“Impossible! This is absolutely perfect Impossible!”

“The form of Mechanical Battle Insect changed by the other side, not only has a mechanical arm, but also an energy barrel, and there is also a defense against the wing. This degree of fusion and change has exceeded the technology I have acquired, don’t Tell me In the small fortress, is there a Heavenly Machine Race clansman that is stronger than me?”

“Aridly, this simply absurd…”

As Mo Qigong’s cry out in surprise sounds, the inner space of the battle of Blade Mantis and the shocking voice of Heavenly Machine Race’s core high-level Sha Baofeng are also ringing.

The Tyrant Star Ship suddenly turned into a huge battle Demon Insect, which he saw with his own eyes, has already been shocked!

This kind of mechanical fusion Secret Art, even in the core high-level circle of Heavenly Machine Race, is still a secret, only the confidant of Patriarch Emperor One is given, and even the No. 1 confidant of Emperor One has never been Give the complete fusion Profound Truth a flaw.

As for Sha Baofeng, although he is also one of the Emperor One’s confidants, but the ranking has reached a hundred, so the given fusion Profound Truth is more simplified.

But now, after seeing a small fortress in a mechanical change, he showed a higher level of fusion Profound Truth than him. Although it is not comparable to the ten confession of the top ten of Emperor One. Fusion Profound Truth and mastery, but at least the top 50!

However, according to Sha Baofeng, Heavenly Machine Race Patriarch Emperor One ranks the top fifty confidant clansman, who never leaves First Universe. They are basically in the Headquarters of Heavenly Machine Race and rarely go out.

Even the First Universe won’t go out, let alone the Third Universe that is controlled by Human Race.

That is to say, in the small fortress opposite Linghu Young Lord, it is impossible to sit on the core of a Heavenly Machine Race, but it shows a similar mechanical fusion Ability and is better than what Sha Baofeng has mastered. To be profound, this is really a mystery, telling him that he can’t figure it out anyway.

“don’t tell me ……”

Sha Baofeng’s voice resounded again, this time, with a trembling voice: “Unless the other party is on the spot, so that all this can be achieved, just now, I applied the mechanical fusion Profound Truth, which was captured by the other party. Throughout the process, the other party reappeared through the Intel Center’s derivation!”

“absolutely Impossible ……”

Mo Qigong was shocked and vetoed: “The change of Mechanical Battle Insect does not seem to have much technical content on the surface, but in fact it is the opposite. If there is no Heavenly Machine that has this mechanical fusion technology. Race core as the center, a Battleship is a dead thing, how to expand the internal structure and shape changes?”

“In this case, even if the other party can deduce the general technical difficulties, it can’t break through, and can’t solve it!”

“The average Battleship does not, but there is an exception in the legend!”

When Mo Qigong’s words were just finished, Sha Baofeng took over and continued to say with vibrato. “In the legend, the founder of Patriarch Emperor One, also known as Human Race’s Technology Pioneer Xing Bo, remained a Life Battleship, this is a mystery. No one knows what the Life Battleship looks like and where it is, but rumors say that the entire Battleship is alive, it can grow up, this technology even surpasses Heavenly Machine Race Today’s most advanced Battleship self-recovery is too much…”

“If the opponent’s Battleship is the Life Battleship, it is originally alive, and naturally there is no problem. As long as the key technical points are derived, the mechanical fusion Profound Truth can be reproduced immediately.”

“After all, the core technical parameter of mechanical fusion capability is to use a Heavenly Machine Race core and Battleship fusion to temporarily give life to it, and Life Battleship can just omit this link. People are alive and have Life, so once you change, it will be more thorough and easier to master.”

“This will explain the extent to which the change in the other party’s changes has actually been above me…”

Speaking of this, Sha Baofeng is no longer speeching, and is silent, because he knows that compared to the top 50 core of the Heavenly Machine Race ranking, he came to Third Universe, and the other’s small fortress is the one in the legend. The possibility of Life Battleship left by Xing Bo is even smaller and less realistic!

Just now he just suddenly thought of this possibility, he said nothing more than!

In fact, I have never believed in my heart…

But the speaker is not interested, the listener has the heart, Sha Baofeng’s words just fell, Mo Qigong’s complexion has changed, and it is a big change.

Suddenly flashed a divine light in his mind, remembering the Tyrant Star Ship small fortress that Zhang Wuji originally took from the Demon Guard One.

The small fortress really has a lot of years, and it’s roughly calculated. It happened before the Human Race Technology Pioneer Xing Bo was born and the Heavenly Machine Race had not rebelled against the Human Race.

Later, Xing Bo fell, Human Race was rushed to Third Universe, and the small fortress also experienced many years of battle in the hands of Heavenly Machine Race, and finally retired and was thrown to Demon Race as garbage.

I just arrived at this Star Territory, and when I saw the small fortress facing the seat, Mo Qigong gave birth to a feeling of one kind of feeling. It seems that this small fortress has seen it, vaguely and was taken away by Zhang Wuji. The Tyrant Star Ship is somewhat similar.

But that is obviously not very likely. A small fortress of five kilometers in diameter, in less than a year, how could it be transformed into a small fortress of 50,000 meters diameter?

Therefore, Mo Qigong just thought about it and put the idea away.

Now that he heard the legend of Life Battleship, his breathing was rushing, and there was a certain ambiguity.

“It seems that the kid is Long Xuan, and now it is also known as Linghu Young Lord, tch tch tch, and it really is one of the two great monstrous talents of Human Race.”

Shaking his head and laughing, Mo Qigong screamed with a kind of sound that only he could hear: “Whether it is Zhang Wuji, Xuan Huangzi, or Linghu Young Lord, the three identities are all smashed.” Out of the wind, now look at each other, it really is the kid’s acting style, the secret of this heaven-shaking, was actually sneaked by the old man…”

“In addition, the kid was really unpredictable at the beginning. He thought that he was going to take a piece of rubbish. I didn’t expect it to be a three-faced unique and unmatched Supreme Treasure, Life Battleship!”

“I have a big loss in this Demon Race. The kid must give a statement. Otherwise, hmph hmph, old man will never agree!”

Just now, Sha Baofeng’s voice has sounded again: “In any case, the Human Race camp has a small fortress similar to the one with my Heavenly Machine Race mechanical fusion technology. This is a big deal and must be checked.”

In any case, the Mechanical Blade Mantis was a stagnation, a sudden bounce, and it was the hundreds of Battleships that entangled with it, across the Void, and the Mechanical Demon Insect, which changed to the Tyrant Star Ship, rushed over…

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