Inside the Senior Elder Heavenly Cave on the ground floor of the Myriad Gathering Federation, it is said to be home to some of the true best of the Senior Elder, including the Desolate Ancient Supreme level.

These existences are the core high-level members of the Federation Senior Elder, and some of the hard-hitting desolate ancient creatures found in these years.

They accept the offerings and enjoy the natural resources provided by the Senior Elder House for free to restore their own inheritance. The Federation Senior Elder has no requirements for the existence of these terrifying, and even the future verbal promises have never been requested.

Because the seniors of the Senior Elder Institute understand that the existence of this level will not be easily blessed, but if this happens, then in the future when the Federation encounters a crisis of survival, they will be able to do so within their ability. Shot.

For the Federation Senior Elder, as long as these cultivation base terrifying Desolate Ancient Supreme or Desolate Ancient Almighty exists, even if it is only one shot, they will continue to be dedicated to the unlimited natural resource of ten thousand years. It’s already a big profit and it’s made!

After all, can it be worthwhile to have such a level of shots, and can it be a general ordinary crisis?

In fact, this time Myriad Gathering Federation did encounter the most serious crisis of existence in the years of ten thousand years. It can be said that since the establishment of the Federation, this level of crisis has never erupted!

Even so, the core executives of the Federation Senior Elder are still not planning to invite the few ten thousand years. They have been enjoying the Senior Elder hospital for many years, always sleeping in the Senior Elder Heavenly Cave. The existence of deep place.

The few existences, all in the distant past years, were all Desolate Ancient Supreme level powerhouses, but now the injury has not recovered.

In addition to the Desolate Ancient Supreme, which is not the cultivation base, the Senior Elder Heavenly Cave core inside the Federation Headquarters, Star Nucleus in some stars, still sleeps with more than ten Desolate Ancient Almighty, and dozens of Quasi-Desolate Ancient Almighty…

But this time, the seniors of the Senior Elder House did not intend to alarm them and go through this crisis!

I can even say that I have never thought about this problem!

It’s just the complete exit of Second Universe various clans. For Myriad Gathering Federation, this embarrassing situation is indeed unprecedented, but it is far from being able to endanger the entire life of the Federation!

However, the core seniors who have been born in the Federation Senior Elder have not been flustered by the Second Universe various clans who have completely rebelled against the Federation, but for this time again in the Origin of All Evil Star Territory, the divine might be angry. Only one doppelgänger was sent out, which made it easy to instantly destroy the entire universe of Second Universe, including the Heavenly Dao Azure Eye of the Sleepline Primordial Ancestor in the family Ancestral Land, but it was very jealous.

In response to this matter, the core executives of the Senior Elder Academy are gathering at the Central Executive Star of this Senior Elder Heavenly Cave for a consultation!

Full of Demon Star Territory Two-thirds of the vast Senior Elder Heavenly Cave, there are not many stars, Heavenly Cave deep place Within each star of the Star Nucleus, almost a deep sleep, a strong presence, at least Also all of Immortal Level.

In the outer circle of this artificial Starry Sky, there is a huge artificial life planet, the administrative center of the entire Senior Elder Heavenly Cave, called the Senior Elder star.

Senior Elder has a large number of diverse clans powerhouses that are loyal to Myriad Gathering Federation. In addition to the core executives, they are basically young younger generation Heaven’s Prouds. These younger generation Heaven’s Prouds are cultivated in the Senior Elder Star, just like the three major planes. The roads of the major tribes are generally given a high hope.

In fact, even the Myriad Gathering Federation’s courtyard courts, such as the Longhuai of the Federation Supervising Department, are not eligible to enter the underground Senior Elder Heavenly Cave.

From this, we can see how the status of the Federation direct descendant young younger generation who can live in the Senior Elder Heavenly Cave for a long time, how much natural resources and treatment they enjoy, how enviable.

At the top of the highest peak of the Giant Elder Star, it is the power hub of the entire Federation Senior Elder, called the Senior Elder Hall!

At this time, in the main hall of the Senior Elder Hall, nearly 100 Federation Senior Elders gathered together. The lowest of the cultivation base was the Domain Lord, which accounted for the most.

In the other half, half of them are World Lord grotesque, nearly 30 people.

Among the last twenty people, there are more than a dozen monsters in the Universe, and nearly ten in the Immortal old monster!

As for the Star Lord under the Domain Lord, it is only the ordinary Senior Elder of the Federation Senior Elder. It is more inhabited in the Senior Elder Heavenly Cave and enjoys the natural resource, but it does not enter the Senior Elder Hall. Qualifications!

The entire Senior Elder Hall is extremely spacious, and nearly one hundred Leader Lord Reals above the cultivation base of the Federation Senior Elder sit down from the bottom up.

The top row is the nine Immortal old monsters.

Among the nine Immortal grotesques, two of them are especially sublime, at the top, and the other seven Immortal geeks are clearly defined!

Immortal Realm is the second watershed of the starry sky powerhouse!

In the Starry Sky environment, the cultivator is extremely strict, and the Fifteenth Big Realm is the first watershed. When it comes to this, it is called Heaven and Earth Supreme Being.

After Heaven and Earth, Star Lord, Domain Lord, World Lord, and Universe Realm!

After Universe Realm, it is Immortal Realm!

Immortal Realm is the second watershed, because even the same Immortal Realm is divided into five different levels, which are related to the Starry Sky rule they understand. These five levels are ordinary Immortal, Titled Immortal Lord. ,Titled Immortal King,Titled Immortal Sovereign, and Titled Immortal Emperor !

At the moment, the seven Immortal old monsters sitting in the first row of the first row are all ordinary Immortal.

The two survivors in the first row are Titled Immortal King.

The two Titled Immortal Kings are so powerful that any one of them will be able to include all the other Federal Senior Elders of the seven ordinary Immortal…

Including the seven ordinary Immortal, the nine Immortal geeks sitting on the top of the great hall peak, all invisible, just a different color of ball of light.

But at the moment, among the top two energy balls of light, there is a voice of words, a Titled Immortal King, showing…

“About that Heavenly Eye, I have consulted a Desolate Ancient Supreme that Heavenly Cave deep place is sleeping, and I have some understanding!”

“The Heavenly Eye is really the Great Desolate Era’s Heavenly Dao Will, which can be called Heavenly Dao Azure Eye!”

“The Desolate Ancient battle of the year, Heavenly Dao Azure Eye, is the Commander of one side of the camp, and this camp is the winner of the fight!”

“My Senior Elder Heavenly Cave deep place is a group of Desolate Ancient Supreme and Supreme Being, both of which belong to the Heavenly Dao Azure Eye camp. As for the Void Giant Turtle that appeared in the Origin of All Evil Star Territory, it is the hostile camp. One of the few peak warriors…”

“And for a hundred years, those desolate ancient creatures that have been sleeping for endless years are frequently born. This is a trance, Great Desolate that has long been annihilated in the endless years of history. It is coming!”

“In the new era, Heavenly Machine Race can only be a joke, maybe Myriad Gathering Federation will not exist, but my Senior Elder Heavenly Cave will not collapse!”

“At this time, the team is very important…”

“Go, send an Immortal and bring the Linghu monstrous talent to us as a dedication to the Commander of our Gods!”

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