


The entire piece of Origin of All Evil Star Territory has been stunned by the violent and whistling sounds of dozens of Second Universe, including the Second Universe, which is in solidarity with the Great Roc. One kind of tough statement!

It is the threat of red fruit!

The two camps of Human Race and the top of the Myriad Gathering Federation Senior Elder were asked to leave the Star Territory immediately. After that, everyone is still an ally. Otherwise, they will part ways in the future and turn against the enemy today!

The atmosphere, the moment of depression and boring to the extreme!

The whole piece of the vast Star Territory, half of the whistling and violent heaven-shaking, aura swaying high, the other half, completely immersed in silence!

Some of the Super Old Monsters who are not part of the two opposing camps are still crouching, they are waiting, and how to follow up will be determined by the changes in the big situation.

As for the two camps of Human Race and the Super Old Monsters representing the Federation Senior Elder, they are caught in a trade-off and hesitation.

Second Universe various clans’s attitude is tough, and this morning has been put on the table, there is no room for negotiation, the interests represented by Nether Furnace, they will not give up!

If the two races of Third Universe’s Human Race and the Federation Senior Elder are desperate, the final result can be foreseen. Today, Second Universe various clans will definitely withdraw from Myriad Gathering Federation and even turn against it.

By then, the entire Myriad Gathering Federation is only a member of Human Race, can it be called Federation?

Even if it still exists, it will basically wait until the name is dead!

After the fruit is too serious, it is related to the survival of the Myriad Gathering Federation. This matter, even the senior Elders of the Senior Elder, who came to the palace, did not dare to deal with it lightly.

After a brief silence, several Super geeks from the Federation Senior Elder Court seemed to have reached a consensus and sent Gong San as a representative to speak again.

This time, Gong San did not directly talk to Second Universe various clans. Although he did not name his name, everyone knows that his words are directed to the two camps of Third Universe Human Race: “Tiangong, Imperial Dynasty, things.” The death of my federation, and the interests of this Nether Furnace, is indeed closely related to Second Universe various clans…”

“You were all allies, because they were together because of the same goal, they have today’s Myriad Gathering Federation!”

“It is normal to have a point, and this is not a mitigation of mutual concessions. The meaning of Senior Elder is… Since all are allies, you can sit down and solve the problem internally. Senior Elder is willing to be a witness. You have reached a final consensus on this matter!”

This is clearly the meaning of making concessions. Although the Super Old Monsters of the Federation Senior Elder are not afraid of their own feelings, they even feel a little wrong, but the attitude of Second Universe various clans is so strong, which is related to the survival of the entire Myriad Gathering Federation. They also have to be cautious!

Unfortunately, both the two camps of the Third Universe Human Race and the Second Universe various clans seem to be unappreciative!

Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace When even one Superverse Super Super Monster stated: “There is no possibility of discussion, Nether Furnace is not the Nether Furnace of Second Universe various clans, it does not belong to any tribe and power!”

“Not bad, since Second Universe various clans know they are members of the Federation, they should be more interested!”

In the Immortal Dynasty camp, a Universe-class geek from the Ancient Elder Pavilion sneered: “Nether Furnace transports Myriad Evils Source Liquid’s upper Myriad Dao striated chain, and nearly a quarter of it is a Second Universe. Various clans of Ancestral Land, this has been confirmed, is the result of my Imperial Dynasty State Teacher Emperor Two with a big divine ability…”

“Second Universe various clans occupy nearly a quarter of the natural resource supply of Nether Furnace. I don’t know how many years have passed, but I’m always squatting at my Human Race camp, taking advantage of the Federation Headquarters…”

“We can ignore this matter, but since everything is now out of the water, why not let my Human Race compete for this benefit? It is a habit to get the benefits of Nether Furnace earlier by your Second Universe various clans. Are you? Or are you…Second Universe various clans, who think that Strong is strong enough to see the entire Third Universe Human Race and Myriad Gathering Federation?”



The Universe-level Ancient Elder from Immortal Dynasty is sharp and powerful, and its sound is still untouched. In the opposite Second Universe various clans camp, there is already a path of roar and screaming. .

“Human Race, really the whole Three Great Universe plane, is it that you are a big family?”

“Heavenly Machine Race, the family migration, you Human Race, is this to be replaced by the public enemy of the three major planes? The top-level tops of the two camps are at the same time, so it is clear that I want to take my Second Universe Is the rhane rhythm of clans?

“Myriad Gathering Federation is really not going to work. Human Race’s ambitions are clear, and it’s worth fighting. The battle between the two planes is inevitable today. Unfortunately, Myriad Gathering Federation…”

“Nothing a pity! The beginning of the Federation was to slash the Heavenly Machine Race, but now the Heavenly Machine Race has been escaping the world. Even if it will come to the world again in the future, I am afraid that it will be a matter of ten thousand years. Prior to this, any tribe had the opportunity to replace it and become the most powerful hegemon of the Three Great Universe plane!”

“Obviously, Human Race is ready to move. Today’s statement is a testimony, and ambition has sprouted…”

As the roar and sarcasm sounded, the entire Origin of All Evil Star Territory fell into sorrow again!

Second Universe Federation various clans Super grotesque whistling, demonstrations, Human Race two camps and some top-level forces, idle sect Super grotesque, angry and arrogant.

Some desolate ancient creatures descendants who are not part of the two camps’ disparity and loneliness level are wisely kept silent, paying close attention to the development of the situation, being alert and watching!

Only the Super Old Monsters from the Myriad Gathering Federation Senior Elder House were caught in a deep embarrassment…

Whether it is the two camps of Immortal Dynasty and Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace from Third Universe Human Race, or the Federation various clans from Second Universe, this time, they did not give them face.

Previously, Miyako represented a number of Super geeks from the Federation Senior Elder, and hoped that the internal peace talks would have been a one-of-a-kind concession made by the Federation.

Unexpectedly, the final result was so unbearable, the Federation Senior Elder House made a concession in the public, but neither the Human Race nor the Second Universe various clans, they did not take the same thing, completely ignoring their existence!

Myriad Gathering Federation, as if it was completely isolated!

All the members inside, did not regard it as a thing, and ignoring it!

For this matter, for several Super geeks from the Federation Senior Elder, simply is the red fruit fruit in public, too humiliating!


“Human Race, Second Universe various clans, are you ignoring Federation and provoking the Senior Elder Court?”

The whistling sound of the sky, this time, led the Palace Immortal Level Senior Elder, who was rushed to the palace and other people, and screamed out…

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