The Arrowtail Tiger is undoubtedly very unlucky. Facing this fifth wave, it represents the golden tide of the decadent erosion. He is among the four Super monsters, and it is most likely to fall.

Immortal Realm’s Lan Ze fire elephant Shen Rong does not have to say, even if five ten thousand years of years passed through his Bloodline True Body within a short three-degree, it will not really hurt. His roots.

Just the skin peeling of the huge Bloodline True Body surface, some big flesh and blood a little bit of nothing more.

At most, it is a skin injury!

As for the three Universe monsters behind him, the two Human Race cultivation base strengths were originally stronger than the Arrows, but the Universe Realm middle stage.

Previously, the defensive Great Treasure resisted the erosion of the first three waves of tides.

The Arrowtail Tiger is completely from the very beginning with its own cultivation base, and the abundance of the Bloodline True Body, Qi and Blood, is firmly resisting!

Universe old blame really out of the ordinary, the hard life has resisted the tide of the previous four waves, and the four ten thousand years passed in its main body in just two short moments, and he could not let him fall on the spot.

But… it’s almost gone!

Today, the fifth wave is also the last wave of tides.

“Is there still? This…”

This time, even the Il Ze fire image of the Immortal Level is not calm, and the expression changes again. In the long flaming elephant trunk, almost all of the real flames are spurted out, and it is mad.

If it is not this kind of tidal wave that comes with some kind of imprisonment effect related to the power of Law of Time, he is so arrogant, he can only be stupid with firmly resist.

Not until the words fell, the fifth wave of tides, has been smashed from the body of the Lan Ze fire elephant.

He still didn’t hurt the roots, but it was huge on the huge Bloodline True Body of the huge thousand, but more flesh and blood began to melt. The original whole body was blue and shiny, but now, everywhere is full of potholes. The wound, the Divine Blood flowing in blue gold.

Behind him, the two old Human Race Universe geeks, the body shape has been smashed down, but after all, they have resisted, but it has obviously hurt the roots. It is estimated that the combat power has fallen. After returning, They have to wait for a thousand years to recover.

The most unbearable is the arrow-tailed tiger.

When the fifth wave of years was outdated, his fascinating Bloodline True Body, which had already exposed his bones and internal organs, began to collapse.

One piece of the organ fell from the abdomen, and as the tide of Golden became fossilized, one root was scattered and disintegrated. It also failed to resist the erosion of the Golden tide, turned into ashes, and finally dissipated!

In just a short while, the vastness of the Bloodline True Body has disappeared, and only one third or so of the bones are empty.

A universe old monster… just fall!

Simply is terrible Starry Sky!

This scene scared the other two Human Race’s Universe monsters. It is not easy to reach this level. Which one is not suffering for ten thousand years, has it achieved today’s status and achievements?

Usually, even Yu Yu is very cherished, and it is not easy to be in danger. But now, a Universe monster with the same level, but in just a few breaths, has already died on the spot.

Even if it shows a huge amount of Bloodline True Body, this level of abundance Qi and Blood, can not resist the fifth wave of tides, the entire Bloodline True Body only half a white bone … This simply shocked!

And although their two people finally bite their teeth, the five waves represent the golden tides of the ten thousand years, but they are now Qi and Blood decaying, the body is dry, the body is in a state of paralysis, afraid of the next The six-wave Goldenen tide has just arrived, and the first time is the footsteps of the arrow-tailed tiger.

In the same way, the two monsters of the Human Race are no longer worthy of the so-called face and prestige, and the physique is slightly shivering. The face is dumbstruck and whispers to the front of Void Ye Xuan…

“Little friends, misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding…”

“Don’t be impulsive, 10 million is not impulsive, the impulse is devil!”

The discourse has just been exported, and the two monsters of Human Race have felt shameful and embarrassed. They are red-faced. They are really reluctant to export, but they can’t control their mouths. At this moment of life and death, they tremble.巍巍 巍巍 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此

Until then, the countless Demon powerhouses inside and outside the Demon Sovereign 3-Star atmosphere had only slightly returned to their hearts, one by one, but the mouth was slowly closed, but the look on the face, but It’s weird.

The pupil light that casts on the back of Ye Xuan is even more complicated, and it is impossible to describe the meaning.

Monstrous talent !

Really monstrous talent!

With just a few short breaths, the three Universe grotesques were made like this, one directly killed Starry Sky, the other two also Qi and Blood decayed, the combat power was gone, the key is obvious that even Mind has collapsed. , actually trembled and began to export for mercy.

This is really…what is it?

“The two words are heavy. In addition, you may have more thoughts. In fact, the tide of the fifth wave of the past is already the limit. The sixth wave is really not coming out!”

At this moment, Ye Xuan’s heart is actually bleeding. He is telling the truth, but he has not said it. In fact, after the wave of the fifth wave of the previous wave, all the Goldens in the whole year Slime, which is completely weak, needs a long period of rest to recover.

The same is true of King Purple-Gold Slime, which includes the Heaven and Earth Realm cultivation base.

Although this attack has made a lot of achievements, it has killed a Universe, but the cost of Ye Xuan is not small. In the short term, it is completely abolished…

It is a pity that he does not say so well. When he says this, he is suspicious.

At least the two monster races of Human Race are obviously not believed at all. Ye Xuan’s words have just fallen, and they are more vigilant at the same time as they are sighing.

But the face did not dare to reveal, smoking his face and covering his face, yelling at Ye Xuan, a temperament to ease the atmosphere…

“Little friends are laughing, this… today’s business, it is a misunderstanding!”

“It is a good performance, it is better to take this warla away than a small friend. Let’s have something to say, what misunderstanding, you can sit down and talk slowly!”

While speaking, one of the universe’s grotesque fingers pointed at the years of Ye Xuan’s feet, and the fear of the face has not been dispersed, obviously taboo!

“Shut up! Throwing people’s eyes…”

The voice has just fallen, and Ye Xuan has not yet responded. The scream of Immortal’s old singer Shen Rong has roared, and a huge elephant symbol tightly locks Ye Xuan and his years of war. , sneer again and again: “little baby, isn’t there a sixth wave? Come on, true body, today, I have to look at it, can you blast this ten-year-old tide, even if there is one wave, true? Body must also love you!”

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