As Yu Wenzhuo and Huangfu Zhuo two people rushed into the azure-green light column, Tuobo Linfeng and Gongyang Zhi two people, who had been forced to retreat by Yin Demon Race powerhouse, suddenly surprised and angry, roaring like a Thunder.

“Son of a bitch, father in front of the knife, but you have to share the glory in the back, to be so shameless it?”

“Damn, Yu Wenzhuo, Huangfu Zhuo, if you dare to win my Heavenly Battle Star default inheritance, even if you have this giant cauldron space, don’t want to leave, you can dispel your mind early, you can also participate in part of the study, don’t make a mistake! ”

The words of the two men fell, and the sound of Yu Wenzhuo’s cold voice came out inside the azure-green light column: “Gongyang brother, this will not bother you to worry about it, since this is a courageous peach, it is safe to leave. Going to the policy…”


“Huangfu Zhuo, you are shameless, actually sneak attack me…”

Halfway through, Yu Wenzhuo suddenly groaned, and seemed to spurt a blood arrow, and then the sound of roaring sounded, apparently the battle within the azure-green light column did not stop, the front and rear feet rushed into In the meantime, Yu Wenzhuo and Huangfu Zhuo two people treasure have not yet arrived, and they have already fought in the nest!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the trend of retreating has been exhausted, and the shackled Tuobo Linfeng and Gongyang Zhi two people stunned Linghu Jue, smashing a printed Magical Treasure and turning it into a hundred zhang mountain to repel it. Then one after the other, and also rushed into the green light column.


The Golden sword glow flashed away, and the printed Magical Treasure lost its control and was easily repulsed by Linghu Jue. It was like a huge zhang mountain from the center and spewed countless debris, but Linghu Jue The Flying Sword, which was once again sacrificed, collapsed and turned into a splendid, star-studded Golden star.

This fellow seems to be very fond of the sword-shaped Magical Treasure, and there are a lot of people on it. At this moment, the huge zhang Hawthorn, which is made to show the Magical Treasure, is exploding at the fastest speed. , urging a Golden Flying Sword to smash with the self-destruction, instantly resolve the front block.

“This Medicine King Vestige is my first discovery of Linghu Family. It has been explored more than 2,000 years ago. Everything here, you guys would like to take it away!”

“Medicine King Inheritance, can only be obtained by my Linghu Lineage, otherwise the Young Lord will ruin this ruin!”

Seeing that four people had rushed into the green light column before and after, Linghu Jue’s complexion was gloomy, and the words were rushing in when the voice was not falling. The black fog behind him was already swept, the Yin Demon Race The powerhouse is here.

“Linghu Young Lord, there is an old man, this Medicine King Inheritance can’t take it today, don’t forget, my Yin Demon Race has teamed up with you, but it’s a big blood!”

In the thick black mist, a hazy old man sounded, and the tone of voice seemed confident and incomparable, as if he had prepared for his backhand.

Linghu Jue’s physique was a stagnation. He suddenly thought of something. His face was full of sorrow. He took the words and said evilly: “I almost forgot this nephew. This lord Lord is indeed a big one.” The blood, even … have been taken out, which clearly does not hesitate to completely reverse the rhythm with the Third Universe Human Race and even the entire Myriad Gathering Federation, so determined, if this trip does not take Medicine King Inheritance, this Young Lord has any face to go back See him old man?”

“Hey, if Medicine King Inheritance comes to that’s all, otherwise, once the Undying Inextinguishable Poison is sacrificed, don’t say this with the cauldron space, it is the big Heavenly Battle Empire, even the entire Immortal Dynasty, will be thoroughly The ground is a dead place.”

“On the day, my Linghu Lineage was almost annihilated. I don’t think that the Young Lord is behind the shadow of the Imperial Dynasty’s secret plan. It is really urgent, and this matter will hurt the world again. The Young Lord is also spared!”

Then, Linghu Jue turned and took a step, and looked at the azure-green light column that was soaring to the heavens.

Also in this moment, the heaven-shaking has changed dramatically!


At the same moment that Linghu Jue turned around, the Yin Demon Race powerhouse that fell behind him was once again turned into a thick black fog, tumbling in a rolling room, condense into a black long knife of Demon Qi. The blade, the electric flash is generally tied, and the blink of an eye passes through the back vest of Linghu Jue, bringing out a bloody rain. After a roundabout, it looks straight towards the azure-green light column.


Linghu Jue’s swept figure was suddenly stagnant, and his face was pale. The subconscious looked down at the transparent hole in the chest and lifted his finger to the front of the black Demon Blade. He only spoke a word in his mouth and slammed it. Get out of a blood arrow.

Among them, distinct and some minced meat, this is the debris of the internal organs, so seriously injured, has certainly died!

Azure-green The edge of the light column, the black Demon Blade suddenly stagnate, once again scattered into a thick black fog, in which the voice of the Yin Demon Race old man came out again: “Linghu Jue, you really think that my family will not hesitate Use the hidden treasure Undying Inextinguishable Poison just to help you get Medicine King Inheritance?”

“It’s childish!”

“Look at what you are going to die, what is the truth telling you? How much to meet, let you know what to do.”

“The meaning of the Sayādaw is very clear, Medicine King Inheritance I Yin Demon Race is determined to win, but in addition, Undying Inextinguishable Poison has already been brought to the Third Universe, it must be cast, otherwise how can Human Race mess? Human Race is not chaotic, Second Universe Federation various clans How can I break into the Third Universe? They don’t send troops. How can I have a chance to play against the Heavenly Machine Race like the Heavenly Machine Race?”


“Is it shocking? Go with peace of mind, my Yin Demon Race will remember your credit, because the black hand of Undying Inextinguishable Poison can only be you, this sin is too great, and my Yin Demon Race can’t afford it. !Hahaha ……”

Speaking of the triumph, the Yin Demon Race powerhouse suddenly swayed, and the blink of an eye turned into a look of Linghu Jue, which was so beautiful that no one could see it.

“You… I hate!”


At this point, Linghu Jue finally understood everything. When he thought that he had to carry this big black pot after his death, he would be reviled and become the chief culprit in the annihilation of the Third Universe Human Race. His Mind is hard to suppress himself. Bloody squirting, Yang Heaven’s Wrath 吼.

In the last sentence, the whole body exploded and turned into a flesh and blood fog.

This awning flesh and blood blew up and spread completely, but it seems to be suppressed by an invisible force, quickly retracted, and finally turned into a thick black fog, slamming, looking straight towards The Yin Demon Race powerhouse, which has been transformed into Linghu Jue’s shape, has plunged into its within the body.

“This is really a slap in the face, not only for my Yin Demon Race, but also the biggest black pot in history, the cultivation base, the vitality and strength of Qi and Blood, and the complete transformation into Yin Demon energy, like the food, to encourage old Man stepping into the ground of Origin, Linghu friends… Thank you!”

“Jie Jie Jie…”

Looking up at the Linghu Jue’s appearance, Yin Demon Race powerhouse within the body suddenly vents a terrifying majestic pressure, which is clearly the unique aura of the Origin Realm powerhouse.

After usurping everything about Linghu Jue, he… finally broke through!

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