The three girls originally had several Battle Armors, the most sturdy and practical, clumsy and ugly, the most beautiful, but also flashy, not very useful in actual combat, although there are several Battle Armor that both take care of, but Because at the same time we must take into account these two different aspects, so it is a moderate, beautiful is beautiful, but not stunning, solid is solid, but still unsatisfactory…

For the beautiful female starry sky powerhouses, having a stable and versatile Battle Armor has almost become a pain in the heart forever, and few people have got what they want.

But now, the three women’s Battle Armor, which is displayed in front of their eyes, clearly belongs to this fantasy equipment.

The stars in the eyes of the three girls are all coming out. The Battle Armor in front of you can still see the shadows of the two different fusion Treasure Armors that they provided before. The shortcomings are abandoned and the advantages are preserved. Perfectly combined together.

Just this first fusion, the three girls have been amazed, although the Grade has not changed, the main theme they provided before is Starry Sky Legend Level, but it is still the same, but the quality is especially the shape, but already To shed one’s mortal body and exchange one’s bones, and there is a world of difference.

“Heavens, it’s amazing, isn’t that a dream?”

“Big Bastard, the previous thing was written off, this lady is not angry, but the subsequent smelt can not be sloppy…”

“Idols are idols, and with this hand change something rotten into something magical refiner means, even if it is not Prince, it is destined to scream, even those who are Refining Grandmaster, fear is nothing!”

In the eyes of the stars, the three girls couldn’t help but admire their new Battle Armor, and they were not praised. They almost took Ye Xuan to heaven.

Later, they each brought the Treasure Armor to the body, and the whole temperament was different, which made Ye Xuan shine.

After tossing for a while, the three girls were reluctantly taken off, and the blushing face was still handed over to Ye Xuan with their body temperature, Battle Armor, and then he was entangled in his thoughts after the second time fusion. Armor’s form and change, and it took a lot of time to make a meal.

It was during this night that the second time of the Undying Inextinguishable Poison broke out and appeared…




At midnight, a path of sound send cold shivers down one’s spine mournful howl of the corpse suddenly sounded from Heavenly Battle Star three top-level patriarch Tuobo, Gongyang two, and Yuwen Family and Huangfu home temporarily rent in Heavenly Battle Star The direction of the courtyard.

Then, dozens of hundreds of Universe Zombies, rushing out of the four gates, were scattered and headed for different directions in Heavenly Battle Imperial Capital.

These Universe Zombies were originally starry sky powerhouses with four gate valves, perhaps because of this time they were exposed to Tuobo Linfeng and Gongyang Zhi, Yu Wenzhuo and Huangfu, who were all infected.

What is even more bizarre is that they have already made an appointment as early as possible, and tonight, while poisoning, losing vitality, self-consciousness dissipated, for the terrifying 狰狞 of the Universe Zombie.

If there is no greasy thing in this, I am afraid that no one will believe it, but the problem is where it is, but no one knows it!

The Heavenly Battle Empire responded in the first time. A large number of Imperial Capital garrisons were dispatched. In the blink of an eye, there was a myriad of shuttles back and forth between the Imperial Capital outer city, and search and hunting.

As one of the three Great Empires, Imperial City has been banned, but after the first unsuccessful outbreak of Undying Inextinguishable Poison, no one will pay attention to this ban.

At this time, the Imperial Capital garrison, in addition to the small shuttle, even the 100-meter Captain’s Planet-class Battleship has been dialed out, from time to time to blast the energy beam, hunting the Imperial Capital outer city bloody universe Zombie.

In the chaotic situation, some of Starry Sky Powerhouse in Imperial Capital are no longer scrupulous, and they have sacrificed their own small private Battleship, and Cangjie fled the magic land.

As for the inner city of Heavenly Battle Imperial Capital, the energy defensive hood has already been opened, which can effectively isolate the virus from spreading in. At the same time, there are a large number of Imperial Capital garrison guards. The unconventional Universe Zombie is close, far away. Will be killed…

This night, the entire Heavenly Battle Imperial Capital was completely messed up!

Heavenly Battle Empire, the emperor will fall!

At the same time, the Universe Zombie has more than a hundred heads, and all of them are starry sky powerhouses. Their original cultivation base strength is not weak. After the poisonous hair is Universe Zombie, there is a variation between the flesh and blood cells of the body. Strength has skyrocketed and it is extremely difficult to hunt.

Even if it was successfully hunted, in the process, more Imperial Capital people were infected, and the Splashed Universe Zombie blood was completely unprepared in this chaotic situation, so that it was only a hundred The Universe Zombie is actually killing more and more, and in the end, it has gradually formed the trend of the original!

Not dawn, the zombie of Imperial Capital outer city has been squashed, although most of them are ordinary Capital people of the ordinary, not starry sky powerhouse, but even the ordinary people, after the Universe Zombie, because of Variation The power of owning has also been shocking.

What’s more, there is also a small amount of starry sky powerhouse, which has become the leader of the Universe Zombie, often lurking in the zombie group, it is difficult to hunt.

As the sky is bright, the zombie of the Imperial Capital outer city has reached a number of hundred thousand.

At this point, the Heavenly Battle Empire official finally consciousness to the general trend has gone, the situation can no longer be reversed, the inner city Royal Family and Empire executives who are sheltered by the energy defensive cover, have not evacuated, and not only evacuated from the Imperial Capital, but withdrew Star, because some Universe Zombie has already broken the city, the other city on the continuation of this star will soon be affected, and there will be no more preserved land!

The Empire executives have already begun to evacuate, and the outer city’s starry sky powerhouse and Empire people naturally have no hope of any more. Anyone who has the Ability to leave, all set off at First Universe, boarded the Battleship and took off.

Not only did the other gates and forces from the Medicine King summit leave, but even the top-level gatekeepers Tuobo, Gongyang and other Clan of the Heavenly Battle Empire.

Including Xuanyuan Ziying and Duanmu Xiaocha, Zhao Qianru, three girls, and finally left, Ye Xuan stood in the small courtyard of the shack, looked up at the horizon, watched the Battleship of the gates lift off, and a stone in my heart fell. Ground!

Ye Xuan had already left, but it has not been gone yet because he temporarily changed his mind. For the time being, he did not intend to leave the Heavenly Battle Star.

As for the reasons, even Ye Xuan now feels a bit savvy.

The reason why he is remaining is for these Universe Zombie, to be precise, for the four-headed Zombie King!

In the middle of the second time Undying Inextinguishable Poison, Ye Xuan’s brain sounded the familiar System notification sound in time, and he became the first to understand the existence of this strange poison outbreak, while without The slightest hesitation changed the intention to leave…

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