When he led Ye Xuan into the Yin Nest passage, Yin Qi secretly gave his confidant a sigh. The latter would know, even if he took a few quick steps, he rushed to the front.

Yin Qi can be seen, the Old Ancestor of the Netherworld Race Young Venerable has just been born, there is no city, it is better, just be happy with him, then you must see yourself the most pleasing, Netherworld Race’s Bloodline divine ability is mostly the first One passed to myself.

Although he did not say anything else, but after one passed, the latter will be dragged down? After hundreds of years, everyone can’t wait.

So, now Yin Qi is a mind that just wants to make Old Ancestor happy. Although he has the cultivation base of Twelfth Big Realm Void Realm, and this Old Ancestor is just born, seeing the cultivation base realm is not high, only the Tenth Big Realm world Heavenly What the Passage First Step looks like.

But Yin Qi never thought about using force!

On the one hand, this little ancestor has no city, anyway, it is good, no need to be like that.

On the other hand, their Yin Demon Race is, after all, the mixed-blood descendant of Netherworld Race. It is true that with a strong approach, facing a pure Netherworld Race, they may kill because the cultivation base is higher than the other. If Soul Search gets the secret of the other’s Bloodline divine ability, it is completely impossible.

Ye Xuan is also well aware of this, so he will be so calm, and he will throw out the temptation of Netherworld Race Bloodline divine ability Netherworld Claw. He is sure that the fellow can’t resist, even if the cultivation base is strong, He can only hold his grandson in front of him!

Soon, Ye Xuan walked through the Yin Nest passage and led to Yin Nest under the guidance of Yin Qi.

Into the eye is a dark and chilly world, although there are also Void and stars, but the main color is gray, there is no source of masculinity, everywhere is chilly aura assaults the senses.

“Welcome to Old Ancestor, I wish Huan Ge Old Ancestor Immortal Blessing Forever Enjoys ,same longevity as the Heavens !”

In the chilly Void in front of the eyes, the Yin Demon Race clansman, which was pressed against the ground, was three or four thousand.

The entire Yin Demon Race has more than 10,000 people, and now it is controlled by three Elders. Yin Qi has just three or four thousand Lineages.

Not to mention, Yin Qi’s old goods are really going to come, it seems that it is obvious that Ye Xuan likes this kind of arrangement, and the arrangement is really quite what he wants.

If you let him know that Ye Xuan likes this kind of performance, it is because he looks at the barastard who is being taken advantage of himself. He is so willing, crying and crying for death and life, so his heart is so happy, the whole body is refreshing… I am afraid that Yin Qi You have to fry on the spot, not the old blood!

“Hey, what is this? A large piece of black pressure, is it interesting to do this? This Old Ancestor has always been low-key, and I don’t like this one…”

Seeing the black pressure in front of the eyes, Yin Demon Race clansman, Ye Xuan, the whole person is almost floating, and the mouth says that he likes low-key, but the people are already coming up, and they come to the fall of the fall. In front, enjoy their worship.

I was not in a hurry to make people get up. First, I smiled and swept the helpers in a circle. Finally, I waved my hand gently: “Okay, enough, hybrids, get up!”

“Thank Old Ancestor!”

“Respect Old Ancestor Immortal Blessing Forever Enjoys ,same longevity as the Heavens !”

A bunch of fellows who were called hybrids looked at each other with a smile. Just now, An Ancestor’s eyes were carefully swept over them. Everyone felt that they were in the eyes of Old Ancestor, and maybe they were remembered by Old Ancestor. Now, this is the rhythm of Fei Teng Tengda just around the corner.

Under the heart, these fellow one after another all climbed up, and did not dare to stop the way ahead, and actively retreated to a distant place, eyes glazed in the distant view.

“Old Ancestor, please…”

Yin Qi can be seen, the Young Venerable of the Netherworld Race is clearly very happy with this set, did not see the mouth of the music now go to the ear?

It’s normal to think about it. People at Desolate Ancient Era, but the powerful Netherworld Race’s Young Venerable, is now born in the modern era, but it’s found that Netherworld Race has long since fallen, and that kind of feeling of loss is so strong.

In this case, it is rare to enjoy the honorable treatment of the year in the nest of the hybrid descendant, and I am naturally happy.

Old Ancestor is happy, Yin Qi is naturally happy, he vaguely feels that he has touched the old Ancestor’s preferences, it seems that Netherworld Claw’s divine ability can’t run away, it must be its own.

Thinking like this, Yin Qi feels that his body is a little floating…

Here, Yin Qi’s three or four thousand direct descendants have just receded. The front of the sky immediately floated into two clouds, one left and one right, each with three or four thousand people, and the black pressure was large. Directly crouched in front of Ye Xuan, the leading two people are Yin Ba and Yin Jiu!

After the two fell, their heads were hanging, but they held a space box in their hands. They lifted them up high and screamed in their mouths.

“Old Ancestor, Old Eight is coming, please forgive me, here are some gadgets, a meeting for Old Ancestor!”

“Playing is a play, Old Nine is the same, not a good thing, but it represents the meaning of Old Nine, but also hope that Old Ancestor don’t dislike it, accept it…”

Old Eight ? Old Nine?

Ye Xuan startled, subconsciously glanced at Yin Qi next to him, seeing his complexion immediately gloomy, so his heart immediately comprehend and understand.

It seems that these two fellows are the same Yin Demon Race Elder as Yin Qi, and ranking is nothing more after it. This must have received the news, and came to flatter, saying that the ultimate goal is to ask for their own favor. I am very happy to pass the inheritance to Netherworld Claw.

Think of it like this, Ye Xuan is calm, and as long as the other person has this meaning, he has to be taken by him, not to mention that there is a poisoned deep Yin Qi next to him, even if the two people are not in front of him. Eat yourself, there is Yin Qi, and they don’t want to think about themselves.

Thinking like this, Ye Xuan looked heavy and raised his hand and patted his chest and said: “Who are these two hybrids? They rushed out in a cold, and took a vote with them, and they scared the old Ancestor be careful. Jumped out…”

This was originally Ye Xuan’s opportunity to take another cheaper word. Nothing more, I didn’t expect to pass Yin Ba and Yin Jiu two people’s ears, but it was like the sound of nature. Two Old Fogy grinned on the spot. It’s so exciting to fight the blood of the chicken, and rush to clarify the identity of the loyalty.

“right, right, right, Old Ancestor is the clearest, are we not a hybrid? Your old family, mixed blood, descendant, your old species, referred to as hybrid, is this meaning Old Ancestor?”

“Is it true? The one next to you is the hybrid Old Seven, this is the hybrid Old Eight, the small one is the hybrid Old Nine, all of your kind…”

This hybrid was originally Ye Xuan’s heart, but now I listened a lot, especially the fellows, a bite of a hybrid, and then said that they are all their own species. Listening to Ye Xuan’s ear, it’s really not that. It’s a taste.

Isn’t this special about yourself?

These fellows are hybrids. They are their Old Ancestor.

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