“hōng lóng lóng ……”

As Ye Xuan Ye Xuan subconscious tightly tightened his fingers, he poured a strength of Qi and Blood into the ancient turtle shell, and even a sudden mutation he had unexpectedly happened!

The huge roaring sound came, and Void swayed, not a corner of Void, but a whole Nether Turtle Sea Star Territory.

A large piece of Star Territory, innocent, at this moment, but Ye Xuan gently pinched, injected a stroke of Qi and Blood into the ancient turtle shell moment, fully shaken.

Wanli Void trembles, countless stars sway, this scene is like the real World Extinguishing, the Universe plane is shaken, the scene is too horrible, all around the starry sky powerhouse in the Void are all scared, turned into a Golden arrow to Ye The lion’s blast from Battle Lion Race Heaven and Earth Supreme Being is even more!

I was so scared that I stopped my body just a thousand miles away, and my face was dumbstruck. Like all the starry sky powerhouses in a fleet, the sights all converge to Ye Xuan, which is held high. An ancient turtle shell on the shard.

At this moment, no one doubts the words of Ye Xuan, and the natural turtle shell must be the Life Source turtle shell of Turtle Old Ancestor.

This is really a dog!

I didn’t expect this kid to really become a brother with Turtle Old Ancestor. What is the existence of Turtle Old Ancestor?

The Nether Turtle Clan’s ordinary Elder is the powerhouse of the Heaven and Earth Realm late stage, and its Patriarch is beyond the Heaven and Earth Realm’s Supreme Being, the family’s Old Ancestor character… no wonder this whole piece of Nether Turtle Star Territory has been shaken, this is clearly the rhythm of Turtle Old Ancestor!

There are many starry sky powerhouses present, and the top-level forces of the three major planes are coming. Heaven and Earth Supreme Being has more than ten statues, but basically all of them are the cultivation base of Heaven and Earth Realm. This is the initial stage and the middle stage.

Even if they have not seen this scene in the long years of the past, a whole star of the Star Territory is shaking, which is definitely far more than the terrifying means of Heaven and Earth Realm, simply can’t imagine!

It’s Ye Xuan, it’s all around!

He knew for himself that the words just made were just horrible, just to deter Battle Lion Race’s Heaven and Earth Supreme Being nothing more. I didn’t expect this to just move make a move and inject it. The faint strength of Qi and Blood entered the ancient turtle shell, and immediately caused such a mutation. The big Star Territory swayed. Is there any other magical difference in this kind of turtle shell?

“hōng lóng lóng ……”

The huge roar resounded again, and then, over the vast Nether Turtle Sea, a body terrifying to an unimaginable giant tortoise.

Its body covers the entire Nether Turtle Sea Star Territory, although it is far less than the real Void Giant Turtle. Lifting a tortoise is a terrifying of a Star Territory, but a turtle with a whole piece of Nether Turtle Sea Star Territory So big, it is extremely terrifying.

Turtle Old Ancestor A turtle’s head has such a huge degree of stars.

Surprisingly, this terrifying Giant Turtle is suspended above the Nether Turtle Sea Star Territory. Although it is huge, its body has no flesh and blood. It is completely a gray turtle bone. This is a Nether Turtle. The real Nether Turtle, no flesh and blood, only bones.

Ye Xuan’s eye tip, on the back of the terrifying Nether Turtle, saw a hole smaller than the eye of the needle. The edge of the hole was exactly the same as the palm-sized ancient turtle shell in his hand.

He immediately comprehend and understand, the ancient turtle shell in his hand, clearly the terrifying Nether Turtle on the back of the spine, should be from the hands of Void Giant Turtle, using this ancient turtle shell, inscribed inside the Void Abode Secret Art’s former 7-layer Cultivation Technique!

But what is the identity of this Nether Turtle?

With its large body to the size of a vast Star Territory, and the appearance of a True Body, it can shake the entire Ter Tertory’s imposing manner. This gray Nether Turtle is definitely far beyond the Turtle Old Ancestor. Its cultivation base can no longer be used. Using Heaven and Earth Realm to measure, the so-called Heaven and Earth Realm, in front of it, is clearly mole crickets and ants.

In addition to the headless infant corpse and the Heavenly Dao giant eye suspected of Great Desolate Heavenly Dao Will doppelgänger, Ye Xuan is the first to see this terrifying in reality.

It is the Weeping Soul Blood Horn and the Demon Dragon Phantom, both of which are incomplete and illusory, but far from it!

Also at this time, all around Void including Battle Lion Race’s Elder, Zhan Tu, Wu Mei Old Ancestor, Long Ziwen and other nearly Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, are stunned and screaming, mutter to oneself .

“Nether Turtle ?Immemorial Nether Turtle !legend is actually true, it is true!”

“Between the legend, between Desolate Ancient Era and Antiquity Era, there is still a period of time, called Immemorial, the life of the Immemorial era, all of the direct descendant of Desolate Ancient Era, and then the Antiquity Era, the distant clans of today’s world. Appeared, they are not the direct descendants of the desolate ancient creatures, but the generations, the birth of the Immemorial creatures…”

“Like this Nether Turtle Clan, its true Bloodline ancestor should be Immemorial Nether Turtle, while the Desolate Ancient Era’s Void Giant Turtle is the Bloodline source of Immemorial Nether Turtle Clan!”

“In the legend, after the annihilation of the Antiquity initial stage, the Immemorial Nether Turtle became obsessed with the Star Territory Will of the Nether Turtle Sea and guarded the Star Territory. I don’t think it was true, Immemorial Nether Turtle appeared. This is the entire Star Territory Will of the Nether Turtle Sea…”

“Heavens, what is this kid? Is it just the Young Venerable of the Desolate Ancient Era Netherworld Great Emperor? If so, how could the Turtle Old Ancestor hand over this ancient turtle shell to him? Which is the Turtle Old Ancestor? The Life Source turtle shell is clearly the only one after another in the Immemorial Nether Turtle main body!

When these words came out, Ye Xuan suddenly realized, and at the same time, there was some loss in his heart. It turned out that the Immemorial Nether Turtle’s obsession projection is nothing more than a real entity. Otherwise, if it can match this figure to a Star Territory Immemorial The Nether Turtle is taken away, and the Three Great Universe plane is definitely the rhythm of the side.

But now it’s better than nothing. With the Star Territory Will of the Nether Turtle Sea, you can’t say that in this vast Nether Turtle Sea, you are definitely the leader.

At least, in front of the Battle Lion Race’s Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, it’s definitely the rhythm of lifting it up and rolling it down.

No wonder offerings Turtle Old Ancestor bird old son of a bitch even a Heaven and Earth Realm of Nether Turtle Race old are not left to their own, completely trouble for a long time had no need for that, his hands holding Immemorial Nether Turtle main body – collapse In the previous Star Territory, I can always summon the arrival of Star Territory Will. Simply is invincible. What kind of guard is needed?

“Wow Kaka! Turtle Old Ancestor offerings that old son of a bitch is really too bad! Actually lied to this Old Ancestor, obviously Immemorial Nether Turtle’s Life Source A, he must say his own ……”

Consciousness After I was invincible in this Star Territory, Ye Xuan screamed loudly and whispered aloud after two words, then both hands crossed the waist, looked around all around, and raised the chin. , said: “Who else wants to scream at this Old Ancestor? Come, ruling all kinds of dissatisfaction…”

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