“Demon Ape Nine Change Second Transformation!”

“Demon Ape Nine Changed Transformation!”

“Demon Ape Nine-Fourth Transformation!”

“hōng lóng lóng ……”

Within a short breath, the three heads, the three arms Demon Ape True Body’s Ye Xuan violently drunk, and the body shape in the blink of an eye has been in the state of Demon Ape’s nine Transformation, soaring to the hundred thousand huge.

That is 300,000 meters, and a Starry Sky great war.

As the body skyrocketed too fast, with the body Qi and Blood, even Void, issued a dull thunder of hōng lóng lóng!

It was only the cultivation base strength of Heaven and Earth First Step, and it was between the short breath and the Star Lord Realm Fifth Step!

The big changers are not so fast, and the demons of the Demon Imperial Family in the Void behind the figure have been collectively petrify, as far as the rear million battleship, and the countless Demon powerhouse and ordinary within the Demon Sovereign 3-Star atmosphere. The tribes are even more like a lightning strike, completely circling!

Previously, they felt that the Demon Sovereign brother, Mo Zhenfeng, jumped out and voluntarily took the initiative to the Immortal old blame, and the action of this Super Super was crazy enough.

But now it seems that everything is still not finished, and now this position is clearly the rhythm of fighting with each other!

However, Star Lord’s old daring dare to beat the Immortal grotesque is scary, but it is not as good as Ye Xuan’s revealing Demon Ape True Body, which reveals some information and gives them more shock!

Demon Ape True Body is the signature of Immemorial Little Demon Ape!

Immemorial Little Demon Ape is actually Netherworld Young Venerable and Linghu Young Lord.

Now, Demon Sovereign’s brother Mo Zhenfeng actually activates the Bloodline True Body and displays the Ability that Immemorial Demon Ape can have… What does this mean?

I have a grass!

For a long time, Demon Sovereign brother Mo Zhenfeng… It turned out to be Linghu Young Lord!

At this moment, Demon Sovereign 3-Star is awesome inside and outside, even the Lan Ze fire like Shen Rong in the Void opposite the million is stupid.

As for the two Human Race Universe geeks that have already been stunned to a few 10 million, the violently shaken, after the sound of the look, is stupid!

Previously the three Great Monster , one, Linghu Young Lord, Netherworld Young Venerable, and Immemorial Little Demon Ape!

Now it seems that this is the rhythm of the four Great Monster ……… plus a Demon Sovereign brother Mo Zhenfeng!

This is definitely an explosive event!

In addition to the contemporary Demon Sovereign Mo Wentian and the highly intimate Demon Imperial Family executives, everyone in this Star Territory Void is thundered.

Even the Lan Ze fire elephant Shen Rong, who has the Immortal Realm terrifying cultivation base, was caught off guard, and was suddenly shocked by the sudden appearance of this scene.

The stunned Ye Xuan has now reached the giant thousand, and in his body shape, he is not weaker than his giant Demon Ape with the Lan Ze fire like the Bloodline True Body. Shen Rong Zhang’s mouth is like a voice. In general, I haven’t been able to return to God for a long time!

Two moments later, a heaven-shaking roar of roaring sounds from the mouth of the Lan Ze fire elephant of the body of the hundred thousand…

“Linghu children, true body today, have a look, what other means you have!”

“Today’s true body must be for you!”


The last roaring sound, the Lan Ze fire elephant was almost screaming out loud, and as the roar of the roar sounded, its with the body instantly poured a lot of blue flames, which is a unique Bloodline belonging to this family. Innate Skill, the name of the Lan Ze fire elephant, comes from this.

At this time, the huge body shape of the entire huge thousand is full of large peeling skin and flesh and blood. The pits are very embarrassing. Although they are not injured, the state is really wolf.

In this state, its with the body and the blue flames of the canopy shed, against each other, suddenly the image of the Lan Ze fire elephant appeared.

There is also a terrifying power that cannot be described. It is rapidly spreading with the appearance of these mysterious blue flames. As the invisible tide is suddenly coming out, the blink of an eye is close, even with Ye Xuan. Under the Ape Fourth Transformation, the huge body of the huge thousand is filled with Qi and Blood. For a time, I felt that the whole body was tight and I was about to breathe.

This is just beginning nothing more, Immortal old blame out of the ordinary, under the wrath, the pressure will become more intense, in a short period of time, it will climb to a pole, Ye Xuan has a huge thousand , Qi and Blood is abundance to the horrible Fourth Transformation Demon Ape True Body.

But if there is no accident, he still can’t resist the terrifying pressure. With the rising of his imposing manner, he will explode and die if he breathes at most.

This simply no suspense!

Although both sides are huge giants of the huge thousand, but Ye Xuan’s cultivation base realm is too weak, not at one level.

Just like the same body type, but one side is light cotton wool, and the other side is heavy metal. If it collides with each other, there will be no doubt that the cotton wool will face a complete crushing trend!


Only a half moment, Ye Xuan has been a little bit stunned. The huge Demon Ape True Body of the huge thousand is just feeling like being stuck in a mud, and it is very sluggish, but at the moment, it seems that there is a heavy giant peak. On the body, he was not allowed to move. In the flesh and blood of the three True Body, a blood arrow was ejected in an instant.

“hōng lóng lóng ……”




At the same time, in the Void behind the shape of Ye Xuan, a path of similar sounds of buzzing sounds, and more explosions.

Behind Ye Xuan is the Demon Imperial Family at the foundation of Heaven and Earth Realm. The Star Lord is better, just more bloody, but those Heaven and Earth Supreme Being are not so lucky. Although most of the sacrifices were provided for protection, there are still several Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, which directly died under the terrifying Immortal pressure.

In addition, in the rear Void, that densely packed a large piece of Void’s million Battleship, the first tens of thousands of seats, can not withstand the crushing of this Immortal pressure.

Hōng lóng lóng’s explosion bang came, at least 10,000, a variety of Battleship, bursting directly at this moment, turned into a huge Fireball, dotted with this piece of Void, lined with one kind of blood and fire Cruel and spoiled.

But this is still just the beginning of nothing more.

In the Void between the inside and the inside of the hundred thousand, the figure of the giant statue of the hunterred thousand is more and more stunned. This is not the most prosperous state. Only the last half of the breath is not more than this. Mole crickets and ants can’t stand it anymore.

This scene makes him feel very comfortable, and has a pleasant feeling of dripping.

After the rest, his Immortal pressure will reach the true peak state. At this time, the Lan Ze fire is very much looking forward. He wants to see how many mole crickets and ants in the front Void exist. Under his mighty pressure, he still struggles on the at at the death’s door…


This moment, Ye Xuan looked up at the angel roar, with the the body, a heaven-shaking trend, banged out…

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