This time, Heavenly Battle Star is a gathering place, and all the Clan gates and forces that study gene fluid in the entire Immortal Dynasty Territory are all gathered together.

In addition to Bodhi Technology, Biological Heavenly Venerable, and Shennong Gene from Imperial Dynasty Immortal Star, there are three top-level forces with 9th level Fluid, and all the top-level door valves with Ability to prepare 8th level Fluid are coming. It is.

The three Great Empires of Immortal Dynasty are Heavenly Nether Empire, Heavenly Battle Empire and Heavenly Wind Empire.

Heavenly Nether Empire comes with three top-level Clans: Xuanyuan Clan, Huangfu Clan, and Nangong Clan!

The three major Clans of the Official Host Heavenly Battle Empire are Tuobo, Gongyang and Changyu!

As for the Heavenly Wind Emperor Family, the three Clans with 8th level Fluid are Duanmu Clan, Wuma Clan and Shentu Clan.

In addition, there are some scattered Clan and forces that are not from Imperial Capital and the three Great Empire Capital stars. They also have the facilities to prepare 8th level Fluid, Huyan Clan, Baili Clan, and Pengcheng Pharmaceutical and Life Gene!

The entire Immortal Dynasty, the top force in the study of Domain in the gene fluid, is the above Clan and the forces, can form the existence of 8th level Fluid or above, three in Imperial Capital, three in Imperial Capital in Three Great Empire, and in addition to the scattered forces There are four gate valves and a total of sixteen.

Of course, among the six top-level forces, the three from Imperial Capital Immortal Star have always been detached, because they have the Ability to formulate 9th level Fluid, which is the Imperial Dynasty!

But now, even the three Imperial Dynasty giants, after coming to Heavenly Battle Star, are a bit low-key. After all, Heavenly Battle Star’s Tuobo Clan has successfully formulated 10th level Fluid, and later, in the entire Imperial Dynasty. Fluid Research Domain is already a big one.

In this regard, the other fifteen top-level gates and forces have dispatched important clansman to participate in the exchange meeting, but all of them are screaming at each other, and they are not satisfied with each other.

In Immortal Dynasty, gene fluid researched the top-level forces of the Domain. It is still the first time to hold such a large-scale exchange party. Although there have been similar activities in the past, it is basically the exchange between the respective Empire and even some small countries. Nothing like today, the entire Imperial Dynasty, the Three Great Empire and the most top-level sects of power gathered together.

In this kind of event, the 16 top-level forces and gatekeepers who came to participate in the exchange, in addition to sending a Lord leader who can sit on the side of the town, and dispatching a group of real technical elites to come to the exchange, their respective forces The direct lineage heirs, all of them have also come over.

For example, Xuanyuan Clan, one of the three top-level door valves of Heavenly Nether Empire, the successor Xuanyuan Ziying came to Heavenly Battle Star.

The other 15 top-level door valves and Clan’s Young Lord, heirs and the like, are all coming, because for these research fluid valve Clan, the fundamental source of Clan’s future glory is the study of gene fluid. Prepare!

However, although they all have the Ability to prepare 8th level Fluid or above, the follow-up research has become more and more difficult. Now the crisis has arrived. Tuobo Clan is the only one. If there is no action, it will soon be thrown away. It’s been lost, and it’s gradually forgotten by history.

In the face of this crisis, the other fifteen top-level door valves all have countermeasures, and marriage is one of the many countermeasures of their many countermeasures.

The *top-level gate valve and Clan in the study of genetic culture in the Imperial Dynasty Territory have different secret techniques, secret recipes, and a sentimental attachment.

However, if they are married to each other, there will be no suspicion between the two gates. At least they can cooperate with each other to a certain extent. They may all have a breakthrough. They dare not say that they can surpass a big Tuobo Clan from now on, but guarantee marriage. The two major Clans basically resolved the crisis and were not thrown away by the general trend. Since then, it is still very promising!

With this in mind, the *top-level gates and forces of the population study in the Imperial Dynasty Territory, after arriving in Heavenly Battle Star, have not yet officially started, and they are moving around each other. In order to contact feelings.

Of course, this is basically the exchange between the old and the old, the younger generation and the younger generation meet each other, but it is quite lively!

Ye Xuan arrived at Heavenly Battle Star in this situation.

All the way from the Death Star Territory, when Ye Xuan arrived at Heavenly Battle Star, there were only five days left before the official event, and there was a slight delay.

Before entering Heavenly Battle Star, Ye Xuan has changed his appearance. Today, he is a very rough trinity robot, and it is completely different from the seemingly gentle Xuan Huangzi. Anyone who sees him now, it is absolutely impossible to go to Xuan Huangzi to Lenovo.

Of course, this shape change technique is a small skill in the Starry Sky environment, not mentioning Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, which is a starry sky powerhouse that generally surpasses the two or three big realms of the changer, and can be seen at a glance. Ye Xuan has a headless infant corpse, but there is no need to worry about it. Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, both absolutely impossible to see his original identity.

In order to avoid identity leakage, he even took the pet’s Beast Ring, which he always wears on his wrist, and took it into the Void Abode Shuttle, so that he could not be seen by someone familiar with him, such as Xuanyuan Ziying, to analyze his identity. .

At this point, Ye Xuan used Linghu Chong!

Imperial Dynasty’s top-level door valves are basically surnames. Ye Xuan did some research and found that there was no top-level door valve for Linghu, and even some other small country gates did not have Linghu’s surname, so they decided Use it with ease!

After arriving at Heavenly Battle Star, he even used the personal Starry Sky System to connect the Heavenly Battle Star’s internal star network and sent a conditional search to the System, and soon he gained something to know that the *top-level valve was here. The younger generation Heaven’s Prouds gathered at the Clear River Pavilion today, and in order to find some internal news from the fellow mouth, he even rushed over.

Known for its Heavenly Battle Empire, the Clear River Pavilion is located on the edge of a vast inland river at Imperial Capital, which is known as the Qing River.

The entire Clear River Pavilion is up to the 18th floor. In general, more than ten floors, only some of the senior officials of Imperial Capital have the Ability to board, because the consumption is too high, and people are not receiving the Federation currency, that is, The blank Star Nucleus crystal is the true full-energy Star Nucleus Source.

This is the practice of natural resource, the ordinary people can not get it, even the starry sky powerhouse, who would suspect that there are too many natural resources in their hands, actually used to drink tea?

Only those big financial valve children and Empire senior officials will not care about this.

Even so, there are still very few Strengths on the 18th floor, because the 18th floor’s wines are all Heavenly Grade, and only if you are on the 1-Layer, you must pay an 7th level Purple. Star Nucleus Source as an entry fee!

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