This hanging thunder Oe 乍 suddenly, come fast, go faster!

In the thunder and lightning flash, the front and back only lasted for about three times, and everything was completely annihilated. The area of ​​the square of seeveral li returned to silence, only a path of a black line like Void. Silently revealing the terrifying catastrophe that was experienced here a few moments ago.

Void is blown up and the earth is black!

In addition, there are ten battered and exhausted figures, ten high-level temples, all existed above Eternal Light Realm, and there are two Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, obviously not so easy to be so easily kill.

Even if they can’t catch it!

The nine in the Periphery Zone of the Thunder River did not even suffer from a severe attack. The extent of the epidemic was limited, and at most it was slightly more serious than the skin injury.

As for the world of thunder in the thunder, it is also the first time that the Heaven and Earth submerged by the infinite Thunder and Lighting wave, just the blood of the mouth, the injury is slightly more than that’s all, the continuous fight has never lost. The supreme pressure of Heaven and Earth Supreme Being is even more acute.

This is alive and mad!

However, although the ten people injury are innocent, the image at the moment is really unbearable to witness. It is too embarrassing, the clothes are broken, and the head is black. It is located in the central area of ​​thunder, and is covered by the brain and the head of Heaven and Earth. It’s just that all the hair has been blown up, and the sleek head and the face are the same, black and black, only a pair of roaring eyes are red and bloody, cold and not a glimpse, it seems like a halogen egg becomes fine general.

There is even a white smoke in the mouth and nose that spews out from time to time. At first glance, I know that this cargo is thunder!

Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, the Palace Lord of Ten Absolute Sixth Palace, is now tossed into such a miserable situation. This simply is more hateful than killing him. At this moment, Tian Qianzi is about to be The air was blown up, and the only thought in my heart was to kill. The eyes, like the Great Desolate Vicious Beast, who had just been released from Prisoner’s Cage, were fierce and eager to choose people!

“Sure enough, it’s Heaven and Earth Supreme Being…”

A Thunder Source Bead was thrown out, but even half of the serious injuries did not blow out. This kind of victory made Ye Xuan feel helpless and shook his head and sighed: “Hey, the brains are all smashed into eggs, but people are There are no ass, no one is missing, and it’s not a normal anti-crime!”


Upon hearing this, Tian Qianzi squirted a blood arrow in his mouth, which has nothing to do with the previous injury. It is completely mad. What is true resistance? This kid’s mouth is too embarrassing, and the heavenly Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, what has changed in his mouth?

Is it a human-resistant anti-smashing machine that is specially abused?

“Today, you sure death!”

Wipe the bloodstains at the corners of the mouth, Tian Qianzi gnashing one’s teeth, want to vent their anger: “This thunder treasure bead is difficult to condense, use one less one, with your little Black Hole Realm, true body, you don’t believe you have a lot of condensation Do you want to sacrifice another one?”

Sure enough, Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, the brain was smashed into a marinated egg, and it was terrifying. After a sigh of relief, the bottom of the Thunder Source Bead was thoroughly understood. Listening to his words at the moment, it is clear that it is expected. Ye Xuan has no such thing in his hands, no fear!

“Not good means, this time it is disappointing!”

Ye Xuan was dumbfounded, and the thoughts had once again spurred the Thunder Emperor Seal hanging over the head. The slamming sound was a glimpse of the green gold: “The Thunder Source treasure bead in this Prince’s hand is really not much, so Seventy-eighty, less than a hundred, less is less, but thoroughly plowing your Ancestral Land, the peak of Sixth Palace, is barely enough!”

“What? Really?”

“This little baby wants Heaven Defying, so terrifying Thunder Beads, if there is one hundred and eighty, who dares to provoke him?”

“One after another, I’m afraid that even Heaven and Earth Supreme Being will end up being killed by him…”

“hōng lóng lóng !”

Seeing that it was a glimpse of Qingjin Mamang, the opposite Tian Qianzi was on the spot, and the nine people behind him were even more subtle, frown, with the slightest hesitation, and quickly retreated, such as avoiding the gods.

From the variable clans powerhouse of Second Universe, there is a large sound of coolness, cry out in surprise.

It was also at this time that the ground under the powerhouses suddenly swayed again, more intense than before, and the entire giant peak was shaken, and the terrifying roar came from the deep place clearly, accompanied by screaming Like Phoenix Cry, there seems to be a deep place where the Desolate Ancient Vicious Beast has been awakened from the slumber and is going to break out!

Hearing this sound, Phoenix Cry angry roar came out clearly, and the nine high-level colors of the Tiangong, which had just retreated, had a high-level color change, such as pre-feeling that some kind of ominousness would come, dumbstruck cry out in surprise.

“This is…Phoenix Cry?”

“Not good, Dark Phoenix was awakened, Tian Qianzi, what did you do!”

“Sixth Palace it’s over, inheritance is not guaranteed, Immortal Purple Spirit Root must have a problem, otherwise how can Dark Phoenix wake up in advance?”

“To get the major event!Tian Qianzi, hurry up and take the kid down. The Holy Beast of Sixth Palace is rioting. I need to join forces to appease…”

“hōng lóng lóng !”

“kǎ chā !”

“hua ……”

Not waiting for the voices of these nine people to fall, the second Thunder Source Bead has exploded, no suspense, thundering the thunder of the river, and once again, the Tian Qianzi, who is still in the circle, is completely submerged. Now!

At the same time, the shaking of the whole giant peak is also more serious. Some rocks have been rolling down, accompanied by the sound of the explosion, a terrifying ground fissure spreads rapidly from a distance, so the giant peak of the behemoth It was torn by a terrifying force from the deep place of the earth. This is a rhythm of two!


In the middle of the mountain, a black glow from the distant terrifying cracks deep place soaring to the heavens, which is clearly a whirlpool like the Black Hole, smashing out of the place, disappearing immediately after the volley, the debilitating Devouring Doppelgänger Stepping out, glanced at the chaos here, with the slightest hesitation, turned and looked towards the distance.


The angry roar, suspected of Phoenix Cry, followed closely. This time it was extremely clear and true. It sounded like a kind of divine power. When it was worn in the golden cracked stone, even Ye Xuan was not shocked by Divine Soul. If the corpse light tattoo on the left chest suddenly melts and resolves, it is only this Phoenix Cry scream, you have to make his Primordial Spirit minimally invasive!

Accompanied by this screaming heaven-shaking, the far-distance terrifying seam that is rapidly spreading in the distance, suddenly revealing a black claw, each claw is thick to severe ten Zhang, terrifying unparalleled, like the ghosts of the Nine Nether Hell, looking straight into the sky, and taking a distant view of Devouring Doppelgänger…

“Rely! A claw toe is like a giant wood, thick ten zhang, this bastard’s main body has to be more terrifying? The Great Roc bird in the legend is just that? The wings spread in the 90,000… …”

This scene was too sudden, and Ye Xuan was shocked, and his mind was suddenly comprehend and understand. He remembered the black shadow of the awning that he had seen when he explored the deep place of Purple Bamboo Forest with Divine Consciousness. He thought it was this terrifying black. The main body of the claw, is it really an Undying Dark Phoenix?

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