The seven minds of Xuanyuan Ziying and Duanmu Xiaocha had already had speculation. At this moment, when listening to the words of Ye Xuan, it was even more certain, and the expression changed sharply again.

In addition, the awnings of the awnings are too terrifying, and the azure-green beams of soaring to the heavens have all been melted, and they are spreading at a speed of one kind of speed, fearing that it will be impossible. In a few minutes, you will reach your eyes.

Tuobo Linfeng four people aura The horror of the Void’s turbulent scene is still in front of them, they don’t want to follow the footsteps, and now they don’t hesitate, anyway, the Medicine King Inheritance jade ruler has been taken away, this within the cauldron space also No value for nostalgia, not poisonous fog is terrifying of the colorful flames, simply is the danger zone, or leave early.

I thought about it, Xuanyuan Ziying and Duanmu Xiaocha and Zhao Qianru three people even if they followed Ye Xuan, Linghu Yilang and other four powerhouses from the Clear River Pavilion.

At this time, Ye Xuan, who had just struck a distance, suddenly thought of something. His figure was stagnant, and he waved his hand to Void Abode Shuttle. He ordered the four people such as Linghu Yilang to enter.

The four people stunned and quickly responded. They were black households. They would be besieged when they went out. Now they can enter Ye Xuan’s private Battleship to avoid the disaster. The right to die in Ding.

If only Ye Xuan rushes out, it is afraid that no one will believe, most will be searched, but there are Xuanyuan Ziying three women companions, naturally there is no such problem.

In the same way, Linghu Yilang four people did not hesitate, and quickly became four miles, and plunged into the Void Abode Shuttle with a large opening.

At the same moment, Xuanyuan Ziying and Duanmu Xiaocha and Zhao Qianru were stunned for a while, but also dumbstruck cry out in surprise, staring at Ye Xuan’s Void Abode Shuttle, and the eyes were coming out. It is.

“Heavens, what did Miss Ben see? A dreamy private Battleship?”

“Let this lady come to count the Array of hulls, Concealment Array, Defensive Array, Acceleration Array, Transmission Array, and even one kind of Lian Ben, who can’t see what it is, Heavens, this will not be Quasi Starry Sky Supreme Treasure?”

“big scoundrel, your Battleship is different, but you can also see some shadows of Purple Star Shuttle. No matter this Miss, you have to help us get one of these Battleships. It’s so beautiful, and it’s powerful enough to be abnormal. Let’s go back and find the right fusion material…”

With the sound of the three girls’ cry out in surprise, Ye Xuan was startled, and then the complexion was completely green in an instant. If it happened, would he dare to go out? I was remembered once in a while, and my back was white and sweaty!

However, the three beautiful women are not the crazy girl who ignores the overall situation. See Ye Xuan smiled and nodded, waved Void Abode Shuttle into the body, and did not entangle under the heart, even if it followed Ye Xuan slammed toward the top of the Dingkou, and the figure was immersed in the awning of the awning, and the eye was left with the cauldron space…

At the same time, Shennong Cauldron is inside!

Ye Xuan has left, and Shennong Cauldron has not collected it, but this cauldron has been refining him. Before leaving, Devouring System has activated some magical power of Shennong Cauldron, at this moment, with the departure of Ye Xuan At the same time, the colorful Shennong flame in the cauldron volcanic furnace in the central domain once again made a big splash. At the same time as the flames and the sky, a awning emerged like a cloud mist, and spread rapidly toward all around.

Soon, these nine mists were in direct contact with the gray flutter weird fog, which is also spreading rapidly. It feels like the oil is in the water, and the gray flutter weird fog instantly melts the azure-green of the Medicine King Lineage. The light beam energy, but there is no way for Shennong Cauldron’s colorful flames, and it will be forced to retreat as soon as it is facing, not an opponent.

From the cauldron volcanic furnace in the central domain, more and more colorful fog groups have emerged, gradually covering the entire within cauldron space, so that the gray flutter weird fog, which was spreading rapidly, was directly curbed by the proliferation. It even began to be suppressed and condensed inward, and was forced to the cauldron volcanic furnace with the cauldron space.

If this situation continues, the original gray flutter weird fog, which is supposed to spread out, is likely to be re-formed into a gray-sounding Undying Inextinguishable Bead under the power of Shennong Cauldron.

Of course, some fog that has spread out has been separated in the process of being forced to retreat. This Undying Inextinguishable Poison is extremely sensitive to flesh and blood, and most of this part of the separation has been drilled into the dust. Tuobo Linfeng and Gongyang Zhi, Yu Wenzhuo and Huangfu Zhuo four people within the body.

The direct result is that these four fellows were lying down on the ground and life and death, but at the moment they were splattered by a cold water. After shivered a spirit, they woke up strangely.

At the same time, there are still some fogs that have not entered the within the body of Changyu Xiaotian. In the previous great war, most of the other people were directly bombarded by Ye Xuan, or they were exhausted by the powerhouse of Yin Demon Race. The body’s vitality and strength of Qi and Blood, even the dead bodies are not considered, not favored by these gray flutter weird fog.

However, Changyu Xiaotian is different. He was only pinched by Linghu Yilang, and his body was still warm, and he also attracted gray flutter weird fog.

So, the scene of dumbstruck appeared, and everything was the same as that seen by Ye Xuan in the atmosphere of Earth zombie. It is clear that Changyu Xiaotian of Death has stood up and staggered. However, it reveals a kind of ferocious red glow.

As for its cultivation base, from the previous Black Hole Realm Ninth Step Great Perfection, brushed directly to the Origin Third Step!

This kind of Undying Inextinguishable Poison can also be regarded as one kind of gene fluid, but its role is to promote the destruction. Poison changed the mortal body gene of Changyu Xiaotian. Now he can’t be regarded as the former Changyu Xiaotian. He is zombie. The first Universe Zombie.

If you let go, it is definitely a poisonous rhythm!

In comparison, Tuobo Linfeng and Gongyang Zhi, Yu Wenzhuo and Huangfu Zhuo four people can only be regarded as virus carriers, their eyes are also reddish, but self-consciousness still exists, Undying Inextinguishable Poison is slowly changing them. The mortal body cell genes, this change may be sensitive to themselves, but it is not very strong and is ignored.

This stage can be seen as the incubation period of Undying Inextinguishable Poison. Once it breaks out, as a living infected person, their harm will be more terrifying than Changyu Xiaotian, but now they have no consciousness at all. A little nothing more.

They don’t even know that they and Changyu Xiaotian are completely one kind of creatures, no longer pure Human Race!

“Heavens, see what it is?”

“Changyu Xiaotian? This fellow’s eyes are straight and there is no life. Strength is promoted to the Origin Third Step. What happened?”

“Absolutely not a good thing, I have an ominous premonition, that fellow can’t touch, maybe it’s some kind of Corpse Poison, it’s not alive, it must be the good thing of Linghu Jue’s gray beads, flee!”

Seeing Changyu Xiaotian rushing to the side, Tuobo Linfeng four people squatted, cry out in surprise, and slammed up to the top of Shennong Cauldron…

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