
The sound of breaking sounds from the end of Void in the distance!

A black serene glow, unfolding the speed of dumbstruck, is coming from here.

As soon as I approached, the sharp and piercing sound of the air, there was even a kind of trembling sound with a clear sense of joy… Heavenly Demon Blade sensed the Heavenly Demon Body in front, it was also glad and cheered .

“Heavens, what is that?”

“A sword, a fierce demon aura, this is definitely a top-notch Demon Blade…”

“Great Treasure! The Great Treasure is born!”

“Block it, stop it immediately…”

On the way to the Heavenly Demon Blade, a large fortress of 10 meters diameter is sailing in Starry Sky from the far-away Void in front of Tuobo Linfeng, which is about two 10,000 million.

This Starry Sky Fortress belongs to an expedition team!

In the Universe Galaxy, the biggest courage besides the Interstellar pirate is the Interstellar explorer. In the face of the treasures and treasures in Starry Sky, all the Interstellar explorers are almost all crazy, just like the hungry wolf with bloody eyes. general.

If you encounter it, you will not let it go easily. Even if you risk your life, you will try your best!

The radiant Heavenly Demon Blade has caught the attention of this Interstellar expedition. From this 10,000 meters, there is a lot of cry out in surprise and cheers.

Exploring treasures in the vast Galaxy, they often don’t have any gains over the years. In fact, even if they are harvested, they will never encounter this level of Great Treasure.

But now, the Great Treasure has fallen from the sky, and it is actually looking for the door. Looking at the situation, this black Demon Blade should have just emerged from a certain area, and now there is no owner, and it is aiming at Void.

The Interstellar Discovery Group’s powerhouses are so excited that they feel so lucky that the unprecedented creations are like pies falling from the sky.

In the noisy shouts, 10,000 meters changed the course in the first time. The thorns smashed in the past and wanted to intercept the front, blocking the path of the newly born Supreme Blade and trapping it in Void. In, then think of ways to collect.

Of course, although they are excited, but the necessary caution has not been forgotten, 10,000 meters for the first time opened the energy defensive hood, the entire huge hull surface, surrounded by a circle of yellow faint energy layer.


After the two interest rates, the eternal blaze came, 10,000 meters trembled a little, the gun fired and fired an energy net cannon.

This kind of energy net gun is a patent of a specially modified naval gun. Generally, there are few ordinary battleships. The purpose and function of it is to shoot the energy light column of the naval gun and form an energy light net to capture in the universe void. Vicious Beast or other prey.

For now, for this Interstellar expedition, their prey is such a black Demon Blade with a spur of extreme speed!

The distance between the two sides was close, and the speed of the Heavenly Demon Blade was almost at its peak. Therefore, the energy net gun was just shot, and it ran into the rushing Heavenly Demon Blade.

“chì lá !”

The sound of clear cracks sounded, the energy light net blasted by 10,000 meters was not even supported for a short time, and was instantly opened, but the spurt of Heavenly Demon Blade was never blocked. Still, a look at the 10,000 meters.


“Too Sharpness, what is this murderer?”

“it’s over, careless…”

“hōng lóng lóng !”


Seeing this scene, the Interstellar Explorer in the 10,000 meters big castle was dumbstruck cry out in surprise, but wanted to escape, but the words of their mouths were not finished, and the huge roaring sound had already rang through the Void and then raged.

This time, the Heavenly Demon Blade, which was launched at the extreme speed, finally stopped the spurt and did not go forward, but it was not blocked by the 10,000 meters but actively stopped. The footsteps.

10,000 meters has been cut into two, but it has not exploded!

Surprisingly, in the 10,000 meters big castle, which is split in half, even a starry sky powerhouse has not escaped. It is reasonable to say that since the Battleship has not exploded, even if the 10,000 meters is opened, there will definitely be a lot of Survivor’s.

But in fact it is not the case!

Soon, the entire 10,000 meters, which was cut into two, was like the decay of the years, gradually weathering and dying, along with its energy, starry sky powerhouse, all the same…


A black serene glow rushes out of the 10,000 meters and makes a scream of joy, the Heavenly Demon Blade.

After absorbing the whole gold and iron essence of 10,000 meters and a lot of flesh and blood essence of starry sky powerhouse, the damage degree of Heavenly Demon Blade is obviously weakly repaired, but the blade is still covered with flaws. Obviously, it takes a long time to fully recover.

“huā lā lā ……”

With the sound of a sharp whistling sound, the entire 10,000 meters, which was cut into two, collapsed completely. It was not a large block of disintegration, but like a sand sculpture, it collapsed into dust and was used by the Universe. When the hurricane blows, it is vanished like smoke!

Heavenly Demon Blade is worthy of the Supreme Treasure in the Foreign Territory Heavenly Demon world. A 10,000 meters big castle, together with all the energy in it, the flesh and blood of the starry sky powerhouse, was completely absorbed by it. It’s just a complete ruin. When the wind blows, it turns into gray…

This scene just happened to be able to reach the front, and now the zombie emperor Tuobo Linfeng, who is floating in Void not far away, saw him stunned and surprised.

“It can absorb the essence of Gengjin in the metal, but also absorb the pure energy, and absorb the essence and vitality of flesh and blood…”

“Sure enough, I don’t care about the Supreme Treasure in the Foreign Territory Heavenly Demon world. Simply and the Heavenly Demon Body that can be freely converted between any form, there is no contradiction!”


Looking up and laughing, Tuobo Linfeng’s severe light flashed abruptly, his body swayed, and he raised his hand to look at the black Demon Blade.

Demon Blade was originally of the size of thousand zhang, but now it is extremely obedient. With the hands raised by Tuobo Linfeng, the thousand zhang blade body shrinks by itself, and the eye is turned into a close-up Demon Blade, by Tuobo Linfeng. Hold it in your hand.

Even if it has been reduced to a close, it still surpasses the height of the human type Tuobo Linfeng, and it is still a lot higher. At this time, the right hand is like holding a door panel, although it is weird, but Domineering unparalleled.


Under the ecstasy of the face, Linfeng holds the Heavenly Demon Blade in his hand and looks at the distant Void.

“chì lá ……”

The sound of clear cracks came to the fore, and Void was easily pulled out of a crack around the thousand zhang…

“Hahaha… It really is a treasure blade. This Imperial Capital has not been able to save power. Its own power has already been the case. There is no such thing as a murderer in the hand, and this king is like a tiger!”

Looking up and laughing, Tuobo Linfeng turned to the left and Pupil light flew to the far side of Void: “If you remember correctly, that direction seems to have a Human Race star being mining…”

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