
What is the situation?

Ye Xuan stunned on the spot, and it felt a bit messy in his mind. After a few moments, it was faintly understood!

If he didn’t make a mistake, he was preparing to use the refining hand, and the Silver Dragon of flesh and blood Great Medicine was made with four-color Shennong flame. It should be the desolate ancient creatures of the camp of the headless infant corpse.

Although the Silver Dragon has fallen, in the eyes of the headless infant corpse, even if it is only its testament Treasure Body, it can not be treated like this.

Although this is a little bit sensational, it is not difficult to understand, Ye Xuan agrees with this!

Since the Silver Dragon can’t, then it’s a change to the Treasure Body. It’s impossible to have more than 500 recipes of the desolate body of the desolate ancient creatures. In the Battle of Desolate Ancient, it was all headless infant corpse. A camp?

Depressed, Ye Xuan put Silver Dragon’s Willesure Body back, and got another Black Beetle Kirin out, still the Desolate Ancient Almighty-class testament Treasure Body, and tried to pull a glimpse of Shennong’s four-color flame.

This time, the headless infant corpse did not scream again, but Ye Xuan’s chest was still hot, with a warning.

Got it, still can’t, it is estimated that this Black Beetle Kirin was also his own camp in the same year, this is also very good luck, just pick two ends is two.

Under the sorrow, Ye Xuan could only send half of this Black Beetle Kirin back, and then made another Desolate Ancient Almighty’s testament Treasure Body… The result is still not good.

I will endure!

At this time, Ye Xuan was quite anxious, but it did not happen, but continued to test again…

After thirteen consecutive times, all the same results, Ye Xuan finally violently, roaring like a thunder in the same place: “Deliberate! You are absolutely deliberate, this Young Lord does not believe, today’s luck can have this Ok? Thirteen in the middle of the game? Don’t be so obvious?”

Thirteen times in a row, all were warned, and now Ye Xuan has determined that he has been played by the headless infant corpse, and his heart is getting stronger.

There are also some unkind words in the discourse: “Even if this Young Lord is so lucky, he won the bid, and the thirteen testament Treasure Body was indeed the battle of his own camp, but what about it? The situation is now The Young Lord has been pulled down by you, have to grow up as soon as possible?”

“These fellows have fallen into endless years, and the testament Treasure Body is also a kind of natural resource. Why can’t you use it yourself? Don’t be too pedantic…”

Say, Ye Xuan is going to take advantage of this anger, first cook the raw rice and say that this kind of thing may be a heart-shaped nothing more in the headless infant corpse, just like the little Young Lady. The first twist and pinch, but with the first time, it doesn’t matter!

Think of it this way, Ye Xuan didn’t use Desolate Ancient Almighty this time, and pulled it directly from the thirteen Treassure Body of the Desolate Ancient Supreme level. He appeared in the mountainside of the cauldron space central volcano. In the meantime, prepare to take a look at the Shennong four-color flame and start the refinery of the flesh and blood Great Medicine…


At this moment, Ye Xuan’s left chest was once again hot, and a screaming sound that was not very high was suddenly sounded, still with a strong warning and guardianship.

“Rely! You are still coming, isn’t it? This Young Lord doesn’t believe it. I haven’t discussed it today. I have the ability to do this Young Lord!”

Ye Xuan was mad and was repeatedly warned by the headless infant corpse. He was also angered by this anger. This time, he was eager to consume the Desolate Ancient Supreme’s Willesure Body, even if it was just this. And the headless infant corpse turned his face.

It is best to be able to force the other side away, so that instead of a knot, at least no longer need to be forced into the final battle with Heavenly Dao Azure Eye for the future, and obviously worried and sick at heart!

It seems that Ye Xuan’s determination is felt, and a headless infant corpse after a whistling sound, even if it is silent, even the hot meaning of Ye Xuan’s left chest disappears.

Just as Ye Xuan thought that the other party had made concessions under his own tough attitude, in his mind, there was a cicada at this moment…

At this moment, Ye Xuan felt a little panic, thinking that the headless infant corpse had to shoot him in anger, but soon he found out that he had misunderstood, because the message was heard because there was a message. Passed in, this is obviously the handiwork of the headless infant corpse.

It is in this way, communicating with Ye Xuan and blocking it from the reasons for Ye Xuan moving these dessert ancient creatures to the Treasure Body.

This information has images and some sly marks, which Ye Xuan doesn’t know, but the strange thing is that when his Divine Consciousness touches these patterns, he immediately realizes the meaning of each pattern.

These patterns are obviously one level of higher expression, and Ye Xuan has never even heard of it.

With this information and images, Ye Xuan finally understood why the headless infant corpse stopped himself.

The images contained in the information are all related to the Desolate Ancient Inheritance Tower. Ye Xuan recognized it at a glance. After all, the tower has been refining, but now it has gone to the inside of the Devouring Treasure Body to go to nothing more.

Headless infant corpse prevented Ye Xuan from starting with the Desolate Ancient Almighty and Desolate Ancient Supreme’s testament Treasure Body because through the Desolate Ancient Inheritance Tower, the top-level above these Desolate Ancient Almighty levels Possible.

Of course, just Desolate Ancient Almighty and Desolate Ancient Supreme nothing more, even the Quasi-Desolate Ancient Almighty, there is absolutely no such opportunity, those Universe-level, Immortal Level’s desolate ancient creatures, even more impossible.

The reason is also very simple. If Shennong Cauldron and Nether Furnace are both Desolate Ancient Supreme Treasures, they belong to the era of the age level. Even in the Great Desolate period, they were all top-level treasures. Then, Desolate Ancient Inheritance Tower is even more powerful.

Nether Furnace is a hand-made refinement of Heavenly Dao Azure Eye, while Shennong Cauldron is a refinery of the Desolate Ancient Supreme in the camp of the headless infant corpse in the refiner.

But after all, it is the thing of the day after tomorrow.

The Desolate Ancient Inheritance Tower, but Innate treasure, is also the Desolate Ancient Supreme Treasure. The difference between the day after tomorrow and Innate, simply is like a world apart, there is no comparable!

When the fight was in full swing, the Desolate Ancient Inheritance Tower was born and swam over the Void Battlefield in the Battle of the World Wars. All the above-mentioned Desolate Ancient Almighty level can be separated into a Spiritual Sense source. Desolate Ancient Inheritance Tower, regardless of camp!

No one knows where this Desolate Ancient Inheritance Tower came from, but it instantly understands its meaning. After the original Spiritual Sense is handed over, it will be saved by the Desolate Ancient Inheritance Tower, even if it falls in this fight, there is this As soon as the source of Spiritual Sense exists, there will be a resurrection in the future to live the second world.

Just like the seven Desolate Ancients such as Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon, the role of the Spiritual Sense in Desire Smoke Net is the same, and now, Drought Demon and Hou Qing, have lived the second world…

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