“At least 60% or more!”

In the eyes bright glow flashes , Zhan Tu said with a sneer : “Before the old man felt that this was a bit embarrassing, and Linghu Chong was moved to the Second Universe, I waited for two people to find it, but could not find it at all. However, this Yin Demon Race suddenly turned out to be a Desolate Ancient Old Ancestor. The style of action is quite similar to that of Linghu Chong…”

“Not bad, this thing old man I have long been suspicious.”

On the side, Wu Mei Old Ancestor is also sneer, and the sights are sometimes swept in the direction of Ye Xuan. It is especially good for the Xuanyuan Family’s three women. If the old man remembers correctly, it happened before the Heavenly Battle. Star Territory Medicine King giant cauldron, this Xuanyuan three women have also received special care from Linghu Chong!”

“hehe huh…”

Seeing Wu Mei Old Ancestor mentioning this, Zhan Tu laughed again: “It is an unexpected surprise to say this. Before the old man had not suspected the three girls, but this time it was different, under the The matter of heaven, it is impossible to have such a coincidence. These three women are different from the Linghu children. This matter has to be thought-provoking. Maybe they still know some secrets of this child, such as its true origin. Wait.”

“But this matter is not urgent, Xuanyuan three women are there anyway, can always start, everything, or wait for us to join hands with this Linghu thief!”

“not bad !”

Nodded, Wu Mei Old Ancestor said that it was suddenly frowning, and some worried and sick at heart: “However, if it falls elsewhere, that’s all, right now, at the Nether Turtle Sea, that Linghu thief didn’t know exactly how to do it. It was a Life Source A from Immemorial Nether Turtle from Turtle Old Ancestor…”

“Now the entire Star Territory is under his control. I wait for the two people to have no chance or possibility to start. This is really a headache!”

“No problem!”

Zhan Tu waved his hand and said with a sigh of relief: “Don’t look at the excitement that this child said before, but since he came to the Nether Turtle Sea, it must be the Desolate Ancient Great Treasure Desire Smoke Net.”

“And, according to the old man, the Yin Demon Race is mostly fooled by him. This child has absolutely nothing to do with Netherworld Young Venerable. His means have never been seen before, and it must have been made from it. Learned the Bloodline divine ability of the Netherworld family.”

“So, his value is even bigger, and I am also a good thing for you!”

“This time at this Nether Turtle Sea, he occupies a good time and, if not unexpected, the Desolate Ancient Great Treasure Desire Smoke Net, most of which will fall into the hands of this thief.”

“But for you and my two people, this is good news.”

“this child thinks that his true identity is unknown, and his identity as Netherworld Young Venerable has already offended too many forces. At least, the third Battle Lang Clan ranked among the Second Universe various clans will never Let him go, he must be waiting for him at the Nether Turtle Sea Star Foreign Territory…”

“So, after getting Desire Smoke Net, this child will definitely abandon the identity of the Netherworld Young Lord. There may be a chaos at that time, he just wants to escape from the Nether Turtle Star Territory in other ways!”

“What you mean is to say…”

Wu Mei Old Ancestor took the lead and probed: “I waited for the secret to help him escape the Nether Turtle Star Territory and then take the shot outside of the Star Territory and capture it?”

“not bad !”

Zhan Tu nodded and laughed: “With the Nether Turtle Star Territory, the Life Source armor in his hand is useless, although there are other Great Treasures in the hands of this kid, such as the Medicine King ancient cauldron, but he was Dark, I am clear, let him be prepared.”

“But this time it is different. I am secretive. He is suddenly in the Ming Dynasty. At that time, he will suddenly take a shot. This kid is too late to guard against it. He may not have time to sacrifice other Great Treasures. He should be taken down. It should be a matter of stability!”

“So, you and my two people not only help him to escape the Nether Turtle Star Territory afterwards, but then secretly follow, wait for a make a move, and even try to match him to win Desire Smoke Net, after all, this kid has to A Great Treasure, after returning to you and me, the harvest I will wait for will be greater, Hahaha…”

At the end of the day, the two Old Fogy looked at each other and smiled. They were very incomparable. Ye Xuan was regarded as a bird in the cage, and he was determined to be difficult to fly.


“Old Ancestor, all the protection fees are here, please check out the list!”

After some tossing, all the space boxes sent by the various forces of Void have been registered, and the Yin Ba trio also made a list and handed it to Ye Xuan.

The latter’s space box that will be piled up into hills all comes with the body Eternal World. By the way, Divine Consciousness is invaded into a space box to see the treasure and natural resource contained in it.

If there is a quantity and quality that can’t be over-examined, he naturally can’t let it go, and he must pull it out to be a good bird to punish!

However, this group of fellows is quite self-conscious. Ye Xuan has explored all the space boxes. Although there are many treasures and natural resources in them, they can basically go through them.

In this case, there is no need to continue to entangle with the fellows.

For Ye Xuan, the most important thing at this Nether Turtle Star Territory is the upcoming Desolate Ancient Great Treasure Desire Smoke Net.

Before, he didn’t know the utility of the ancient turtle shell in his hand. In desperation, he could only wait for the Great Treasure to be born. Then he would fight again, but now it is different, since the ancient turtle shell is the Life Source of the Immemorial Nether Turtle. A, and after the collapse of the Antiquity initial stage main body, the latter still remained a guardian to protect the Nether Turtle Sea and turned it into the Star Territory Will of the Nether Turtle Star Sea.

Then, through the Will projection of the Immemorial Nether Turtle, Ye Xuan may be able to know in advance the birthplace of the Desolate Ancient Great Treasure Desire Smoke Net, even if it only knows a general location and area, the significance is very significant.

The other things at the moment are basically all over, that is, the Battle Lion Clan, although eating such a big loss, will not be able to stop, but they are waiting at the Nether Turtle Sea Star Foreign Territory, absolutely not afraid Then easily enter here to find.

Ye Xuan can completely settle down and explore the birthplace of Desolate Ancient Great Treasure Desire Smoke Net, and then sneak out and prepare in advance.

With this in mind, he will not hesitate to take it out, even if he turns his hand and will receive the ancient turtle shell with the body Eternal World.

In the next moment, just as Ye Xuan wants to inject a little strength of Qi and Blood, call out the Emmemorial Nether Turtle’s Will projection, and inquire about the information about the birthplace of Desire Smoke Net, the mutation suddenly happens at this moment. .


A huge roaring sound was heard by the Star Territory, one of the far-reaching parts of the Nether Turtle Sea Northern Territory.

Then, a pale pink beam of soaring to the heavens illuminates the larger half of the Nether Turtle Star Territory.

With the appearance of this pink light column, the voices of several women’s laughter are also clearly and unambiguously…



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