Take a shower and take a shower?

Still wet?

Upon hearing this, Yin Qi and Yin Ba and Yin Jiu suddenly stopped, and the expression on the face gradually became weird. This so-called wet hair, they obviously understood wrong, and thought that this Desolate Ancient level The big young master, this is the kind of interest.

I can understand it. After all, the Innate Land of Cold Yin, where people have dried up, is riddled with billions of years. Now it’s hard to find a nest of hybrid descendant. It is estimated that Yin Demon Race clansman who had visited the gang before. Among them, I also saw a lot of women with good looks. Now, with this interest, it is inevitable.

It’s just… Patriarch Yin Emperor Lord is still at the bottom of the pool, the most deep place seclusion, this Old Ancestor is playing in the shallow layer of water and the beauty of several people, Patriarch can look up and see the slightest, this is actually Something is wrong!

However, at this time, the three people of Yin Qi have been poisoned for a long time. At this time, they have not taken care of this. In any case, the Patriarch Yin Emperor Lord is shutting down life and death. He will not pay attention to everything from the outside world, and can’t do anything. About it Attention, although Old Ancestor with a ticket in the beauty of the top of his head is indeed a bit of a cold, but Patriarch will not know anyway, the right has not happened.

The key is that this kind of thing can’t be refused. Once the general male repair comes, it is all in a hurry. I can’t immediately launch a gun, let alone the Old Ancestor Desolate Ancient level?

I really want to smash his mind on this matter. I am afraid that it is the Netherworld Claw inheritance that I have to see.

I thought about it, Yin Qi three people immediately summoned a group of beautiful women, all of them like flowers, they heard that Old Ancestor was a spoiled one, excited, and then a glimpse of the light, to Ye Xuan got together.

The latter was scared to scream: “Return, go back, this Old Ancestor is used to coming by himself, just come by yourself…”

He was referring to the bath, but all around, everyone understood it, and suddenly he was shocked.

do it yourself?

For a long time, Old Ancestor is actually a mate!

It’s no wonder that the Land of Cold Yin, which has already dried up, has been banned for billions of years. It is really only possible to come by yourself. It is estimated that it has basically become a habit!

Thinking like this, Yin Qi suddenly sighed again and again, with a bunch of resentment thoughts, the beauty of the family went down to the clouds and rain, and they had to appease the resentment thoughts of the beautiful women in the family.

For all of this, Ye Xuan was too lazy to pay attention, and as everyone retired, he must now hurry to brand the individual Interstellar Coordinate of the Second Universe plane.

Everything is exactly the same as the previous two. When Ye Xuan gave instructions to the System and began to brand the Second Universe Coordinate of the Second Universe, the system’s notification sound soon sounded in his mind, guiding Ye Xuan to expand the coordinates step by step. Branding step.

First, we will refine the Primordial Spirit, which has been treated by various means, into a special brand. Then, this Primordial Spirit brand will be shot out of the body in a very mysterious and complicated way, so that it is in the same place as Yin Pond. This piece of Void ditch, fit, until the final thorough fusion!

Although it is already a third time, the pain of the hard-seated separation of his Primordial Spirit from a small glimpse still makes Ye Xuan unable to adapt, which is difficult to describe in words.

After some efforts, after separating this 缕Primordial Spirit, Ye Xuan could not immediately restore the interest rate, repair Mind, must endure the various discomforts of the Primordial Spirit, force Spirit, again and again Constantly condensing the 缕Primordial Spirit with different means and methods, this process took the time of meal, which is the result of his third time.

The last step is to incorporate this successful condensed Primordial Spirit into the Void process. Ye Xuan is dedicated to the whole process, from the Void to the Primordial Spirit and the final perfect fusion. At the end of the day, I didn’t dare to relax. Even the whole person had a bit of a sigh.

After a total of half a day’s work, his personal Starry Sky coordinates in Second Universe finally fit into the Void where Yin Pond is. After a flash, it is completely stable and disappears. Ye Xuan is Can’t catch it.

The whole process was not disturbed. Although there was a Patriarch of Yin Demon Race at the bottom of the pool, the old goods were closed life and death. All the thoughts were sealed in the body, and it was He squatted in front of him and put a fart on his face, there would be no reaction.

What surprised Ye Xuan was that after the Second Universe’s personal Interstellar Coordinate was branded, his familiar System notification sound sounded in his mind, and it was still two, one related to the cultivation base breakthrough.

“Hey, Congratulations host, successfully branded the individual Interstellar Coordinate!”

“Hey, Congratulations host, Mortal Body Qi and Blood realm breakthrough! Current realm: Heavenly Passage Realm Third Step !”

Actually broken through?

Ye Xuan startled, and then he was surprised, and soon he realized it.

After all, he is now in the pool of Yin Pond, surrounded by a large number of Innate Yin Cold Liquid, and his current state is to activate the Netherworld Body under the Netherworld Claw divine ability.

For Netherworld Body, this Innate Yin Cold Liquid is the best Body Tempering cultivator. When I branded this Second Universe’s personal Interstellar Coordinate, Ye Xuan’s Netherworld Body unwittingly cultivated, so The cultivation base realm at the Mortal Body Qi and Blood level is able to break through a small order, naturally where water flows, a canal is formed.

This is also an unexpected joy, let Ye Xuan feel very comfortable, this time Yin Nest trip is really nothing, not only got back the azure jade ruler that records the complete Medicine King Inheritance, but also got a lot of Yin cold attribute Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures with rare minerals.

Even more than 10,000 cubes of Innate Yin Cold Liquid, and even the cultivation base realm, were branding the individual Interstellar Coordinate of the Second Universe.

But at this point, the benefits of this Yin Nest are almost the same. The core important place of Ancestral Land has been bathed by themselves. Can there be any good things hidden and not taken out?

I thought about it, just as Ye Xuan was getting ready to get up and thought that there was no good fortune in this Yin Nest. In his mind, there was a familiar System notification sound again at this time: “Hey, Congratulations host, Found Undying Inextinguishable Bead! Is it charged immediately?”

Undying Inextinguishable Bead ?

Ye Xuan startled, suddenly frowned.

It seems that Linghu Jue’s Undying Inextinguishable Bead, which was thrown in Shennong Cauldron, really got out of Yin Demon Race, and in addition to that one, the Yin Demon Race’s Ancestral Land core Yin Pond There is one.

This thing is also rare treasure, although it is not a good thing, but it can not stay in the hands of the enemy, the threat is too great.

Ye Xuan without the slightest hesitation, immediately charge!

Soon, a familiar gray puff appeared in his hands. Ye Xuan didn’t dare to touch it. He wrapped it in a group of Divine Consciousness and threw it into Shennong Cauldron with the body Eternal World.

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