Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon and Hou Qing all ended secession, and the cultivation base strength climbed again, and they all entered the ranks of Domain Lord.

In addition, among the seven Desolate Ancient Spiritual Sense sources in the Seal of Desire Smoke Net, the third source of Spiritual Sense of Desolate Ancient Mother of Lightning has also awakened…

For Ye Xuan, this is definitely a gratifying news. Unconsciously, the lineup of his family has been greatly enhanced. This is not the strength of the alliance’s Demon Tribe, but the team that truly belongs to him. Private army, the same as the entire Vicious Beast tribe headed by Immemorial Porcupine and Immemorial Turtle.

Therefore, Ye Xuan is extremely valued!

Now that the Spiritual Sense of Desolate Ancient Mother of Lightning is already awake, it is imperative that, like the previous Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon and the post-Qing, it is necessary to help her to rebuild the Bloodline True Body first, and then to restore Strength!

In the mind, Ye Xuan offered the Desolate Ancient Treasure Tool Desire Smoke Net from the body Eternal World.

A beautiful serene glow flashed, and turned into a Void in front of Ye Xuan, slowly becoming bigger, and finally turned into a colorful Treasure Net of about one zhang size, suspended in the air, slightly undulating, with The wind is swaying, it is beautiful!



Treasure Net is swaying, and two masons come out from the inside. In the blink of an eye, it turns into two beautiful and alluring women’s repairs. It is Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon and Hou Qing.

The two women look like two-eighth girls at this time. They are exquisite and attractive, and they are so hot-hearted. The face is even unparalleled, and the chopping of the waves seems to be able to take away the soul of the people.

Desolate Ancient is the most beautiful and alluring posture. It is difficult to have the same beauty in the world, such as Xuanyuan Ziying, Duanmu Xiaocha and Zhao Qianru. Among the female repairs, it has already been top-notch, and compared with the former Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon and Houqing, they have to lose a little.

In addition, in terms of temperament, the disparity is even greater. After all, in front of Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon and Hou Qing in the distant Desolate Ancient Era, that is the existence of Desolate Ancient Almighty 1st level, while the famous Desolate Ancient, cultivation base Strength is also a squad.

Both the powerhouse’s supreme power and the endless years of mature charm, all of which are not available to Xuanyuan Ziying and Duanmu Xiaocha and Zhao Qianru!

However, although the two women are all presenting the existence of Desolate Ancient, the temperament is completely different!

Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon Hot and passionate, in a red dress, the cultivation base aura within the body all converges, only a few realm pressures are emitted, otherwise, once the force of the body is urged, the whole body is The terrifying Corpse Flame, which is brightly red, is absolutely hot enough to be overwhelmed.

And the Corpse Ancestor, who is standing side by side, is a purple dress, close to the body, exquisitely beautiful and alluring, temperament and Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon, more feminine and feminine!

With the two Desolate Ancient renaissances that reinvented the Corpse Dao True Body in the world, all around, far and near, the original beasts, but all the indigenous Vicious Beasts are quiet at the moment, this piece of Void Are caught in the death stillness.

The sights of Million Aboriginal Vicious Beast are all staring at Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon and Houqing, even the Immemorial Porcupine and the Immemorial Turtle are so, and the corners of the mouth are coming out.

However, the reason why they are so ugly is not because the appetite has been attacked, but the common problem of male animals. Although the two Desolate Ancients are human forms, the true beauty of the supreme is not divided. Even these indigenous Vicious Beasts feel shocked!


“Somewhat, courage is fat!”

Turning around and looking around, the millions of indigenous Vicious Beasts have a look at the pig brother’s expression. Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon and Hou Qing seem to be unhappy. Under the complexion, the nose is also coldly snorted. .

Within the body of the aura is suddenly spread at this moment.


In an instant, two beautiful and alluring lovable bodies were enveloped by two different colors of the Corpse Dao flames, one for blood red and one for demon purple.

Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon and Hou Qing’s delicate figure, set foot on the two-piece Corpse Flame, although only the Domain Lord level of pressure spread, but it is clearly more than a savage Divine Soul’s fierce gas.

After all, it is the Supreme Existence of Desolate Ancient Almighty level, and it is still the sly Corpse Dao. Although they are reinventing the Corpse Dao True Body in the past, the cultivation base strength only recovers to the Domain Lord level, but the kind of Innate comes. The invisible Desolate Ancient Corpse Ancestor was instantly smashed by the audience.


“this is……”

Immemorial Porcupine and Immemorial turtles took a sip of cool air. The first time they rushed back to the corners of their mouths, and the body shape was subconsciously receding.

Although they are World Lord eccentrics, they surpass Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon and Houqing in terms of cultivation base strength, but Innate is far from the bottom. The latter is Desolate Ancient Almighty remain’s Spiritual Sense. This source reshapes the Corpse Dao True Body. The level of Life form is already close to peak.

The Immemorial Porcupine and the Immemorial Turtle are still in the evolution of the Life form, and there is still a long way to go!


The two strongest existences of the Immemorial porcupine and the Immemorial turtle are recognizable. The subconscious retracts the neck and recedes. All around the mountains, the millions of indigenous Vicious Beasts don’t need to say anything more, and quickly take their eyes off. They choked and retired, and when they blinked all around, they were empty, and the whole food tribe was scattered.

“Mother of Lightning?”

Looking at the Immemorial Porcupine and the Immemorial turtle, Ye Xuan was amused, and turned his eyes to the two Old Fogy, and then turned to the front of Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon and Hou Qing.

I queried: “Because I haven’t rebuilt True Body, so can’t I easily show up? Isn’t it necessary to find a Corpse Dao source? This stuff is not so easy to find, a bit of a headache!”

“My Lord, you may have thought a little more…”

Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon smiled and shook his head: “Desolate Ancient Mother of Lightning is also a source of Spiritual Sense. She is sealed in Desire Smoke Net, but if she wants to reshape True Body, she needs the origin of Corpse Dao because she is Non-corpse repair, but Lei Xiu…”


Aside, the charming and unfettered Corpse Ancestor received a message, a pair of watery beautiful eyes locked on Ye Xuan’s face, fluttering and seeing Ye Xuan uncomfortable.

She was totally unaware, still acted as if no one else were present and said: “Since it is Lei Xiu, if you want to reshape True Body in this world, what Mother of Lightning needs is naturally related to thunder, just and Compared with Corpse Dao, the source of thunder seems to be more difficult to find. Little Master, you are really a headache.”

A small Master, Jiao Yu and Ma, called Ye Xuan conditioned for a moment, the whole person is soft.

Just this sentence, it highlights the difference between Corpse Ancestor and Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon. Ye Xuan secretly complains, which is too scary, if it is followed by such a beautiful and alluring flattering monstrous Talent, this is really a headache…

In the wry smile, Ye Xuan suddenly moved, and the moment suddenly lit up: “thunder source? If you say so, it seems that there is a good place… Starry Sky Thunder Tomb !”

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