When the system’s notification sound sounded in his mind, the whole body shape of Thorousand Zhang’s huge color smoke Net was completely bound, and it was sealed into a humanoid Demon Dust Female. With Fallen Demon Child, the complexion is more gloomy and visible, and the black ones are almost dripping!

At this moment, their whole heart is bleeding, gnashing one’s teeth, but the face is unwilling, but there is no way, System’s notification sound sounds, it means competition fails, they have no more than a turn Opportunity.

But even if they were unwilling, they didn’t have the slightest temper. At the last juncture, Ye Xuan showed such a divine ability. Even Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon was surprised to be conquered by him. All this, they can’t accept it…


“You two, after all, are still defeated!”

Ye Xuan laughed and smiled to the extreme, but didn’t delay too much. The Devouring System, which was looked at towards the body, issued instructions from Fallen Demon Child and Demon Dust Female two people within the body System. In the redemption store, each selected a redemption treasure.

All this was completed, and the two selected treasures appeared directly in his within the body. Ye Xuan did not care about it and directly threw it into the body Eternal World.

At the same time, the subordinate source code branded by Fallen Demon Child and Demon Dust Female two people within the body System, as well as the data information copied from the other with the body System, has also been fully completed.

At this point, this time the two System competition missions launched simultaneously, Ye Xuan completed completely.

And Desolate Ancient Great Treasure Desire Smoke Net has also arrived. For Ye Xuan, everything about the Nether Turtle Sea has been fully completed and it is time to leave!

However, at this time, all around Void suddenly came a path of crazy roaring roar, the energy mist outside the miles of the miter swayed, there are ten aura terrifying figures, while whistling Come, the blink of an eye is close…

“Gathering Flame Slash !”

“7-Star Heaven Trampling , Seal the Heaven !”

“Deep Dark Storm!”

“Country Destroying Silver Bullet Wave !”

The ten aura terrifying figures are the ten Heaven and Earth Supreme Being who had previously besieged Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon. At the same time, they are close to each other.

The ray of the various divine’s Magical Treasure’s rays of light is so dazzling.

One of the fastest Dao shades was the protector from the Third Universe Cultivation Camp Absolute Earth Palace, a woman who exhibited the Country Destroying Silver Bullet Wave like Shrink ground to an inch.

This is a kind of wandering footwork that is called a devastatingly beautiful woman. It is equipped with the invisible strength of True Qi. The changing situation is perfectly combined, and you can quietly grasp the rhythm of the battle without knowing it. Use the weak to defeat the strong, and use the weak to defeat the strong, always hold the control of the battle, and kill and kill.

Unconsciously, Ye Xuan even had his own heartbeat that matched the other’s footwork in a synchronous sense of ambiguity, making him cold on his back.

It was also at this time that another Heaven and Earth Supreme Being waved abruptly across the distant Void. Screaming in the mouth: “Illusory Ghost Threefold Kill !”

The so-called Threefold Kill is actually a three different blade technique. It is like a ghost of a phantom. It is stronger than a style, and it can be called a smashing Illusory Ghost!

As he waved away, a giant zhang’s giant energy knife Boom arrived, and the 3-Layer faint phantom, aura terrifying was superimposed on the blade.

But this flaw also broke the battle rhythm that Absolute Earth Palace’s female protector Country Destroying Silver Bullet Wave had unwittingly, letting Ye Xuan’s heartbeat follow the other’s footwork. The back feeling suddenly disappeared.

The female protector looks cold, he knows that the other party is deliberate. Although the ten people joined forces, they are actually in a dark relationship. Everyone wants Desire Smoke Net. Once someone has a clear advantage, others will naturally Undermined.

Not waiting for the female protector of Absolute Earth Palace to respond, one of the nine Heaven and Earth Supreme Being behind him, one person waved out nine bloody sacs, turned into nine squats, and steadily inserted in all around In Void.

This nine-faced red konjac is a set of Yin Filthy Magical Treasure called Nine Yin Beast Soul Banner!

It is said that it is made up of more than 10,000 Starry Sky Vicious Beast’s Life Soul, and thousands of chilly stars, deep place ten thousand years, and the scorpion scorpion, which is made from a total of nine sides. Out, you can form a trapped array in an instant, closing a corner Void!

At this moment, the Void, which is centered on Ye Xuan and Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon, has been temporarily banned!

Today’s Ye Xuan is clearly attacked on all sides. The ten Heaven and Earth Supreme Being were only for the Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon, but now he is surrounded by all the tops from Three Great Universe. The starry sky powerhouses of a fleet of -level forces are glare like a tiger watching his prey.

He has become the focus of the field, which makes Ye Xuan secretly shouted, and now it has reached the moment of evacuation. Suddenly, this group of fellows is so eye-catching, how can they start?

Seeing Ye Xuan flashing, Zhan Tu and Wu Mei Old Ancestor two people subconsciously exchanged their eyes, two people have a bright heart, and already consciousness what happened, quietly slowed down the offensive, and even took advantage of the attack and attack to occupy a position.

At this time, what they thought was no longer remain Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon, but secretly helped Ye Xuan to leave, and then shot again, swallowing everything!

Although Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon is extremely powerful, even if they are joined by two people, they may not be able to kneel down, but if Ye Xuan wants to leave, he must be quietly removed. In this case, Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon cannot follow him. By the side, it should be to enter Desire Smoke Net, which is included in the body by Ye Xuan.

In this way, as long as they start fast enough to stop Ye Xuan with lightning speed and sever his chance to sacrifice Treasure Net, then everything will be no suspense.

Two Heaven and Earth Supreme Being shots at the same time, and still in the dark, ready to go, the opponent only has the cultivation base of the Heavenly Passage Realm Fifth Step, to do this, it is completely ok.

“Let them go, don’t bother!”

Ye Xuan glanced all around Void nine female face in the Beast Soul Banner, Yi Ran without fear, lightly he said: “Before you from among the ten old son of a bitch siege calmly withdraw withdraw, surely now is not What is difficult?”

“This Old Ancestor is also lacking. There are two pretty boys in the Nine Dragon Azure Phoenix Car. It’s just a good time to nurse, but you have to find a quiet place…”

While speaking, he turned to look at the Black Lion Roar in the distant Void. He looked over and said: “Oh, that’s where…”


As soon as the words fell, the pink Desire Smoke Net shook quietly, throwing the wrapped Fallen Demon Child and Demon Dust Female two people out, and then slamming the Ye Xuan, Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon also joined in, and the blink of an eye turned into a blood color, and he was shocked and rushed out of the imprisonment of the Beast Soul Banner.

Going in and out, simply stunned!

In all around Void, in the major top-level power fleets, a large burst of cool sound was issued.

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