
“Slaughter Blood Mad Lion First Transformation !”

The sound of the gryphon of heaven-shaking resounded through this side of Heaven and Earth. As Shi Bafeng’s words came out, the phantom of a hundred zhang Mad Lion suddenly appeared behind his figure, roaring and bloody. Hey, this side of the Void has a slight tremble.

For a moment, this huge zhang’s giant Mad Lion blood shadow did not enter the silky Shi Bafeng within the body, its shape instantly soared, and the blink of an eye showed the Bloodline True Body.

A huge zhang-sized Bloody Mad Lion, like a huge pair of bloody flaming flaming horns, staring at the Yin Qi three, has locked their aura.

Second Universe various clans Basically with the body are some Antiquity and even Desolate Ancient Era’s Vicious Bird Vicious Beast Bloodline, but for other tribes, the huge Bloodline True Body is basically the last resort.

Even the top seven tribes of the top ten of the Second Universe Federation Tribe are the same.

Only the top three tribes, which show the Bloodline True Body, are far from their true power peak means, but just a beginning.

It is precisely because of this that the three tribes can stabilize the top three years of the Second Universe Federation various clans, and they have never been shaken.

Even though there are several living fossils in the family, the clansman has never really entered the top three because of the long-lived Nether Turtle Race.

From this, you can see the strength of the top three of the Second Universe Federation various clans.

The Battle Lion Race is just the last more than the three tribes, but even so, it can’t be ignored!


“Slaughter Blood Mad Lion Second Transformation !”

The second violent lion’s voice rang, and Shi Bafeng showed a huge, lion’s Bloody Mad Lion phantom behind him. Then, the giant Lion lion of the thousand zhang was instantly immersed in Shi Bafeng within the body. So that his figure once again skyrocketed, and the eyes of the ousin zhang Mad Lion True Body appeared.

A huge pair of bloody flaming flaming like a mountain, still staring at the Yin Qi three, locking their aura.

Although its cultivation base aura is still in the Twelfth Big Realm Void initial stage, the kind of baleful aura that has never been seen is completely different.

If the former zhang Mad Lion, which was previously shown by First Transformation, was just a shock to the three people of Yin Qi, now, with the giant Lion True Body of the thousand zhang, Yin Qi Then there was some tremor in the dumbstruck.

“Slaughter Blood Mad Lion Second Transformation ?Heavens, its Bloodline True Body, has skyrocketed ten times faster than the previous First Transformation, exactly the same as in the legend…”

“In the legend, Battle Lion Clan within the body’s Mad Lion Nine Transformations divine ability, the Bloodline True Body will skyrocket ten times, even if the cultivation base aura remains the same, but strength of Qi and Blood But like the difference between heaven and earth, the opponent of the previous enemy will be crushed in an instant!”

“After Ninth Transformation, the degree of terrifying of its Bloodline True Body, which is a geometric spike, will be as good as the Void Giant Turtle, and the Star Territory is between the claws…”

“But that kind of realm has never been reached by any Battle Lion, even today’s Battle Lion Race Patriarch, but only to reach the Slaughter Blood Mad Lion Third Transformation nothing more.”

“But the Young Patriarch of Battle Lion Clan, who claims to be the strongest presence of the Bloodline Innate Skill in the past ten thousand years, has been Ancestral Bloodline Awakening years ago and reached the Fourth Transformation of the Slaughter Blood Mad Lion divine ability! ”

“Heavens, Fourth Transformation? What is the concept? The second change is thousand zhang! The change is not the hundred thousand? What is the size of the 300,000 meter? Even the Aerospace Fortress, it is just a small thing in front of him. Alright…”

Between mutter and oneself, Yin Qi and Yin Ba and Yin Jiu were unconsciously shaking their knees.

If Shi Bafeng can really display the Four Transformation of the Slaughter Blood Mad Lion, then its Bloodline True Body will reach an unprecedented hundred thousand, which is the terrifying degree of 300,000 meters!

A small piece of Scorpio will be covered by its body shape!

Even if its cultivation base aura remains the same, it is still the Void initial stage of Twelfth Big Realm, but… who dares to regard him as the existence of Void Realm? 300,000 is the terrifying Bloodline True Body. Is it true that Heaven and Earth Supreme Being is coming, and must be treated with caution?


“Slaughter Blood Mad Lion Third Transformation !”

Just as Yin Qi and Yin Ba and Yin Jiu three people cry out in surprise, in front of Void, Battle Lion Race Young Patriarch Shi Bafeng has once again roared, a small piece of Void has trembled, the door is too big, after all, now Shi Bafeng is already a huge universe of Thousand zhang, far from the previous human form.

As the violent roar rang, all around the universe void instantly smashed a smashing Universe hurricane, the invisible Universe energy was smashed, gathered in one place, formed at the center A huge invisible vortex, and this energy vortex is located next to the blood basin of the thousand zhang male lion.

After a swallow, the shape of the Battle Lion Race Young Lord Shi Bafeng swells like a balloon.

Two thousand zhang, three thousand zhang… until the last 10,000!

After the completion of the Slaughter Blood Mad Lion Third Transformation, its body shape is exactly as stated in the legend, so the former 1000 Zhang expanded to the current 10,000, ten times the skyrocketing.

10,000, also known as 30000 meters, is comparable to a small fortress.

Moreover, this visual shock is more powerful than a small fortress.

Although the diameter of the small fortress is 50,000 meters, and the Slaughter Blood Mad Lion is only 30000 meters, the former is a steel magnificent city. It is not uncommon in the universe void, but the latter is just a Slaughter Blood Mad Lion!

Usually, even a star-shaped Starry Sky Vicious Beast of 10,000 meters is amazing enough. Now there is a 30000 meters Slaughter Blood Mad Lion in the Void, and the Starry Sky fleet in the all around Void. It has already sounded a large sound of coolness.

As for the three people of Yin Qi and Yin Ba and Yin Jiu, they were shocked and nearly fainted on the spot. The face was gloomy, gnashing one’s teeth, hate again…

“Damn’s, this broken Lion dog can change too much, and the blink of an eye is already awkward…”

“It’s a big idea, it’s too big. It should be shot when it was first arrogant. It should not give him the opportunity to continue to mad.”

“All the Yin Demon Race clansman listened, the remaining 100 people guarded Old Ancestor’s Nine Dragon Azure Phoenix Car, all the other clansman, and the old man and other three people, the Lion dog was swallowed!”

“Yes, this fellow will be mad, suspected of carrying a rabies virus, for the peace of the universe, no time to be polite with him, we are not a shame to him, this is not a single fight, this is the dog great war , crazy Lion dog…”

In the trepidation, Yin Qi and Yin Ba and Yin Jiu are screaming, and they can see it. This fight is inevitable. In this case, they will find an excuse for the cousin, but I don’t know. Whether or not you have been with Ye Xuan for a long time, these three Old Fogy simply are coming out of the mouth, and the shameless words say that the thief is incomparable…

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