“The battle of the years… full force!”

Seeing the other side will be shot, Ye Xuan does not want to lose the opportunity, shout out loudly, he immediately looked at the Pole inside the Purple-Gold Slime issued instructions, launched full strength strike!

Within the core node of the central battlefield, the slime King of the Whole-Gold color is huge and full of three feet. When Ye Xuan’s cultivation base strength is weaker than it, it has never been disrespectful. Now, let alone say more.

With the instructions of Ye Xuan, Purple-Gold Slime did not hesitate, and immediately launched an action…


A very slight humming sound, a circle of invisible ripples spread out from its own body, immersed in the four walls of the core Hive node, and along the pipe connected to the outer wall, instantly passed to the years of war Among thousands of Hive nodes.

At this moment, the number of 10 million Golden Slime in all Hive nodes is all in shape, and the long golden Thread in the belly blooms, and then the golden glow is made.

These golden glows are actually the biological wave frequency of Golden Slime. If it is only one end, it will not be a climate, but the number of Golden Slime is more than one, and the 1-Layer layer gold curtains are superimposed on each other and gathered together.

Eventually, from pale gold to rich golden color, if it is spiritual, it rushes into the wall of the Hive node, and traces back along the outer wall of the pipe, in all directions, toward the core Hive node where Heaven and Earth Slime is located. Come in!

It’s all done in a fraction of a second, much faster than the previous one, and Ye Xuan’s mind is set, because it shows that the entire Golden Slime tribe’s Life level has improved.

At the moment, in the interior of the war, the number of 10 million Golden Slime golden glow masterpieces, outside the years of war, but there is no trace of traces.

In just half an instant, the rich golden glow gathered from thousands of Hive nodes all came together. After entering the core Hive node, this core Hive knot in the central area of ​​the ninth lap of the huge trumpet of the war. Point, it suddenly shines.

In an instant, the core Hive node with a diameter of three kilometers is completely transformed into a golden world. When it is suddenly bright, a wave of waves like the tide ripples spreads along the battle, and the huge bell mouth is positive. In front, a golden fan-shaped ripple is derived.

At the foot of Ye Xuan, who stands proudly on the edge of the Lakou, he quickly expands forward, like a tide of Golden, silently, forward… push away!

This is just the first wave of the years and the tide of nothing.

Years of tide, a thousand years of 10,000!

This point has already been verified in the previous two years of the war.

The first time I fired, the Star Lord Realm from the Second Universe Color Python Race survived the first two waves of the Golden Year, but in the end, it was still under the third wave of the incomplete Golden tide. .

Deformed, a Star Lord, but almost killed by Instant!

That scene, and now I think about it, it is called the countless Demon powerhouses that I have seen before.

At this point, seeing this daring, simply like Demon Sovereign, the demon of the Demon King, is not only a slap in the face, but also in the words and an Immortal.

And the other side violently drank an impudent, it seems that when he was disciplined, he actually grabbed the first opportunity and rushed to the other side to fully activate the years of war.

In less than a short moment, the first wave of Golden’s tidal wave has been silent, but it has been pushed forward with great speed.

This suddenly made the countless Demon powerhouse inside and outside the Demon Sovereign 3-Star Void cool.

Everything happened too fast, and they simply couldn’t let them have time to react. When they were shocked, Demon King, who was not afraid of fear, had already shot.

The situation changed so quickly that even the demons of the Demon Imperial Family, such as the contemporary Demon Sovereign Mo Wentian, were caught off guard. For a time, they were all stunned, their brains bang, and collective petrify!

“It turned out to be the power of Law of Time!”

With the emergence of the first wave of Goldenen tides, the speed of the rush was gone, and in the Void outside the hundred thousand, the four super monsters that came down were all slightly changed.

They had only heard of the Starry Sky great war of Demon Tribe, and they also knew the Golden War, so that they could issue the tide of the suspected Law of Time.

There was even a Star Lord blame, which was almost killed by Instant under the three waves of power.

But after all, I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, and Starry Sky Law of Time is the most mysterious one of the kind of Power of Law, not to mention the Immortal Realm of the ordinary, even in the Titled Immortal King, I have never heard of anyone. There is a real power to master the Starry Sky rule.

Therefore, for the tidal power of the Golden War, the four people actually have a kind of suspicion, and they are not fully convinced.

But now, when the tide of the first wave really appeared, the four people suddenly became shocked and issued a cry out in surprise. Even the Immortal blame, in front of the Starry Sky time Power of Law, did not dare to scorn their front. .

It is too late to retreat at this time. With the rapid approach of the first wave of tides, this corner of Void seems to have been banned by some sort of mysterious time force, they can only be firmly resist.

“Hey, what about the power of Law of Time? The level is high, but the power is still too weak…”

A coldly snorted came out, Shen Rong activated the Bloodline in the first time, and showed the main body. As the voice of the voice came out, the giant Lan Ze fire of a huge character was revealed in Void.

Among the three Universe monsters behind him, there is also one Alien Race, which also shows the main body at the moment, which is a giant tiger with a huge body.

The other two are obviously Human Race, can’t do anything about it to manifest the huge Bloodline itself, to enrich the turbulent power of the horrible Mortal Body Qi and Blood.

In desperation, the two can only wave their own defenses Magical Treasure, a yellow and a green glory rising from the brilliance, the two people’s body shape is fully covered and protected.

Although in their view, the strength of this tide is indeed weak, a wave of tides is only a decade of years of erosion of power, but after all, its level of power is high enough to scare, this is Starry Sky Law of The power of Time.

Plus, this is just the first wave of the tide more than that, and who can tell the tide, how many waves can the Golden War in front of it send?

At this moment, the Void has been temporarily banned by a mysterious time power. They can’t tear Void to avoid it. If there are five or six waves of tides coming in, it will be really troublesome.

Therefore, even if it is rainy, it must be treated with caution at the beginning!

“huā lā lā ……”

It was also at this time that the first wave of Goldenen tides rushed out of the huge ramen after only a short period of time, with a faint lingering sound, from the four super old On the strange figure, whizzing past…

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