
As Ye Xuan threw out heavy bombs one after another, the entire Sixth Palace’s main hall lobby was completely blown up.

Everything came too suddenly, not to mention Tian Qianzi and several other high-level temples. Even the high-level from the Second Universe Federation various clans and the Royal Family Ancient Elder Long Ziwen on behalf of the Immortal Dynasty were completely arrested. Hey, the brain is screaming and screaming. For a moment, I haven’t responded to God.

Just at this time, Zhao Lingyang, who was wearing red makeup and covered with red yarn, also walked over from the great hall under the arches of more than a dozen prostitutes behind him. He just stepped into the hall and heard the words of Ye Xuan. .

So, under the violently shaken, Zhao Lingyang’s steps stopped immediately, and he stayed for two moments. In the end, he covered his face and wept, and turned and flew away.

“Miss, Miss, wait!”

“It’s too irritating, this fellow actually calls you a female ugly ghost… Could it be that you can’t blink?”

“It’s too disappointing, Xuan Huangzi, you actually bully Lingyang elder sister, and I don’t like you anymore!”


More than a dozen prostitutes crumbled, some of them chased them out directly, and some turned to Yi Xuan and slammed the words, and then they turned away.

“Long Xuan, you bullly intolerably! Fighting me too…”

Not waiting for Ye Xuan to react, Tian Qianzi at the head of the main hall was suddenly amazed, with a face full of iron and blue, and the unsettled strong killing of the scorpion, a wave of awkwardness in the roaring, a large Sixth Palace master The temple was suddenly disappearing in a strange moment.

The environment of all around has also changed completely, although it is still in the central area of ​​the giant peak, but the thunder of the head is h响ng lóng lóng, Thunder Cloud tumbling, baleful aura transpiration.

The Sixth Palace’s Guardian Guards was fully launched, and everyone in the great hall was caught in a burst of power.

Almost at the same moment, Tian Qianzi, who was stunned, had already pulled back with the other nine high-ranking members of the Temple of Heaven, and his body was hidden in the Guardian of the Sixth Palace. When it is hidden, it is difficult to see clearly.

All around In the distance, the Sixth Palace disciples, who are responsible for different affairs, have been stunned. They are naturally familiar with the sects of their own sects, and most of them have been hidden in the blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, there is only a large number of Second Universe Federation various clans on the right side of the six Palace Lord’s Hall, and the accompanying powerhouses, including Long Ziwen et al. and Ye. Xuan, in total, touched hundreds of powerhouses, and was caught in the guardianship of Sixth Palace.

This is clearly the rhythm of the desire to destroy the mouth after the dew.

Although it’s hard to get back after the event, it’s better to be exposed on the spot. If that’s the case, Ten Absolute Sixth Palace will become attacked on all across the Myriad Gathering Federation. If you don’t have it, you have to count First Universe’s Heavenly Machine Race. As a result, this is really a difficult place for the Three Great Universe plane.

Even the entire Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace will be implicated and will be affected.

For this reason, at the moment, Tian Qianzi suddenly succumbs to this danger. The nine seniors from other Heavenly Palaces are shocked and even unwilling, but no one is really opposed. It is of great importance and cannot be considered.

As the six-seat Palace Lord Hall disappeared, and then the sound of the thunder of the horizon was repeated, an invisible pressure came on, accompanied by the high-level of the Federation various clans who had been stranded outside the main hall. The powerhouses have gathered together behind the top powerhouses such as Long Ziwen for the first time. Only Yi Xuan alone stands alone on the other side of the peak and the central domain, and seems to be unwilling to join them.

Amazingly standing opposite, his face is not shocked, calm and calm, and the cold is invisible to reveal one kind of peerless and independent, and it is eye-catching.

It was also at this time that the Eternal Light Realm powerhouse, including Long Ziwen, was in a hurry after the sinking of the face, and it was already a disaster.

“Tian Qianzi, your Sixth Palace. Is this the rhythm of wanting to renege and be enemies of the entire Federation?”

“hmph hmph, according to the true body, I am afraid it is not just the Sixth Palace nothing more? I am afraid that the entire Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace means this. The two camps of Human Race are finally split? From then on, the Federation is again. Add an enemy, Human Race’s Cultural Camp?”

“I urge you not to make mistakes yourself. To cover up yourself, you will not hesitate to take the big Sixth Palace and even the entire Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace to be buried together…”

“Tian Qianzi, can you think about it? Is there really a Strength that will kill me?”

“hmph hmph, fortunately, the Silver Ji Race and the Mulings are the two Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth Realm. Otherwise, can I wait for the fall of this day? Are they arbitrarily arranged afterwards? okay……”

In the face of unexpected accidents, the members of the Federation various clans from Second Universe were angry but not flustered. With a path of sardonic sound, a tall, white whisker of silver robe Old man, and a middle-aged man with a green hair, his armpits full of whiskers, and a very powerful figure, sneered and strode out, and the crowd went to the forefront.

These two powerhouses, from the core tops of Silver Ji Race and Muling, have the terrifying cultivation base of Fiveteenth Real Realm and Heaven and Earth Realm. Like Tian Qianzi, they belong to Heaven and Earth Supreme Being.

The existence of this level, only by the Ten Absolute Sixth Palace’s guardian squad, obviously can not be completely erased, even if it is hit hard, it can be hurt and smashed…

There are two people here. Tian Qianzi’s thought of killing people is obviously unrealistic. The right person may be impulsive. The blood in the brain has this move. At this moment, he is reminded by this discourse that he is afraid of the intestines that he has already regretted. It’s all green.

This is clearly a step of stinking, and it is also very stinky!

Sure enough, after a short silence, in the distance, the Baleful Aura lingering Sixth Palace guards the deep place, and the gloomy Tian Qianzi soon appeared and stepped out.

Followed by nine people, it is the top of the other nine palaces, one complexion is even more ugly than Tian Qianzi, I do not know that I just married a dead baby, full of anger and anger.

“Fellow Daoist misunderstood, you are far away, and Sixth Palace has a sloppy reason? As for what is going on, it is a nonsense, it is a misunderstanding.”

Arched his hand, Tian Qianzi’s face barely squeezed a smile that was more ugly than the cry, and said that the front of the game suddenly turned, and the middle also took out the cold and severe edge, and looked away from the Ye Xuan standing opposite the diverse clans powerhouse. “The reason why the guardian ancestor was launched is to worry about the thief’s escape. Hey, this person has a misfortune, and he keeps saying that he is a true body. He loves to be a woman, and he does not want to sneak into the Sixth Palace today. Some things that are not unconventional, clearly want to confuse the harmony between my Federation various clans, and their heart is awkward, it is necessary to take it down today!”

However, before other people responded, Tian Qianzi waved his right hand and suddenly screamed: “What are you doing? Speed ​​capture…”

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