In the face of this abuse, especially the psychological humiliation and torture, Sha Baofeng soon couldn’t help, and the huge but scarred Mechanical Blade Mantis jumped thousands of miles away, and then yelled at Ye Xuan. Not yet chased, even if it started to change again.

Mechanical Blade Mantis’s alloy giants stretched and contracted at a rate visible to the naked eye, and the difference between the numbers and the small fortress was restored, and it continues.

At the end of the day, it was reduced to a diameter of only about two kilometers. The internal space was compressed, leaving only a place in the central area for the Demon powerhouse with the body.

The other parts are all compact and super-strong alloy hulls. Although the surface is already riddled with holes, many areas are concave and look extremely unbearable. But the resistance is not enough, even the Mechanical Demon. The Insect’s appendix hammer is smashed on top, and there won’t be a large sag or a crack in the hull.

It is like a small hollow ball that has evolved into a small solid ball.

This trick, Sha Baofeng is still stealing from Ye Xuan. Before the Third Universe Heavenly Battle Star Territory, the Tyrant Star Ship faced the pressure of Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, which was firmly resisted by this means. one strike!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan inside Mechanical Demon Insect first stunned and then grinned: “The name of Sha, according to the Young Lord, you better change your surname, stealing the word is more appropriate, Of course, the 驴 character is also not bad, actually using the tricks from my school to steal the school and the Young Lord great war, saying that you are stupid like a scorpion, it is a kind of insult to swearing…”

In the sneer, Mechanical Demon Insect not only did not chase, but stopped in the original Void, and then again the voice of Ye Xuan’s words: “I really thought you changed into this kind of solid big ball, this Young Lord Can you take something about it?”

“It’s stupid!”

“I don’t want to think about it. This move is what the Young Lord came up with. It has been used in the battle before. It must be known to you. And as an opponent who also has this mechanical fusion ability, it is very likely that Will follow suit.”

“In this case, how can this Young Lord not consider the countermeasures?”

“This time rare enemies on a narrow road. Once again, this Young Lord will ask you to see what is called a real mechanical change…”

“hōng lóng lóng !”

“kǎ chā kǎ chā ……”

As Ye Xuan’s words fell, the huge Mechanical Demon Insect within the body re-emerged the sound of mechanical operation, densely packed, and the movement was even worse than before.

Its shape is changing rapidly, and the extended legs and shackles are all retracted, and even the pair of black Death Rays on the Demon Insect’s back are gone.

It seems to be going back to the Aerospace Fortress, but it is not.

In less than a minute, the Mechanical Demon Insect changed into an almost circular shape, but it was not Aerospace Fortress, but a huge alloy Skeleton head, screaming open and wide, revealing the inside. A deep and dark, it makes people feel horrible!

All of this was completed in a short period of time. The Mechanical Demon Insect, which was originally powerful enough to be abnormal, turned into a giant alloy Skeleton head. Although it looked like awkward, the combat power was obviously weaker and too much. The arm also had no light, and even the four soft-mouthed Death Ray Cannon barrels disappeared.

The only thing that has a bit of attack power is that the only one is more wide, and simply is a chicken rib!

Seeing this scene, not only Sha Baofeng was confused, but also Demon powerhouse, such as Demon Sovereign Uncle Mo Qigong, who was inside the small space inside the solid steel ball. It was also stupid at the moment, and the face was covered with fog. Water, I don’t understand what Ye Xuan is doing.

“This huge Skeleton head is also a kind of sturdy and powerful. Is it still going to be swallowed by the Demon Battle Ship, which is turned into a two-kilometer solid alloy ball?”

Stunned, Demon Sovereign Uncle Mo Qigong mutter to oneself: “This is the top-level alloy for Aerospace Fortress. It’s compact in the moment. Where is this good mouth?”

The facts were unfortunately in his mind.


A peaceful-shaking whistling sound, turned into a huge alloy Skeleton’s Tyrant Star Ship directly launched the space jump, when it appeared again thousands of miles away, the solid that appeared in the Demon Battle Ship In front of the alloy ball, the solid ball was swallowed in one bite, but it was not chewed, just to close the huge more than the mouth.

In fact, Ye Xuan didn’t intend to let the Tyrant Star Ship chew the solution to the solid ball of the Demon Battle Ship, so that the ball with the body space of Demon Sovereign Uncle Mo Qigong would also be affected.

He is ready to solve his opponent in a similar way to ablation!

The Tyrant Star Ship turned into a huge steel Skeleton head, not just the shape change, but its internal performance is the real key.

It was originally a Life Fortress, and the whole within the body is made up of countless micromolecules in the World Insect’s tribe. These micromolecules have a strong penetration of the Ability, which is a hard Battleship alloy. The ice-like method slowly invades and decomposes its internal molecular structure, thus achieving the effect of ablation.

Don’t look at the Demon Battle Ship. This solid alloy bead is so large that it has a diameter of nearly two kilometers, but in the face of countless World Insect derivative micromolecules, at most, it takes a little longer to no longer, the whole sphere will Starting from the outermost layer, from the outside to the inside, it is finally completely melted away!

In fact, Ye Xuan doesn’t have to wait for such a long time, because in this process, the Heavenly Machine Race high-level Sha Baofeng, which is completelyfused with Demon Battle Ship, must be the first to bear the existence, if not accidentally, this kind of Shortly after the decomposition of the ablation, the fellow will surrender and surrender.

After all, in this state of complete fusion, Decom Battle Ship’s decomposition and melting of every inch of the hull, for him, is equivalent to suffering from the pain of slowly melting, which is not something that ordinary people can hold. Even if the mind is firm, there will be a moment of collapse.

For all this, Ye Xuan made a debut of the Demon Battle Ship in the mouth of the alloy Skeleton. The first time looked towards towards Sha Baofeng and he didn’t want to waste too much time. This is a heart attack, if there is no accident, Sha Baofeng will collapse on the spot after the ablation.

“Isn’t it screaming? It doesn’t matter, this Young Lord has time. Since you like to be abused and swayed, then you can do it!”

Seeing that the other party has not responded, Ye Xuan sneered out and then stopped speaking.

At this time, in his mind, he also suddenly heard the familiar System notification sound: “Congratulations host, found that you can devour intelligent Life! Sha Baofeng: Mechanical Lifeform, evolution level middle level! Is it swallowed immediately?”


Is this OK?

When does the System even swallow the Heavenly Machine Race? When I met Ying Tai before, I didn’t have this kind of notification sound!

Ye Xuan was stunned on the spot, full of fog, and did not understand what happened…

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