The waiter has been waiting for him. The Clear River Pavilion has the rules of the Clear River Pavilion. The Pavilion Lord has been publicly spoken in the early years. Any guest is spending here. If there is anything to talk about, if there is a waiter who will talk about it. It happened that Clear River Pavilion took all responsibility.

Over the years, this has never happened. Over time, Heavenly Battle Star’s dignitaries have become accustomed to it, and it’s a secret thing. There are waiters around, and they are no longer evasive. After all, the Clear River Pavilion’s head is very Big, revealing mysterious, even the Monarch of Heavenly Nether Empire is said to be extremely courteous to him, and the existence of such an identity is impossible to eat.

So Tuobo Linfeng is not worried about having a waiter on the side, let alone what he wants to talk about. After five days, Tuobo Old Patriarch would have been open to the public. At this time, pointing to Ye Xuan is completely deceiving.

I have long seen that he is not pleasing to the eye!

The waiter once heard that his attitude was so tough, claiming to call the Big Manager of the Clear River Pavilion, and his heart was full of enthusiasm, no longer worried about Ye Xuan’s anger and wounding, really wanting that. Tuobo Family’s Young Lord will not sit idly by, because it is tantamount to hitting his face in public.

And the nuisance of the ridiculous cultivating base is amazing, it is the existence of Black Hole Realm, but only the Third Step nothing more, Tuobo Family’s Young Lord this table is all Black Hole Realm cultivation Base, what is fear?

In this case, the waiter immediately put his chest on his face, with a smirk on his face, striding toward Ye Xuan and smirking directly: “This Fellow Daoist, please leave, otherwise we really want to drive People, I am afraid that the face is not good!”



The waiter’s words were just finished, and Ye Xuan did not appear at all. The former had a slap in the face, and the whole person flew out. When it was not landing, it had already spurted a blood arrow. There are also two large molars that fall with blood.

“Hey! It’s really a dog’s eye to see people low! Who told you that this Young Lord doesn’t consume?”

“Not to mention, the talent has already been said, come up to pay a colorful, the scenery to look casually, how long has this Young Lord come up? Is it going to swear?”

“In addition, how do you all these waiters work? This Young Lord sat down for a long time, and no one was waiting to wait. Could it be that the Young Lord had to go to the kitchen to find food?”

“This way, I don’t open my eyes. Today, the Young Lord teaches you to stop at the Master of the Clear River Pavilion. I will change the person to serve. In addition, I immediately cleaned the dog’s dog blood to the young Lord, so as not to affect the appetite. ……”


Repeatedly looked down, Ye Xuan’s anger also came up, and now he also learned the Tuobo Family’s heir, the mouth is the Young Lord, but also directly taught the unopened waiter stopped, but also Clear River Pavilion The Master was mentioned by him, and all of this suddenly shocked the table of 16 people at Tuobo Linfeng not far away, and all the rest of the waiters.

It’s a pity that they didn’t wait for them to attack. Ye Xuan, who stopped the words, raised his hand and popped up a small crystal, which fell beside the mournful fellow, screaming, and attracted everyone’s attention. .

The next moment, a large sound of cool air came out, all around the rest of the waiters only looked at it, scared and shivered.

9th level Nine-color !

This rough-faced, temperamental, suspected robbery man, is a Star Nucleus Source of 9th level Nine-color.

The fellow lying on the floor with his bloody mouth sighed and glanced at him, and he was scared on the spot.

Even in Heavenly Battle Imperial Capital, 9th level Nine-color has never appeared in the past 100 years, and the last time it appeared on the auction of Imperial Capital, caused a sensation.

In front of this, the man actually popped up an 9th level Nine-color, which is clearly the rhythm of the meal!

It’s too scary. Even if Lord Crown Prince of Heavenly Battle Empire came over, the payment of the meal was settled by 7th level Purple. Even the Star Nucleus Source of 8th level Black was not willing to come out, let alone 9th level Nine-color?

This is one kind of priceless cultivation of natural resources, and has a strong breakthrough bottleneck for Origin Realm, Heavenly Passage Realm and even more powerful starry sky powerhouse.

In front of this grandfather, he did not take it seriously. He directly threw it out as a meal. How terrifying is this?

I am afraid that the Xuan Huangzi of Imperial Dynasty is said to have a large amount of 9th level Nine-color in hand. Isn’t it so extravagant?

This kind of come, can you not scare him on the spot? Not directly suffocating and scaring death is already a big life!

Clear River Pavilion is not only the Clear River Pavilion, the other waiters of all around are shocked, and soon responded, each action, one person turned and fled to call the supervisor, the rest of the two came to Ye Xuan, Nodded and apologized on the spot, and some people carried the fainting past and hurriedly retired. The blood on the ground was quickly cleared…

Ye Xuan just finished the meal, a middle aged man of Origin Realm Ninth Step Great Perfection has come in a hurry, and there is a cold sweat on his forehead, which scares Ye Xuan.

Not at all? He was only Black Hole Third Step nothing more, why was he alarmed by an Origin Ninth Step Great Perfection’s powerhouse so nervous that he rushed over?

Actually, while running, wiping cold sweat?

If all this is not seen by his own eyes, he simply can’t believe it!

For the first time, Ye Xuan in the Starry Sky cultivation industry, he gave birth to a kind of illusion, a 9th level Nine-color, which immediately gave him the superiority of becoming a local lord.

This Clear River Pavilion is really a maverick, a good place!

“Huda Jiang, Manager of the Clear River Pavilion, the Fellow Daoist, I don’t know how to call it?”

At this point, the Manager was already close, standing at the table respectfully, still rubbing cold sweat, politely asked Ye Xuan: “There are many offenses, the following people do not know Taishan, Fellow Daoist rest assured, He will not appear again.”

It seems that the fellow is going to be cleaned up, Ye Xuan faintly smiled: “Manager Hu is heavy, nothing more, a misunderstanding, this Young Lord Linghu Chong!”

“Linghu is less…ah? Linghu?”

Manager Hu held the 9th level Nine-color in forehand and handed it to Ye Xuan. He couldn’t help but hear his self-reported door. His hands were stunned, and the 9th level Nine-color almost fell again. .

Finally, after stealing the table on the other side of Tuobo Linfeng, it was careful to put down the 9th level Nine-color in the hand and whispered reverently: “Linghu Young Lord is slow to use, this stop is when I am Jiang Qingge invited, this thing is too precious, how can it be used to pay for meals? Please also collect it.”

“No, no… This Young Lord has never had the habit of asking for a drink, a nothing more than nothing. What?”

Ye Xuan’s heart moved, but his face didn’t show up. He picked up the 9th level Nine-color again and placed it directly in Manager Hu’s hand: “Just press this nine color on a table, be the best. OK, no more, the Young Lord is a little hungry, hurry up and arrange.”

That’s all said, the Manager Hu didn’t dare to say more, wiped the cold sweat again, and finally took the 9th level Nine-color and hurried away.

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