Linghu Chong !

This time, the name that appeared in the first residence in the second area of 鈥嬧€媡he Medicine King Ancient Monument is exactly the same as before. It is also the three words, and the rays of light, the stars.

This represents the rough big person called Linghu Chong, who can reach out to his nose and find a mung bean-sized black suspicious object. It is once again perfect.

And it is the second level.

The only difference is that he spent more than 40 minutes in the first pass, and the second pass took only ten minutes!

Simply can’t be tolerated, Tuobo Square all around There are already many people who vomit blood, and they are mad.

If this second pass is tempered by a temperamental and elegant 缈╃咯淇婃湕鍚? they can still accept it, but they can accept it, but the rough man is too different, and he only used it. Ten minutes to perfect by…

Everything about this is too amazing, too… attacking people!

“This is impossible! absolutely Impossible!”


It was hard to stop retching, but Tuobo Linfeng was once again shocked by the name of Linghu Chong appearing on the Medicine King List, roaring like a madman.

Finally, the mouth opened with a blood arrow, which was hard to breathe out.

Zhao Qianru from Bodhi Technology, Yu Wenzhuo from Biological Heavenly Venerable, and Dongfang lin from Shennong Gene, etc., are also dumbstruck at the moment, and then they are unwilling to face their faces, all biting their teeth. The power of Divine Consciousness extends to the Medicine King Monument.

Including Xuanyuan Ziying and Tuobo Linfeng, Gongyang Zhi, and Changyu Xiaotian, all of them are also true.

They are really reluctant to think that this second level may be simpler and they want to try this time.

Soon, a path of azure-green’s rays of light spurred over and shrouded their physiques. The fellows closed their eyes and started the second level.

See this scene, Ye Xuan curl one’s lip, not to accept as correct.

The face is still a completely indifferent expression, shaking his head and shaking his head: “Hey, it’s too disappointing, there is no challenge. Who can think that this second pass is even simpler? It seems that the third time is more time-consuming. It鈥檚 short, it鈥檚 a bit boring.鈥?/p>

After that, he closed his eyes again, and a green ray of light spurred from the Medicine King List standing in the distance, shrouded his body.

Ye Xuan, started the third level!

The countless powerhouses of all around looked at each other and were completely defeated by this scene.

When I think that someone has passed the first two passes, their breathing will be extremely urgent, and this third level will not be the same?

If this is the case, isn’t it… Medicine King Monument, will the recognition Master disappear?

At this moment, all the powerhouses in the distance to the square, the whole heart is hung up.

Relatively speaking, Ye Xuan, who went to the third level in less than an hour, was incomparably relaxed, and he had almost no pressure.

For him, the first two levels, the embarrassing is really too easy!

The first test is memory. Of course, this level of memory is no longer a general test. Hundreds of millions of commonly inaccessible herbs and minerals that can be used in medicine, including their detailed medicinal properties, flashed from their eyes, even It鈥檚 Heaven and Earth Supreme Being. It鈥檚 impossible to remember half of it.

But for the Devouring System it is not a problem at all.

Who can look like Ye Xuan, with a Super computer? And it’s not a normal computer. The Family Intelligent Center is an Immortal Level Starry Sky Super Brain. Although it has not yet reached the Intelligent Center of the Immortal Star Imperial Dynasty 1st level main network, it is already mature.

But the Immortal Level is the Immortal Level, and the operation of the Ability is unquestionable. As long as everything flashed in front of the eye, it was recorded by the Devouring System in an instant.

The next random selection of 10,000 herbs was tested, and simply was cheating. Medicine King Monument just picked out one kind of, and Ye Xuan’s mind was selected by Devouring System, including detailed medicinal properties. He just took care of it.

The reason why it took more than forty minutes, it is completely 10,000 medicinal herb too much, just keep copying with Divine Consciousness, it took so long.

As for the second level, it is even simpler.

The second level gives 1000 medicine pill recipes. Of course, they are all incomplete. They are missing one kind of medicinal herb, or minerals that can be used as medicine, vicious beast materials, 100 million provided in the first pass. Can be found in a medicinal herb.

The second test is the understanding of these medicinal herb Pharmacologies, not the rote.

The analyst is asked to analyze the 1000 pill recipe to determine what the missing kind of medicinal herb is. What is the exact amount? If there is no mistake, then it can also pass through.

This is actually a kind of estimation of the Ability, Ye Xuan did not pay attention to it, directly thrown to Devouring System Calculation, Immortal Level Starry Sky Super Brain’s Calculation Ability one can well imagine, this time Ye Xuan only took ten minutes Passed through the perfect, because System calculates one kind of every time, he immediately copied the answer with Divine Consciousness, plus the medicinal herb that needs to be copied to 1000, which is much less than the first level.

So he will find it easier and easier, and if it is not careful, it will pass.

The reason why he said that it is too challenging to say such a thing is really not a comparison. It is the real feeling in Ye Xuan’s heart. It is only in the ears of Tuobo Square all around other powerhouses, but it is really enough to hate people. Many powerhouses have already turned their faces red and stared at Ye Xuan.

The first time they discovered that some of the original appearance was rough, it seemed that there was nothing to say about it. There was no such thing as the existence of the city. Sometimes it was so hateful!

This time, Ye Xuan started to get through after Tuobo Linfeng and others. Of course, the latter鈥檚 16-member team is the second level, and Ye Xuan鈥檚 is the third level.

Ye Xuan’s Shaoguan was just less than five minutes old. Among the 16 people, Tuobo Linfeng opened his eyes for the first time. 1000 was a defective pill recipe. He only analyzed the 50th and could not continue later. So, he was directly expelled. This time, he failed to make a name for the leaderboard, was eliminated, and did not even qualify for the third level.

If you want to take the next level, you will be eligible only if you leave a name on the previous level.

As the future heir of Tuobo Family’s Young Lord, his level should not be so bad. The second level of the leaderboard can still be done. Unfortunately, everything before has made him feel confused and unable to play normally. It is.

鈥淗ow is it possible? In just ten minutes, all the 1000 defective pill recipes have been deduced, and even the lack of medicinal herb is accurate…鈥?/p>

After he personally tried the second pass, Tuobo Linfeng deeply realized the terrifying of Ye Xuan. At this moment, he mutter to oneself and stared at Ye Xuan, who had already passed the battle again. He slammed a cold and severe killing. Pass: “There is no doubt that he should be the heir to the Linghu Clan, otherwise the absolutely Impossible possesses such terrifying Alchemy rumors, so that…”

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