“What happened? The ground seems to be moving, it looks like it is not small!”

“Damn, actually Purple Bamboo Forest ?smelly brat, what did you do?”

“The true body has a very bad feeling. It seems that there is something major event happening…”


As the system notification sound in Ye Xuan’s brain sounded, the ground deep place, the first rumbling roaring sound closely from behind appeared, all around the powerhouse even felt the ground under the foot slightly shook, after the startled, not help Cry out in surprise.

As for the Palace Lord Tian Qianzi of Ten Absolute Sixth Palace, it was a sudden change of anger. In the blink of an eye, eye socket wants to crack, staring at Ye Xuan and roaring.

At the same time, the huge foundation of the thatusand zhang’s cultivation base pawn, also under the ultimate condensation, turned into a claw-shaped Prisoner’s Cage, the Ye Xuan whole person is confined in a Void only about ten zhang, Quickly rushed to Tian Qianzi.

“It’s very fast to start, Tian Qianzi, are you true body?”

“Either keep people, or fight, within your life, depending on you!”



Seeing that Ye Xuan has been smashed, trapped in the paw print Prisoner’s Cage, and forward to Qian Qianzi, silver robe old man and green hair big person seem to have finally made a decision, while screaming, with the body has a pound礴 礴 滔 伟 伟 伟 伟 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

This is clearly the rhythm that can be shot at any time. If Qian Qianzi does not remove the pawn Prisoner’s Cage, the two Heaven and Earth Supreme Being from Second Universe Federation Alien Race will take the slightest hesitation .

This level of big Zhan Yi will be difficult to end!

This moment, like Tian Qianzi, the other nine high-level shackles in the power fog of the distant guardian squad, the looming face flashed a hesitant color.

Unfortunately, they finally chose silence. This silence represents support, and Ye Xuan’s Heaven Falling Bow divine ability, they are also tempted!

“Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace, do you want to fight Imperial Dynasty? I am Imperial Dynasty direct lineage, can you take it with you?”

“Receive immediately, remain Old Eighteenth, otherwise it will fight!”

“The same as Human Race, once the two strongest camps turn against each other, the consequences are serious, you have to think clearly.”

I have already given up on Imperial Xuan’s Imperial Dynasty Ancient Elder Long Ziwen. At this moment, I suddenly changed my mind. The cultivation base screamed around and shouted: “This matter is provoked by you, and all consequences, Imperial Dynasty is not responsible!”

“really interesting!”

“In the blink of an eye, is this Prince a scent for everyone? It’s really a shame, this one is too shameless!”

In the paw print Prisoner’s Cage, Ye Xuan took the arrogance of his hand, whispering like a self-speaking, and his face was even more stunned and sighed. Finally, he sighed: “Oh, unfortunately, you are destined to be disappointed. It seems that this Prince has not yet reached the position of being swayed! Thunder Emperor Baoyin…from!”

In the last sentence, Ye Xuan suddenly drunk.

Then it was like a response, from its with the body, a huge thunder roaring… suddenly blew!


With the thunder roaring, a green gold slammed out from its between the eyebrows, and the wind plunged into the wind, and the effort was reduced, and it was turned into an ancient and plain boxing Royal Seal. On the head of Ye Xuan about one chi.

The endless green gold mantle vented from the Royal Seal, condense behind Ye Xuan, Guanghua masterpiece, and evolved a scene of vision, reflecting the small half of the sky.

This scene is aura ancient and plain, revealing the meaning of the thick Desolate Ancient, which seems to be a distant Galaxy Void, the sly blue fog golden brilliance, the most deep place, a golden giant lotus is smashing Incomparably blooming, the endless golden rays of light, like a natural breed, born from Void, incomparably huge, is the star, in front of it is extremely weak and small.

On the lotus of Golden Lotus, there is a lotus seed, mysterious green color, which is like a Royal Seal, the whole body Golden Lightning entangled, the telescopic endless, and the hanging of Ye Xuan’s head. Just the same!

Seeing this scene, all around the powerhouse Divine Soul violently shaken, the sound of cool air is one after another.

No matter how he opened his brain, he could never imagine it. In the hands of Ye Xuan, there was such an extraordinary Thunder Emperor, which seemed to be bred from a huge pressure of Golden Giant Lotus. Among them.

Is this the pace of Heaven Defying? Absolutely Innate, absolutely Starry Sky Supreme Treasure level!

“hōng lóng lóng ……”



The vision behind Ye Xuan is still, but there is always a thunder rumble, shocking everyone’s Mind!

In the thunder and thunder, the lotus canopy is like a lotus seed, and gradually surrounds numerous tiny Golden lightnings. More and more intensive, and finally turned into countless huge Golden lightning, blasting countless stars, and finally all poured into the cyan gold thunder seal on the lotus!


“hōng lóng lóng ……”

At this moment, the faint and sharp sound of the air suddenly sounded, accompanied by the endless thunder explosion, rendering a rushing thunder.

Then, the whole image of the brilliance of the brilliance, instantly collapsed, turned into a sturdy and sturdy green golden brilliance mans, as the tide generally spread out, the degree of fierceness is all around such as Tian Qianzi Heaven and Earth Realm, like the silver robe old man, the green hair big person, and the Supreme Being, can’t be seen directly. The subconscious has a slight eye and a side.

When they turned their heads again, the canopy was formed by the illusion of the vision behind Ye Xuan. The blue golden brilliance mans, which had been thoroughly spread out, was as smouldering as the sun, silently, without any suspense. The prisoner Prisoner’s Cage, which is banned from Ye Xuan, is integrated into Void and disappears…

Prisoner’s Cage dissipated, and there seems to be a backlash. Tian Qianzi’s figure is slightly blurred. The complexion is ugly, and there is even a slight bloody mark on the corner of the mouth.

A fiercely sophisticated man has emerged from his shackles. At the moment, Tian Qianzi has clearly killed his heart: “You can break free from the divide ability of Heaven and Earth Supreme Being. You are proud of yourself. Unfortunately, this thunder Although the printed power is still acceptable, but if you want to incite the true body, it is still a little bit worse. Some people are disappointed, but Err…”


“You old bastard, do you think this is all done? Just just getting some atmosphere to show more nothing more, the Lord is still hanging on this Prince’s head, clearly not yet launched?”

“But there is one thing you didn’t say wrong, Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, and the atmosphere was shocked and hurt. It really made people look disappointed!”

Shaking his head and sighing, Ye Xuan rolled his eyes, and then raised his hand to look at the gas to the nearly bloody Tian Qianzi. Pointing to the finger toward the tip of the finger toward the tip of the finger, suddenly shouting: “gold electricity evil spirits, cyan thunder 斩 demon Kui! My treasure, when suppressing this! Quickly killing…”


Hanging inside the Thunder Emperor in the head of Ye Xuan’s head, a faint Golden man suddenly shot…

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