The Second Universe various clans Allied Army has a total of only 13 Battleships, eight of which are 10,000 meters diameter fortresses, and the remaining five are 50,000 meters diameter small fortresses like the Tyrant Star Ship!

Each of the five small fortresses has only one Sect Master gun, and the diameter is 15,000 meters!

For the Super monster of Tyrant Star Ship, this level of small fortress, at least six to eight seats can be tied to the tie… This is the result of light analysis from the data, in fact, may need more!

At the moment, this star war has just begun. The five small fortresses of the Second Universe various clans Allied Army have been destroyed. It is not enough to match the Tyrant Star Ship. Now the top-level force is instantaneous. Five to go to one, it is undoubtedly worse, there is no problem of winning rate at all!

As the Tyrant Star Ship first fired, a round of volleys killed a small fortress, and all the starry sky powerhouses, including the members of the Second Universe various clans Allied Army, instantly realized a truth.

That is the fight, Second Universe Allied Army has no chance of winning a single point, it is completely slammed and abused!

This simply too ironic!

Thirteen to one, this is actually the result!

Even more blushing is that just before the count, all people still think that it will be slammed and slaughtered by the Tyrant Star Ship.

The result is that the ten breaths are not enough. The fact that people use the red fruit is so smashing everyone’s loud big ears!

But at the moment, the surviving 12 Block Universe various clans Allied Army and all the powerhouses in the small fortress have completely ignored blushing or shame.

The only feeling that occupies their hearts, only fear!

Even the more than a dozen Void and Genesis Realm’s variant clans Elders screamed in a panic, and their voices were transmitted through the sound system of Battleship under their feet, and they rang through the whole Void…


“Who can tell old man, what happened?”

“It’s not right. It shouldn’t be like this! How could there be such a small fortress? The four-seat 10,000 meters anti-matter Death Ray Cannon was actually placed in the same small fortress, its Antimatter Light Energy generator? Is there a place to resettle?”

“Elder of Silver Ji Race is getting old, and together with the small fortress of the family, no one has escaped. More than a thousand Silver Ji Race elites have killed Fei Yan in the blink of an eye!”

“The whole small fortress is annihilated in an instant, it’s too fierce. How can this fight be the result?”

“Open the hood and immediately open the hood with all your strength…”

Unfortunately, without waiting for their dumbstruck screams, they have completed the second time recharged Tyrant Star Ship at an unbelievable speed. The four main guns with calibers above two 10,000 meters are finally Volley again!




The low-pitched energy roaring sounds, four diameter terrifying black antimatter energy beams are instantly shot, this time still concentrated fire, aiming at the other of the four remaining small fortresses of the Second Universe various clans Allied Army fleet!

The result is no suspense!

Another small fortress of 50,000 meters diameter was annihilated, and after this volley, the four terrifying main guns of the Tyrant Star Ship did not hesitate to re-energize.

According to the speed that has been verified before, in just over a minute, Tyrant Star Ship will once again have the Ability of third time!

At the thought of this, the countless starry sky powerhouses in all around Void suddenly fell into the cold and sweat, a path of dumbstruck crazy screams heard through Heaven and Earth…

“Damn, this fellow person is monstrous talent, treasure is monstrous talent, casually offering a small fortress is also a monstrous talent, and it is not letting people live…”

“Can’t wait any longer, all the Battleships are volleyed together, and you must kill him as soon as possible. This monstrous talent can’t make him live in the world, the threat is too great!”

“Yes, even this kind of Starry Sky Black Technology beyond the real world has mastered it. What else is Linghu Young Lord’s tossing? This cargo is only three medicines? Is it cross-border invincible? Even Starry Sky Black Technology’s Domain is an absolute Big Mac, and he is in the Three Great Universe plane, it’s a big mess, it’s too bad!”

“Destroy him, and immediately kill him!”

“Too tererifying. In just one minute, the two small fortresses of 50,000 meters diameter are gone. It doesn’t take long for all the fleets to be tied together. Now, with this Ability, all the Battleships are volleyed together. Must kill him…”

They are afraid! Really scared!

In this way, just a Battleship of the Roaring Tyrant Dragon, you can sweep away more than a thousand Battleships on their side. After all, among the more than a thousand Battleships, the small fortress is less than one less than the more, and the blink of an eye Have been killed two…

Once all the small fortresses have been solved, the remaining big forts and Star Level Battleship will not help.

As the scream of fear of the a path of sounds, the entire Void is confusing, and a large number of humming sounds are heard, densely packed hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Some Battleship is fully charged, and wants to set up a thousand Battleships to launch a volley and kill Tyrant Star Ship.

Some Battleships are fully open to the defensive hood. Battleship’s Commander is obviously conservative in style. It has been frightened by the terrifying performance of Tyrant Star Ship. It is considered to protect your own safety.

Such a chaotic situation has already scared the many Human Races and Alien Race prisoners who have just been released from the star giant cauldron, such as Wu Chenzi and Gong Wuxin.

Including Xuanyuan Ziying and Duanmu Xiaocha and Zhao Qianru, this is basically the same state at the moment, stunned.

Although they have witnessed the growth of Tyrant Star Ship, they are not clear about the performance improvement of various devices inside, and the Strength displayed today makes them dumbstruck.

However, compared to all other unknowns, it is believed that all of them are the powerhouses caused by Starry Sky-class Black Technology, and they at least vaguely understand the roots.

The so-called Starry Sky Black Technology naturally does not exist.

This is a Life small fortress, it is alive, what is the four-seat 10,000 meters anti-matter Death Ray Cannon? If needed, the countless World Insect derivative micromolecules that make up the fortress can even be rearranged in an instant, combined into one, and turned into a Super Death Ray Cannon with a caliber of more than 40,000 meters!

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan Ziying’s three women shivered a chill, and if that’s the case, a shot is a rhythm of a small fortress annihilation.

They finally understand why all the powerhouses in all around Void are so afraid of this, such a terrifying small fortress, simply Starry Sky killer, Demon King level!

At the same time, just as the entire Void is completely confusing, 1000’s multiple Battleships, Fortresses, and Fortresses are all working on the Defensive Array, the Space Vibrations, or the charge ready to attack, somewhere in the Void. A black small fortress of 50,000 meters diameter, due to its proximity to the edge of the oscillating Void, its hull was forced to appear.

It is the small fortress from the First Universe Demon Tribe, Demon Battle Ship!

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