Medicine King Vestige’s Void is not far from the Imperial Capital Heavenly Battle Star of Heavenly Battle Empire. It only has a four- or five-day voyage. Although it is far from the main flight of Imperial Capital, it is in a very remote Star Territory, even in this area. Even the stars in Void are not many, and there is no development value, so there is very little smoke in the normal.

But what to say, this area is, after all, on the edge of Imperial Capital, how can it not be a few ten thousand years, it has been kept secret for a long time, few people know.

The reason for this is that the Antiquity Vestige is not in the normal universe void. It is hidden inside a Void Secret Realm, which is equivalent to an ectopic space, but only with the Third Universe Human Race. The universe plane in which it is located, connected by a Void Channel.

Void Channel is actually some small universe wormhole that connects different Void planes.

The Void Secret Realm where Medicine King Vestige is located can be seen as another Universe plane, but because it is small, it can’t be called a Universe plane, so this small difference The plane is habitually called Void Secret Realm!

Through the small universe wormhole of the Void Secret Realm where the Medicine King Vestige is located, also known as the Void Channel, the normally is also hidden and does not appear. It is for this reason that the mysterious veil of Medicine King Vestige will always Exist, it has not been uncovered, and it has been revealed to the world.

Just like the peach blossom source in the legend, if you don’t know the entry path, even if you walked nearby, you can only miss it.

In the endless years of the past, the numerous powerhouses that passed the Star Territory Void have been so staggered with mysterious Medicine King Vestige.

But now, with the thunder of a path of hōng lóng lóng in the front Void, a large piece of Void is faintly visible with some Profound Light, which is the Array node set up by the Tuobo Family in the nearby Void.

All of them are now launched, and finally in this huge Void array, a small wormhole like the Universe Black Hole is revealed, deep and distant, with a dark interior connected to another small Universe plane!

The sixteen 10,000 meters fortresses of the entire fleet were all parked, fanning the small wormholes in half, and then the Patriarch and the helm of the *valve led the powerhouses of their respective families to rush out of Battleship. Take a walk towards the front Void Channel.

There are also some scattered powerhouses that have been named on the Medicine King Ancient Monument. They are also allowed to enter the Medicine King Vestige, but they can only be in the outer circle activities like other powerhouses that are dispatched by *top-level gates. , looking for opportunities.

After entering Void Channel, even if you enter the ectopic face of Medicine King Vestige, the entire ectopic face is actually the outer circle of Medicine King Vestige. Exploring in the outer circle does not limit the cultivation base, nor limit the number of people. This time, all powerhouses including the *top-level gate valve Patriarch such as Tuobo Xiong will be in the outer circle.

Although the outer circle does not have Medicine King Inheritance, it is an ectopic face, and there are some rare treasures. It depends on personal chances. Because the Periphery Region is too broad, this ectopic face is also an independent. The Universe plane, even if it can’t be compared to the Three Great Universe plane, is less than a piece of Star Territory.

Such a vast Void, there are also some stars, and even some stars are full of life, there is no life, but there are plants, if you are good, you can still hit the Universiade and pick some rare spirit fruit.

Sixteen 10,000 meters large fortresses waited outside the Void Channel like the small Black Hole, and stepped out of the fort, and one after another entered the Void Channel, and then set foot on the Starry sky powerhouse of the Medicine King Vestige. Thousands of people.

The repairs are about a hundred, and the rest are the powerhouses of the *gate valves.

All the people have already been told, and at the latest 30 days, they will return to the other side of the eccentric Void Channel and come out collectively. Otherwise, the Tuobo Family will remove the external appearance Array, and the Void Channel disappears, fearing that there will be no more. The opportunity came out.

The Void Channel connecting the ectopic faces is kept for a month, and Tuobo Clan is considered to be a bit of a blood, and the natural resource consumed is not a small amount.

More than a thousand powerhouses have entered the Void Channel, but it is still a similar Void, but it is obviously not the previous Heavenly Battle Star Territory. The Void Channel’s exit is also a small star-like whirlpool like the Black Hole. In addition to the atmosphere of a giant star, all powerhouses are taken from here.

This small star whirlpool is extremely eye-catching, and it can be seen in the far-away Void. Therefore, the starry sky powerhouses entering the eccentric plane are scattered and explored. Don’t worry about getting lost, walking too far, not finding a way home. !

Looking around, the dark Void of all around is dotted with stars and stars. Some of them even emit light and heat. It seems that there is not much difference between them and Third Universe. The only difference is the kind of ancient and plain. The aura is a lot thicker, but it is still far from Desolate Ancient.

In addition, its Territory is smaller, not as good as an earlier Star Territory of Third Universe!

This is the Medicine King Vestige, a small Universe eccentric!

As for the core of the so-called Medicine King Vestige, there is no need to find the deep place of this ectopic Star Territory. All the people look at the first step when they just step out of the small star. Arrived.

The scene was so weird that all the starry sky powerhouses who entered this place for the first time were caught off guard, and all of them had opened the mouth, and the face was sluggish, and the doubts had an illusion!

There is a huge huge star in front!

This is not the key, the key is the shape of this star!

It is clearly a Three Legged Four Handle Cauldron!

The Desolate Ancient Bronze Treasure in the legend is generally like this, but the one in front of it is too big, bigger than the Heavenly Battle Empire’s Imperial Capital Heavenly Battle Star, it is a Super superstar!

“Heavens, is this really a star?”

“I suspect that it is simply a giant cauldron, a from Antiquity… No, from the bronze giant cauldron of the Desolate Ancient Era in the legend, no treasure!”

“don’t tell me where is the heart of Medicine King Vestige? The so-called Medicine King Inheritance, right inside the giant Bronze Heavy Cauldron?”

“No wonder, Medicine King Medicine King, this is Alchemy inheritance, how can Alchemy be separated from medicine cauldron? Medicine King’s grade inheritance is hidden inside such a giant cauldron, but it can be understood!”

“This giant cauldron is amazing. Does the Medicine King Lineage from Antiquity Era have this Supreme Treasure Item? It seems unlikely.”

“If there is no accident, this treasure cauldron, even in the hands of Antiquity Era’s Medicine King Lineage, should also belong to inheritance Great Treasure, which was not cast by the Medicine King Lineage of the year, and is likely to come from the more distant Desolate. Ancient Era !”

As the all around powerhouse’s cry out in surprise sounded, the stunned Ye Xuan brain, at this time, came a familiar System notification sound…

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