This video was automatically recorded by the Devouring System with the body when Ye Xuan was in Nether Furnace, and everything that Ye Xuan saw at the time was completely recorded.

This includes the Treasure Body of the Desolate Ancient Supreme and Desolate Ancient Almighty, which were hunted by the Nether Furnace and thrown into the oven, including the sight of the mysterious Void outside the Nether Furnace…

In other words, this video affects not only the Nether Furnace, but also the case of the mysterious Void that Nether Furnace traveled to.

The situation in a path of void crack is reflected in the video image.

If not, Demon Sovereign Mo Wentian is not so dumbstruck!

You know, this time, what he saw was a mysterious unknown universe plane filled with countless void cracks, all of which were fallen or dead, or seriously fallen dead wills of powerful ancient creatures, or Waiting for a wounded body…

This image, in the Three Great Universe plane, has never been seen before.

Through it, all the starry sky powerhouses and ordinary people of the Three Great Universe plane will realize the fact that there must be a lot of similar mysterious planes besides the three Great Universe planes known today. Void, the crouching inside, or the remaining… all are the remains and wounds of some powerful desolate ancient creatures that existed in the legend!

And the terrifying Nether Furnace of First Universe Origin of All Evil deep place, clearly found one of them, has completed a hunting there, got a lot of Desolate Ancient Almighty and even Desolate Ancient Supreme’s Willesure Body!

“This… this is too big, what does Nether Furnace want to do? All the raw materials are the Treasure Body, which exists above the Immortal Level. It is to be ground and crushed with the huge grinding disc in the furnace. Something?”

Spiritual Force quits from Jade, Demon Sovereign Mo Wentian looks at Dubstruck and looks at Ye Xuan. The voices are a little trembling: “Things made from this level of flesh and blood…not to mention Immortal Level, that is, the existence of beyond the Immortal Level is also crazy, this is to lead to the rhythm of the three planes!”

“That is not chaotic, it has nothing to do with us!”

Ye Xuan threw a video again, it was Nether Furnace who broke the images of the striated chain in the Origin of All Evil Star Territory.

Then he said, “Hurry and spread the two videos out. At the same time, the stylized chain that extends from the lower side of the outer wall of the Nether Furnace is connected to an unknown Void. The product refined in the furnace is called Myriad Evils Source. Liquid, will be delivered through this part of the chain…”

“oh, right, Myriad Evils Source Liquid is the final product of Nether Furnace and has a strong effect on the World Lord, Universe, Immortal Level, and even Desolate Ancient Almighty and Desolate Ancient Supreme levels, with the best recovery effect. It can improve the evolution of Life level, which is the top-level natural resource!”


As the chief servant tribe of Heavenly Machine Race, Demon is even more important to scout. The intelligence in terms of intelligence is naturally beyond doubt.

They have a lot of secret paths, some even from the Federation Tribe of Second Universe, and some of the powerful forces of the Third Universe Human Race camp.

This is normal. Demon’s penetration is still very strong. It has the same appearance as the Human Race. After infiltrating into some tribes and forces, it crouched down and slowly developed. This is a line.

With this kind of accumulation means, just the two video images that Ye Xuan took out were quietly and uninterrupted, and this simply is a piece of cake.

In just half a day, the two video images were spread throughout the Three Great Universe, attracting major tribes and top-level forces.

As Ye Xuan speculated, as soon as the two video images spread, there were some conspiracy the fellows who expressed their concern that the behind-the-scenes of the two video images were recorded and sent out. The tragedy that happened not long ago at the Origin of All Evil Star Territory will happen again!

Even so, the big tribes and top-level forces still have the action in the first place.

On the side of First Universe, the tribe of the unnamed Alliance, such as Demon and Space Rat, Hell Ant, Fierce Giant Race, has already received notice from Ye Xuan and is not planning to participate.

The other First Universe servant tribe, basically no one has to take care of it, the crisis of tribe survival has become closer and closer, who has the mind to toss those?

Third Universe , Human Race Cultivation Camp Top Absolute Heaven Palace ‘s First Palace Absolute Heaven Palace !

In the first time when these two videos spread, Absolute Heaven Palace sounded a high-pitched, loud roar sound. Several Dao shades waved and towed Void, and stepped in, and the figure disappeared instantly.

Among them, even a faint blood color Giant Dragon is faintly visible.

Almost at the same time, still in the Culture Camp Territory, which is in the hands of Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace, in a relatively remote Galaxy Void, a black Undying Dark Phoenix is ​​spurred from an abandoned star, soaring to The heavens, the huge black phoenix wings, a Black Hole-like vortex in the Void above the figure, and Undying Dark Phoenix plunged into it…

In the same or similar scene, there are dozens of areas in the Territory of Human Race Cultivation Camp, including Absolute Earth Palace and Absolute Human Palace under Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace, and some not belonging to Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace. The other sects of Ancestral Land.

These sensational base strengths are at the World Lord level, and there are more Universe and Immortal Levels. They are definitely the dominant ones, but now they are flocking…

Still the Third Universe, Human Race Immortal Star of Human Race Technology Camp Immortal Dynasty!

State Teacher Hall in the outer city area of ​​Immortal Emperor City, to be precise, is actually the underground of State Teacher Hall! ,

Shown in front of you is a huge underground hall!

The hall is vast, no matter which direction you look at, you can’t see the end of the line. In addition, although it is underground, when looking up, the bluestone dome of this vast underground hall is at least above the height of 10,000 meters.

Underground space of this size is not a small project, and it is less likely to appear underground in the city of Immortal Emperor. Therefore, this underground hall should be built using space folding technology. Here is the State Teacher Emperor Two. The secret base in Immortal Emperor City.

The hall was originally empty, nothing, but at this moment, because the place is too wide, there is no way to distinguish the position of the hall somewhere, with a cyan glow flashing, the original empty hall floor, blink of an eye There was a high platform, square and square, with a long distance of around meters.


The faint sound of breaking through the air, followed by a faint serene glow flashing, an old man’s figure appeared on the high platform, the State Teacher Emperor Two of Immortal Dynasty.

As soon as the figure appeared, Emperor Two waved gently toward the vast Void in front, with no sadness on his face, but mutter to oneself in his mouth…

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