Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon suddenly shot, suppressing the five Heaven’s Proud within the three-minute, this shock shocked the audience, all around the Void, the starry sky powerhouse from the Three top Universe’s top-level forces all rioted.

Heaven and Earth Supreme Being is the first time to roar and rush out.

There are a total of ten Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, and a total of five Second Universe Federation various clans.

Azure Roc Race and the Blood Flood Dragon Race Aerospace Fortress are two Elders, two from Yin Bar Race in Barbarian Bull Race and Silver Ji Race, and one is single-handed, does not represent any tribe, is in Second Universe Powerful dispersal.

In addition, there are four Heaven and Earth Supreme Being from Third Universe Human Race, namely Royal Family Ancient Elder Long Ziwen of Immortal Dynasty and Elder Zhan Tu of Heavenly Battle Emperor Clan, who invited Wu Mei Old Ancestor, There is also a protector from the Culture Camp Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace!

In addition to these nine people, there is still a Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, the whole body is shrouded in a gray mist, I do not know which force from, suspected First Universe Heavenly Machine Race under a servant tribe family Old Ancestor!

At this time, with the Heaven and Earth Supreme Being’s Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon, the ten Heaven and Earth Supreme Being from the Three Great Universe planes all came out, each means, some even attacked. Baodu has been sacrificed, swarming and rushing to go.

This is the siege of Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon, who wants to suppress it and win the Desolate Ancient Treasure Tool Desire Smoke Net!

“Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon, how about you, in Desolate Ancient Era, you may still be a personal thing, but in the past, you are nothing more than a broken Spiritual Sense source, nothing more, even the memory is not complete, look down on how much wind!”

“Return the treasure Desire Smoke Net immediately, otherwise today is when you are completely falling.”

“Xiang Xiaoyu, even a remnant Soul can not be preserved! Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon, advise you not to make your own mistakes!”

“hōng lóng lóng ……”



With a path of roaring Void, a huge universe of Vault of Heaven was messed up, ten Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, in the area where the pink light column soaring to the heavens and the surrounding area, together with great war Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon !

The various energies are raging, and the Void is shattered. From time to time, the Void Turbulent Flow is whistling, and the various rays of the Magical Treasure’s rays of light and the divine ability are smashed and stunned. Everything around the fleet is constantly retreating, fearing the fish.

The method of Heaven and Earth Supreme Being is too terrifying. If it is the two Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, it will completely disturb a large piece of Void. Now the eleven powerhouses are in a big battle, and the battle circle is expanding and short. Ten yuan of interest, within a radius of a million miles has been a surge of energy, the scene inside is completely obscured, can no longer see.

At the same time, Peng Jingxiao and Jiao Batian two people, who had not been able to prevent sudden injuries before, were also rushing. The Yin Yang Race in the Aerospace Fortress behind them was already shot. The fight for Desire Smoke Net has nothing to do with them.

The three demons, Demon Dust Female, Fallen Demon Child, and Ye Xuan, are just the opposite. Although the figure is also repulsed, avoiding the 11 areas of Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, but the three are heart-warming. At the same time, I moved and chose a piece of Void on the right side of the Wanli Square, which is in the middle of the battlefield, and continues to entangle!

For the three of them, this fight is inevitable, and even if it is dying, it must be continued.

Demon Dust Female’s pressure is still slightly smaller, because even if she lost in this system competition mission, at most it is to pay for two exchanges in the System exchange store, the next big system debt nothing more.

Even so, for her, this pressure is almost unbearable. After all, if the System competition mission really fails, Ye Xuan and Fallen Demon Child will definitely not be polite, even if they don’t need it, they will definitely pick it up. The highest price of treasure is starting.

The loss is too heavy.

Even her is still the case, Ye Xuan and Fallen Demon Child two people need not say more, once this system mission fails, then their two people can not keep the Devouring System with the body, everything will be Demon Dust Female usurped, including Life!

So, compared to Demon Dust Female, Ye Xuan and Fallen Demon Child are under more pressure. Among them, Ye Xuan is not good at the moment.

Previously, Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon attacked Ye Xuan at the same time. Although both Fallen Demon Child and Demon Dust Female were not hurt, they both sacrificed a Desolate Ancient Great Treasure in great war. Part of the Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon offensive was shared by their respective refining Deserte Ancient Great Treasure.

Ye Xuan is different. He uses the Netherworld Lineage’s Innate Skill divine ability. When the dark-green Skeleton head of the five-thousand zhang is annihilated by the Blood Blade, the only one that bears the backlash is Ye Xuan. itself.

After that blow, his Netherworld Body was hit hard, but although it can still be maintained, it has not attacked Ability.

For this, Fallen Demon Child and Demon Dust Female are vaguely aware that the former frowned, and he has been conscious of the difficulties of Demon Dust Female. The consequences of System mission are so bad for him, absolutely no loss, this is not to be lost. In this case, although he is also competitive with Ye Xuan, he has the intention to work with Ye Xuan to solve Demon Dust Female.

After all, after the crisis of Demon Dust Female was resolved, even if he lost in the System competition with Ye Xuan, at most, he lost a System exchange.

At the moment, Ye Xuan is in this state, and his plan is no longer realistic. Today’s Fallen Demon Child is considering this situation, and what kind of countermeasures should be taken next.

As for Demon Dust Female, she has no hesitation. Now that Ye Xuan is weak, it is naturally best for her to destroy one, because once she wins a System competition, she will immediately get a lot of benefits, in immediately. Recovering, the cultivation base will also skyrocket, and maybe even more means.

One thought of this, Demon Dust Female smashed a slap in the face, and the figure was swayed and looked forward to Ye Xuan.

Almost at the same moment, Fallen Demon Child finally made a decision. His choice was the same. First, the weak Ye Xuan was solved.

This is equally beneficial to him.

He had previously seen a treasure in the System Exchange store, which is very beneficial in his current dilemma. As long as he can kill Ye Xuan, even if he is seriously injured, then Fallen Demon Child will immediately get Ye Xuan. The System redeems a redemption treasure in the store, and the system of Ye Xuan within the body is also the Middle Level Variation, and it is very likely that there is exactly the treasure that he needs.

It was for this reason that Fallen Demon Child swept the Demon Race in the hands of Demon Dust Female, and a thousand zhang Demon God swept away to Ye Xuan.

The two competitors attacked themselves at the same time. The original three-party chaos was a two-in-one, and Ye Xuan became a soft persimmon, as if anyone wanted to be able to pinch it.

This situation made him angry, and Ye Xuan’s heart was bursting with a fierce anger. The scorpion was bloody, and it was just a hot name on the chest. This is a sign that Infant corpse wants to shoot, making him ecstatic. Immediately roared: “You two blind dog things, want to use this Old Ancestor as a soft persimmon? Come, as you wish…”

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