After a short while, Ye Xuan urged Hoshino to rush to the blood color, and the whole world instantly turned into a bloody Heaven and Earth. After a short two-three interest, the light came, and the familiar universe appeared in the front field!

Also at this moment, the familiar System notification sound also sounded in Ye Xuan’s mind: “Hey, Congratulations host, find the right place! Anemia Deep Domain: Located in Second Universe! The Universe plane has not branded individual Interstellar Coordinate, immediately brand?”

Anemia Deep Domain ?

Located in Second Universe?

Ye Xuan suddenly stopped, and after rushing out of the void crack, came directly to Second Universe from First Universe?

Two of Fifteenth Big Realm’s Heaven and Earth Supreme Being teamed up to tear open the void crack. Can you have such power?

Actually crossed a Universe plane!

This is obviously not realistic, at least Ye Xuan does not believe it.

Because if this is the case, the natural universe wormhole that connects the Universe planes makes no sense. The Heaven and Earth Supreme Being of Fifteenth Big Realm, whether it is Human Race or Second Universe Federation various clans, including Heavenly Machine Race, must not be few.

If two of Fifteenth Big Realm’s Heaven and Earth Supreme Being teamed up, they could tear open the void crack and spread across the Universe plane. This way, the battle will become a real nightmare.

The army between the Three Great Universe planes can completely fall into the plane of the enemy camp in this way…

This is absolutely impossible, otherwise how can the current Three Great Universe plane be so peaceful?

“It should be the void crack that Zhan Tu Old Ghost two people teamed up to tear, and there was a small chance of accident!”

After some indulgence, Ye Xuan had the results of the analysis, and the fine flashes in the middle of it: “From this point of view, it can be seen that the two Old Fogy are not at all good intentions. Their purpose is not to banish the Tyrant Star Ship at all. The endless universe void, the broken void, should have the original end point, within the First Universe plane Territory.”

“The two Old Fogy are clearly trying to catch a turtle in the jar and have passed the powerhouse of other forces. I want to capture this Young Lord alone!”

“Unfortunately, the void crack has a small chance of accident, and the Tyrant Star Ship has been moved to the Second Universe.”

“For this, two Old Fogy should have been aware, Zhan Tu old son of a bitch who invited by Wu Mei ugly ghost this is mostly a Jingshan Road Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, should be able to push Deriving a new end position after the Void Channel has a small chance of failure.”

“If this is the case, the two Old Ghosts should be on the way to the moment, maybe they are coming soon. After all, Tyrant Star Ship has not stayed in this void crack for a short time, nearly ten days.”

“From Heavenly Battle Empire to Meteor Burial Star Territory, then from the natural universe wormhole of the Meteor Burial Star Territory deep place to the Second Universe, followed by the final derivation to determine the location, the whole process, about ten days Can do it…”

One thought about this, Ye Xuan in the eyes bright glow flashes, there is a faint cold and severe flash, the other party is so calculated, want to put him to death, Ye Xuan even if the temper is good, this time is a little angry!

Later, Ye Xuan remembered the blood color palmprint of the remaining on the Tyrant Star Ship hull.

This is clearly the branding mark used by Zhan Tu and the Wu Mei ugly ghost to determine his exact position. In any case, it must not be left.

However, this is after all the mark of the rest of the Fifteenth Big Realm’s Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, and Ye Xuan is not sure to erase it. After trying it out, the result makes him stunned.

After Ye Xuan gave instructions to the center of the Tyrant Star Ship, the blood color print was erased in an instant, and there was no trace at all!

The entire Tyrant Star Ship is formed by a myriad of micro-molecules of World Insect. With the instructions of Ye Xuan, the World Insect Derivation Center is simply a small hull area directly branded by the blood color palm print. Abandon, as the gecko breaks, this problem is solved.

In the blink of an eye, a piece of rice was round, about one chi thick hull separated from the Tyrant Star Ship, fell into the Void deep place, and soon disappeared!

Although this Void site called Anemia Deep Domain is indeed suitable for branding his Interstellar Coordinate in Second Universe, like First Universe’s Life Black Hole and Third Universe’s Death Star Vortex, the previous void crack exit here, Zhan Tu old son of a bitch and that Wu Mei ugly ghost should have been a little out of this derivation.

That is to say, this place has already been exposed, and it will become the focus of the other party, and the small piece of Tyrant Star Ship that has been separated from the World Insect micro-molecules that have been thoroughly Death has also fallen. This piece of Void’s deep place, blood color palm print is still on it, and the role of most of the orientation is still there.

Therefore, Ye Xuan is not suitable for branding in the individual Interstellar Coordinate of Second Universe!

With this in mind, Ye Xuan did not stop, stepped out of the Tyrant Star Ship and then waved it into the body Eternal World.

Finally, the Void Abode Shuttle was sacrificed and stepped in. After the Concealment Array was launched, the ship was mobilized into an invisible awning, and spurred toward the distance…

This time, I came to the Second Universe in a wrong way. For Ye Xuan, it was a beating!

After he had intended to end the troubles of Heavenly Battle Empire, he immediately took time to rush to Second Universe. I did not expect to unexpectedly sigh in this way.

There are three reasons for coming to Second Universe.

The first is to find a suitable place in the Second Universe, branding the individual Interstellar Coordinate.

He has branded a personal Interstellar in First Universe and Third Universe, and only stamped it in the Second Universe, then in the future, once the Interstellar Coordinate Jumping Ability attached to the System title is launched, then Ye Xuan can expand the plane between the Three Great Universe planes and move freely!

Second, the ancient turtle shell carrying the Void Abode Remnant Slip, Xuanyuan Ziying is obtained from the Nether Turtle Sea Star Territory of Second Universe. In any case, Ye Xuan must go there and explore and find it.

And this time may not be short, because Void Abode Secret Art is really important to him, Nether Turtle Sea is a whole piece of Star Territory, Ye Xuan can’t rush to go and leave, so this time came to Second Universe He may stay for a while.

Third, Second Universe various clans are basically some of the exotic birds with the deep ancient creatures Bloodline. Ye Xuan had eaten the grilled wings of Silver Ji Race, and had eaten the grilled beef meat of Barbarian Bull Race. The excellent taste is not mentioned. The energy contained in the flesh and blood of these powerful tribes is also very powerful for the evolution of his mortal body.

It can also be used as a medicine to prepare subsequent Genetic Fluid.

Ye Xuan has already formulated 11th level Fluid, and after his Mortal Body Qi and Blood cultivation base reaches the Tenth Big Realm Heavenly Passage Ninth Step Great Perfection, he can swallow and enter the Eleventh Big Realm Profound Light First Step.

But since then there is no way to go. Before its Mortal Body Qi and Blood cultivation base reaches Eleventh Big Realm Profound Light Ninth Step Great Perfection, Ye Xuan must prepare 12th level Fluid…

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