, it is still a breeze to break this little administrative star.

But he did not make such a choice, because this time, Tuobo Linfeng wants not to attack and plunder, but to crouch, is a silent invasion!

So, these two mother zombies are out!

The two female zombies, while maintaining the human form, not only look beautiful, but also have a good name, one is called Vivian, and the other is Li Lisi!

The name is like two cute little girls, but in fact, this is the two cultivation base that meets the terrifying female zombie of Heaven and Earth Realm.

Once you activate the universe Zombie Bloodline with the the body, the main body is shown… It’s estimated that you can scare people on the spot!

Although the zombie fortress is only a commercial fortress, it is a black household. It is impossible to enter the Milky Way Star. It is even difficult to get close to. After all, it is such a big fellow. Once it is close, it will be responsible for the void outside the Milky Way Star. The patrolling battalion Battleship is moving closer to conduct an inventory check.

After all, the Star Pirate activity in the Milky Way Star domain is still awkward.

At this time, Vivian and Li Lisi took the shot to solve this problem.

As they left, the zombie fortress also stopped moving, staying in a hidden state, suspended in the Void!

The evolutionary direction of Vivian and Li Lisi is all zombie wave frequency. This so-called zombie wave energy, in addition to its own unique power, is also highly analogous, at least simulating the Divine Consciousness of Human Race. Fluctuation is extremely easy.

So, Vivian and Li Lisi easily entered the interior of the star through a Starry Sky passage in the atmosphere of the Milky Way Star, swaying straight into the city of Tianhe in the Milky Way Star Main Continent!

In the process, Vivian and Li Lisi activated the zombie Bloodline with the body almost simultaneously!

With a strong and violent violent temperament to the dumbstruck aura from their within the body, the two women’s original exquisite body, in the process of falling to the ground, are all like the balloon that is rapidly inflated. , visible to the naked eye…

In the Tianhe City below, there was a sense of life in the first time, all of them looked up subconsciously, and then dumbstruck cry out in surprise.

“Heavens, what is that…”

“It used to be two beautiful women, but now… turned into two meat mountains? Rotten meat mountain?”

“Ah…zombie!Universe Zombie, escape!”

“The enemy attack, the enemy attack…”



“hōng lóng lóng ……”

With the sound of a path of dumbstruck cry out in surprise, Vivienne and Li Lisi fell from the sky and finally fell to the ground. At this time, they could not see even a little bit of human appearance. Two giant rotten meat mountains!

The surface not only has a rotten big hole, but also pus, and it is covered with countless whiskers. It is waving wildly, and it is both nausea and cold.


The two whistling sounds were emitted from the two meat mountains in the first time. Some invisible strange waves were directly diverged, and the entire Milky Way Star inland was covered in the blink of an eye.

Under the circumstance, the Starry Sky Super Brain at the underground control center of the Milky Way Star was too late to make any reaction, and it was in a state of paralysis.

Then it was completely invaded and controlled by Vivienne’s zombie wave frequency!

In the next moment, when the state of the Starry Sky Super Brain was lifted, it was already the puppet as the core of the entire Milky Way Star Star Sky defensive hub.

“hōng lóng lóng ……”

In the atmosphere of horizon, the Array start sound of hōng lóng lóng, under the command of the Starry Sky Super Brain, which has evolved into puppet and is evolving with zombie super brain, the star passage in all directions of the Milky Way Star atmosphere is comprehensive. Close, the star defense defensive opening…

Only three short breaths were not enough, and all this was done. Since then, the Milky Way Star has become a completely closed world. Any starry sky powerhouse outside the atmosphere is no longer accessible, otherwise it will be starred. Defense against large arrays of attacks.

And because the central super brain of the Milky Way Star executive star network has also been invaded, turned into a puppet, is evolving towards the zombie super brain, which directly led to all communication within the entire Milky Way Star, all interrupted, any star network signal Can’t pass it out again.

In a word, the entire Milky Way Star has been completely cut off from any connection with the outside world, basically equivalent to a total collapse…

This, obviously, is only a beginning. After all, the purpose of Tuobo Linfeng is to completely control the Milky Way Star quietly, instead of forcibly occupying it here by force, but exposing itself!



After completing the blockade of the entire administrative star, Vivian and Li Lisi activated the two tens of thousands of meat hills that zombie Bloodline had made, and again made two screams of shivering, and the tentacles on the surface of the meat mountain grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is getting longer and longer, and between the blink of an eye, it has already smashed a small half of Tianhe City!

At this time, the entire Tianhe City was already in chaos, and a large number of starry sky powerhouses and ordinary people rushed away. These two horrible huge meat mountains were disgusting and carried the chilling Universe Zombie virus, so Even the starry sky powerhouse dare not shoot, Battleship does not dare to shoot.

Because of that, once the meat mountain blasts, the virus will spread faster in the air, and no one can guarantee that he will be recruited.

In the face of this terrifying existence, the only way to deal with it is to escape, as far as possible, as far as possible!

This kind of consensus, all the people thought of it in the first place. After all, there was a precedent. The Heavenly Battle Empire’s Imperial Capital Heavenly Battle Star, under the invasion of Universe Zombie, fell in a short half-day period. All the people were turned into zombies and finally cleaned, not to mention the little Milky Way Star?

No one thinks that this time Milky Way Star can escape the disaster, all the people, at this time, the only thought in the heart is to escape, escape, escape…



In the process, the countless strips of meat mountain tentacles, like harvesting life, waved unscrupulously, and plunged into the body of the routing crowd again and again.

The subsequent scene was more terrifying.

The fleshy mountain tentacles inserted into these bodies are like a root pipette. Under a sudden tremor, in a short half-time, a living human body can be completely cleaned up.

Not only flesh and blood, but even the bones, all of them are taken away, along the strip of meat mountain tentacles, to the main body of the two terrifying meat hills that Vivienne and Li Lisi have… And go!

Then, in the two meats of Vivienne and Li Lisi, there was a more terrifying scene, which happened…

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