First Universe, Demon Star Territory !

In Void, a small fortress of 50,000 meters diameter is sailing very slowly, just the Demon Battle Ship that has just returned from Human Race Third Universe.

The Heavenly Battle Empire’s Heavenly Mercury Country Star Territory fight represents the defeat of the Heavenly Machine Race’s Demon Battle Ship.

Even Sha Baofeng, who has already displayed the Fusion Ability of the Heavenly Machine Race, has even been stunned by Ye Xuan’s Tyrant Star Ship. Not only has the wolf reached the extreme, but even the walk is limping.

The drawback of this mechanical fusion is that although the hull will be wounded in the battle, the Heavenly Machine Race clansman with the hull fusion will be somewhat affected.

If you don’t look at the face of the Demon Imperial Family Imperial Uncle Mo Qigong, it is possible for Ye Xuan to kill him on the spot.

At this moment, Sha Baofeng is in the top control room of the Demon Battle Ship small fortress ship within the body. The face is full of vicious colors, looking at the outside Void gnashing one’s teeth: “Linghu Chong, you wait, true body must not Will let you go! Unfortunately, you can’t wait for that day, already exiled…”

Although the Demon Battle Ship has been fixed so far, it can also do wormhole jump. As for Sha Baofeng’s injury, it has completely recovered, but the pain in his heart has been long-lasting and has never been forgotten.

This fight, simply is a shame.

And let him consciousness to a strong crisis.

Linghu Young Lord is too monstrous talent, simply is an abnormal, the medicine array is also that’s all, actually mastered the Heavenly Machine Race core high-level only a few Patriarch confession was given a part of Profound Truth mechanical fusion, The rumor is higher than him, and the other has nothing to do with the Heavenly Machine Race. It is obviously self-researched. This simply is unimaginable.

For this reason, Sha Baofeng will return to First Universe as soon as he fixes Demon Battle Ship. He must meet Patriarch Emperor One as soon as possible, and the details of this matter will be reported by one after another.

Right now, after entering the First Universe, Demon Battle Ship is heading to Demon Sovereign Star, intending to stop there, and then return to the Heavenly Machine Race in the Central Universe of the First Universe at full speed, that is, the diameter is reached. Super Aerospace Fortress with a hundred 10,000 meters!

It was also at this time that Sha Baofeng’s eyes suddenly widened, and the degree of exaggeration almost fell out of the eyeballs.

Through the Demon Battle Ship’s top compartment, a transparent material for the Starry Sky night view of the ship’s wall, he saw a figure that should never appear, at least not here.

It was exactly the Linghu Chong that he was still mad at the moment!

At this moment, he should have been wandering in Void, but he appeared in Demon Star Territory of First Universe, and it is not too far away from Demon Battle Ship. 10,000 is more than nothing. Extreme speed in the Void.

Although it was only a side, Sha Baofeng recognized it at a glance, and even if he was turned into gray, he could recognize it and never hated someone so much.


After a short sluggishness, Sha Baofeng’s eyes were instantly red, roaring and roaring like a thunder: “Damn, why is this kid so big? Was obviously exiled to the vain Void, and lived here. What is this transport? Was he found the Void path back? Is it just connected to First Universe’s Demon Star Territory?”

“But this is also good. It should be Heaven’s Will. It is destined to let the true body personally defend the enemy. This time the defeat, the cultivation base of the true body is broken, and the mechanical fusion capability also has new insights and insights. Then Zhan Yi field, must be jealous of you.”

“Can’t wait, it’s now…”

In the roaring, Sha Baofeng’s body shape melted like mercury, and it penetrated into the cockpit alloy ground under the foot. Once again, the mechanical fusion ability was launched…

“kǎ chā !”

“Kǎ chā chā ……”

In the next moment, the densely packed kǎ chā came out and shouted out the piece of Void. This is not the sound of lightning, but the sound of mechanical operation from the Demon Battle Ship within the body.

The structure of the entire Demon Battle Ship with the body is changing, all parts and mechanics are rearranged, all of which are the result of Sha Baofeng consciousness manipulation, and now he is done at one kind of faster speed. And the perfect fusion of Demon Battle Ship, like this 50,000 meters diameter small fortress has been born wisdom, become a small fortress-level Mechanical Lifeform!

The process of change was extremely rapid, first with changes in internal structure, rearrangement, and then extended beyond the hull, and the hull shape of the entire Demon Battle Ship began to change.

A strip of steel limbs stretched out, with more horns, tentacles, and a black blade like a giant sickle. In just a minute, the Demon Battle Ship has completely changed, and the previous small fortress disappeared. No, it turned into a Mechanical Battle Insect with a shape similar to that of Blade Mantis. A sickle arm has a huge 10,000 meters and is big to terrifying!

In addition to the changes in appearance, the internal structure is also developing towards Blade Mantis’ Innate Skill attribute, with terrifying bounce power, and the endless Void can be endless, and the speed is amazing. Like the giant blade, the Blade Mantis arm has a sharpness to the extreme, a blade slash down, and the same level of small fortress can be directly split into two halves.

This time the fusion changed, the Demon Battle Ship was reinstated in addition to the original hull main gun, moved to the belly of the giant Mechanical Blade Mantis, and there was a pair of huge wings like a light, but not Used to fly, but to play the role of energy shield, wings can be turned into a complete circular energy defensive cover, to protect the entire body of Mechanical Blade Mantis.

There is also a sharpness alloy with a barbed spine on the back of the Blade Mantis. There are no fewer than a hundred, and each one can lasing out and pierce everything.

Previously with the Demon Battle Ship great war, the Mechanical Demon Insect that had not been abused had a hammered tail, and today’s Mechanical Blade Mantis has an alloy spear, each with its own killing move.

In fact, these two tricks, he learned from Ye Xuan Roaring Tyrant Dragon Mechanical Demon Insect, inspired him to make him more confident!

Also at this time, Ye Xuan, who plundered in the front Void, finally found the change here, and the complexion became weird.

After rushing out of Life Black Hole, he regained the identity of Linghu Young Lord, because the identity of Netherworld Young Venerable is not suitable here, which is reminiscent of his own Ability to transmit across the Universe plane, but instead Linghu Young Lord, because it was previously exiled to the vain Void, the coldness suddenly appeared in First Universe, but it would not be doubtful.

The turbulent Void was originally full of all kinds of unknowns. Maybe it was normal to find a void crack connected to First Universe. It was normal, although the chances were small enough to be negligible, but no one dared to say Never exist.

However, what Ye Xuan didn’t think was that it was just after leaving Life Black Hole that he actually met Demon Battle Ship. It seems that the other party just returned from Third Universe and is heading to Demon Sovereign Star.

茫茫universe void, this can be encountered, when it is enemies on a narrow road ah…

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