
The end of the mechanical Demon Insect is like a huge meteor hammer. The speed is faster than the meteor. It is violent all the way. Even the Void is torn, and the blink of an eye is on the mechanical Blade Mantis. On the limbs.

The huge roaring sound came, and the mechanical blade Mantis’s leg was bent at a different angle. Although it was not directly broken, it was severely damaged. Even if it can be repaired, at least this leg For the time being, I lost some features.


“Linghu Chong, you Damn!”

Mechanical Blade Mantis within the body, Sha Baofeng almost mad roaring out, hateful.

At the moment, he has been fully integrated with Demon Battle Ship. The Demon Battle Ship is like his body. At this moment, one leg is discounted. Although the mechanical damage is Demon Battle Ship, the pain is Sha Baofeng.

After all, Demon Battle Ship is just a small fortress without life, and although Sha Baofeng is a Mechanical Lifeform, from the beginning of his self-consciousness, there is already a pain. Otherwise, there is no pain in the existence of Life. Even if it is Mechanical Lifeform, it is not complete!

Although there are many legs and legs of Mechanical Blade Mantis, when one of the hundreds of Battleships, Fortresses, and Small Fortions fought, there was already a limb that was abolished and temporarily lost some functions.

Now with the second leg, the action of Mechanical Blade Mantis is immediately more affected. Sha Baofeng may be screaming at this moment, or it may be because Ye Xuan’s rebellious, even the Heavenly Machine Race’s Patriarch Emperor One is not in the eye, which makes him extremely angry!

“You are not qualified to say this to the Young Lord. It seems that you need to teach you that you are stopped!”

Mechanical Demon Insect In the long mouthpart, the voice of Ye Xuan’s cold voice came out again. At this moment, just like a meteor hammer, the mechanical blade Mantis smashed one leg to the end of the fracture. The hammer has been recovered, but the huge shape of the Mechanical Demon Insect has suddenly risen.

A soft bouncing has crossed the Void hundreds of miles away and landed above the Mechanical Blade Mantis.

“Blade Mantis? I don’t think so. I just broke a leg and just didn’t fight!”

Ye Xuan’s ridiculous words came out, followed by Mechanical Demon Insect’s two large legs and two of them were smashed out, and it was also two Blade Mantis 斩劈.


“chì lá ……”

Two rapid blasts sounded, and the two Blade Mantis arm of Mechanical Demon Insect instantly hit the body of the Mechanical Blade Mantis, opening two cracks. For a time, the body of the Mechanical Blade Mantis flashed. A striking electric spark.

Just two times, the mechanical body Mantis’s huge body has two extra gaps of 10,000 meters, which looks very embarrassing.

There is a wide hall in the gap, which is full of Demon powerhouse face dumbstruck, stunned through the main two gaps to the outside Void.

The two compound eyes of Mechanical Demon Insect are just facing the huge gaps of these two terrifying, so Ye Xuan sees everything in it.

For this reason, the shape of Mechanical Demon Insect is obviously abruptly delayed.

The back was originally stretched out of the two energy wings, and instantly stopped in the air.

Originally, these two Death Ray fins, condensed by Antimatter Light Energy, were to be slammed down directly, and the Mechanical Blade Mantis was completely solved with a single blow, but now Ye Xuan changed his mind because he I saw the love on the vast square of Blade Mantis within the body space.

Among the large number of Demon powerhouses, there are quite a few acquaintances!

The vast majority of Demon Ye Xuan can’t name it, but they have seen nothing more, but there are two fellows and his relationship. One is the big leader of the Black Mosquito Department, Zuo Fengtai, which is Ye Xuan’s Demon Slave. The cultivation base strength was previously Ninth Big Realm Origin Fourth Step, but now it has reached the Ninth Big Realm Origin Ninth Step Great Perfection.

It seems that this time is quite an adventure, but the slave mark in his mind is still there, no problem, still in the control of Ye Xuan.

At this time, while Ye Xuan’s line of sight captured Zuo Fengtai, the slave mark in the latter’s brain was also inductive, reflecting the hot rays of light when it looked to the mechanical Demon Insect where Ye Xuan was.

Ye Xuan When the Spirit Source Core is soothed, let it not be exposed, Zuo Fengtai’s hot rays of light are dimmed and quickly return to normal…

The other fellow is actually Demon Sovereign Star’s Demon Imperial Family uncle Mo Qigong!

Its cultivation base was originally in Heavenly Passage Realm of Tenth Big Realm, but now it has reached Twelfth Big Realm Void Realm. This is not an adventure. It can only explain the Mo Qigong’s cultivation base that he saw before. Convergent.

If you think about it in a divergent way, it is highly probable that the cultivation base of Demon Sovereign Mo Wentian and others is also hidden!

With this sudden speculation, Ye Xuan’s heart slammed, and the white sweat on the back crawled out some time.

If this is the case, Wen Xing Old Ghost mostly hides the cultivation base. The cultivation base strength he showed at the time was the same as that of Demon Sovereign Mo Wentian and Imperial Uncle Mo Qigong. It was also Tenth Big Realm Heavenly Passage Realm, although it was the beginning. Into this situation, but if other people have hidden the cultivation base, how can he alone be a real cultivation base?

If he is not the existence of the Tenth Big Realm Heavenly Passage Realm, but the existence of Twelfth Big Realm Void Realm, then Napoli’s shot can never kill him.

In other words, Wen Xing Old Ghost is very likely to swindle golden cicada shedding its shell, not only Ye Xuan has been deceived, even the Human Race and Myriad Gathering Federation have been deceived.

If this matter is taken seriously, then no matter what the purpose of Wen Xing is, this person is too terrifying.

But all this is still just guessing more, unconfirmed, and again, the current situation is not suitable for this matter, Ye Xuan soon left it behind, but in my heart, I am going to explore it later.

At the same time, Ye Xuan suddenly thought of Demon Sovereign City’s first High Priest Wen Xing at the same time. It was separated from the local space of the First Universe, which has a hundred 10,000 meters, which is 1000. Kilometer-diameter Super Aerospace Fortress, Headquarters interior deep place at Heavenly Machine Race.

An old man who was kneeling like a seclusion suddenly opened his eyes. The flash of a slap in the middle of his mouth, the corner of his mouth slowly sketched out a cold and severe smile, as if he had suddenly felt something in this moment.

However, he did not say much, and soon closed his eyes again and fell into the seclusion state.

This person is Demon Sovereign City High Priest Wen Xing !


Third Universe, the great war near the Heavenly Mercury Empire Star Territory.

After the temporary opening of Wen Xing Old Ghost in the brain, Ye Xuan’s gaze quickly caught a smile from Mo Qigong’s mouth, Ye Xuan startled, and then secretly sighed, Old Fogy, guessed Your identity!

As the uncle of the Demon Imperial Family, Mo Qigong has always been unsmiling for people. Only Zhang Wuji is very eye-catching and quite a bit old-fashioned.

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