After the last unexpected evolution, today’s Nether Furnace has already given out the Tool Spirit. Since then, it has been able to unload the fringe chain on the wall, and it is necessary to return to the Origin of All Evil Star Territory deep. After the place, it is also possible to autonomously reconnect the chains that have been temporarily unloaded to the furnace wall.

So, to make Nether Furnace unable to deliver the condensed Myriad Evils Source Liquid through the striated chain, it’s not easy!

Just cut off those streak chains, fearing that there is no effect at all.

After exhausting my mind and strength, people can easily pick it up again… If that’s the case, it is estimated that Ye Xuan must be crazy!

The best way is to completely destroy those streak chains!

Of course, to destroy, only half of the striated chain used to transport the Nether Furnace product Myriad Evils Source Liquid can be destroyed.

As for the other half, it is necessary to keep from the nearly 10,000 chain of chains that have been locked by the Heavenly Dao Azure Eye and constructed a stable passage for conveying the raw and raw materials to the Nether Furnace.

Ye Xuan wants only the condensed Myriad Evils Source Liquid to be transported, rather than the flesh and blood materials used to condense Myriad Evils Source Liquid.

As long as the product of Nether Furnace can’t be transported, all the Myriad Evils Source Liquid it has condensed will be kept inside Nether Furnace. Once the time is ripe, the headless infant corpse activates him in the blood of Ye Xuan. The added dark material will be taken from Nether Furnace. After being refining by Ye Xuan, all Myriad Evils Source Liquid stored in Nether Furnace will fall into the pocket of Ye Xuan…

Just thinking about it, it’s exciting.

However, to destroy all the fringe chains that transport Myriad Evils Source Liquid, it is obviously impossible to do it with Ye Xuan itself, not the Strong.

Even if there is, he can’t take it himself.

Nether Furnace has returned to the Origin of All Evil Star Territory, and there is even a chance that there is a glimpse of Heavenly Dao Azure Eye’s sneak peek. Once Ye Xuan appears, it is no different than exposure, and will be Heavenly. Dao Azure Eye is locked!

This thing can only be a fake hand, and it is murder a person with a borrowed knife!

Ye Xuan frowns indulged, and soon there was a general idea, grinning…


After leaving Nether Furnace for a while, Ye Xuan took a desolate Ancient creatures flesh and blood Treasure Body from the bottom of the central volcano in the inner space of Shennong Cauldron.

And directly took a look at the Shennong four-color flame cover, and began to refine the hands of the refining method according to the method of flesh and blood Great Medicine.

Sure enough, this time headless infant corpse no response!

These quasi-Desolate Ancient Almighty and its following stretch ancient creatures, in the Desolate Ancient era of the year, even if they saw the Desolate Ancient Inheritance Tower passing over the battlefield Void, they did not qualify for a break with the Strength. The Spiritual Sense source is injected into it.

Therefore, in the eyes of the headless infant corpse, their testament Treasure Body is simply worthless.

Of course, it is different for Ye Xuan, the same is top-level flesh and blood natural resource!

Now he uses the Shennong four-color flame to refine the Treasure Body of the Desolate Ancient Almighty level, which is just the initial link.

In order to refine ten 6th level liquids in this way, according to the results of Ye Xuan’s Devouring System, after completing this initial refining, you have to add various other Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures with minerals, natural. Resource ……

But that is the follow-up, and now Ye Xuan has not yet mastered the initial tempering of this first step. Naturally, it will not easily waste the natural resource. After all, it can be used to add various Heavenly Materials and Earthly to refine ten 6th level liquids. Treasures, all of them are extremely rare things, even Ye Xuan, not much!

With the burning of the four-color flame of Shennong, the desolate Ancient Almighty level’s desolate ancient creatures flesh and blood Treasure Body was quickly removed from the feathers, flesh and blood, golden, oil spilled, and more thorough. The fragrance is fragrant.

This is a nine-headed bird, the shape of the nine thousand zhang, extremely large, but now after being smashed by Shennong four-color flame, the body has been reduced to six thousand zhang.

If you just roast it, you can now gorge oneself. After all, it is the remains of Desolate Ancient Almighty. Even if it has been falling for a long time, the energy left in its flesh and blood is still extremely amazing. It is Ye Xuan who often eats this kind of Baoxuebao meat, simmered in the belly, and almost never tasted this delicious!

Previously, he was the toast of the Star Lord Realm and the World Lord Realm desolate ancient creatures. The Treasure Body that’s all, the treasure of the Quasi-Desolate Ancient Almighty level, was only once more than the time, just from the space mouse. The Treasure Body of the Purple-Gold Void rat obtained from the family Ancestral Land.

Ye Xuan once licked a large piece of rat meat!

Now, as the nine-headed bird is thoroughly roasted by the Shennong four-color flame to the golden color, the seductive scent is opened by his body in the body, and Ye Xuan’s mouth is not ready to move. , full mouth Shengjin.

But he was crushed by his life, because his purpose this time was not to cook more than the belly, but to smelt flesh and blood Great Medicine.

In order to refine the 10 6th level and even the higher level gene fluid in the way of flesh and blood Great Medicine, the initial step of the first step is to prepare the prepared blood meat. Thoroughly turned into a degree of flesh and blood pulp!

Although the Treasure Body, the remains of the nine-headed bird, has been completely cooked, the extent of its radicalization into flesh and blood is still far behind.

Just wrap your belly, you can eat it now, but if you want to use it to smelt flesh and blood Great Medicine, you can only say that you just started nothing more!

After forcibly suppressing the strong appetite of his heart, Ye Xuan adjusted his mood, and he was somewhat instigated, and soon he calmed down again.

Then he took a deep breath, increased the investment in Shennong’s four-color flame, and in the control, but also strive to be small.

This process is critical. If you accidentally fail, you will either burn the flesh and blood Treasure Body of this precious nine-headed bird directly, or you will not be able to completely melt the Treasure Body. Blood treasure meat pulp requirements!

Time passed slowly, and Ye Xuan condensed the Shennong four-color flame, and the whole body and mind were immersed in the refining of the nine-headed flesh and blood Treasure Body.

Slowly, because of the power of Shennong’s four-color flame, it shrank to a volume of only six thousand and zhang, and it began to shrink again.

Five thousand five hundred zhang!

Five thousandd zhang ……

In the process, the rich fragrance from the smaller and smaller nine-headed flesh and blood Treasure Body is also more intense.

Although Ye Xuan is hiding in the mountainside of the central volcano, the scent is transmitted through the vast volcano mouth. The whole vast within the cauldron space has already been scented.

This unprecedented scent has an unparalleled fatal appeal to the indigenous Vicious Beasts that lie in the mountain range around the volcano in the central area. The millions of heads of food are all without exception, all flocking…

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