At this moment, everything within Ye Xuan true body mortal body Sea of ​​Consciousness is filled with endless dream aura.

Over the Sea of ​​Consciousness, six Great Treasure and divine abilities are scented by mysterious aura, silent and slowly spinning.

Below, the raging Sea of ​​Consciousness cultivation base is roaring. In the middle of this majestic wave, a gray Mongolian tree up to about one zhang is loaded with floating, fascinating and fascinating. There is one kind of invisible Desolate Ancient aura.

In the zhang high gray tree body, the original flower of the Primordial Spirit is in the most violent position, and the same big fruit with the same brilliance, the Myriad Dao multi-colored light will bloom. Ye Xuan true body’s entire Sea of ​​Consciousness is very beautiful, and the thick Desolate Ancient aura is raging and stirring.


A sound of blasting sounded inside the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Ye Xuan true body. The fist of the gray tree was a big split, and the Myriad Dao multi-colored light, a three-inch tall man The man took a step from the inside and opened his eyes.

The Primordial Spirit seed has finally matured and the Innate Primordial Spirit was born.

The Primordial Spirit is exactly the same as Ye Xuan’s true body, with no slight differences between the eyebrows, just like the copy of Ye Xuan true body.

As the Primordial Spirit villain stepped out of the big-spirited Primordial Spirit, quietly suspended above the Ye Xuan Sea of ​​Consciousness, the one of the original one of the Sea of ​​Consciousness Meng Xiaoshu also began a rapid wilting at this moment.

It is as if its mission has been completed, and after the ultimate bloom, from this moment on, it is necessary to quickly go to complete annihilation.

In fact, this is true. From the original position of the Primordial Spirit of the ash-mongo tree, the entire gray-brown tree, from top to bottom, instantly becomes one kind of visible to the naked eye. Gray light spots, falling below the Sea of ​​Consciousness waves.

The whole process only lasted for a short breath. This strain originally had the Primordial Spirit tree under about one zhang high, and it disappeared completely.

All the trees are turned into gray spots, and the rumors are generally integrated into the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Ye Xuan, like flowers falling into the mud to moisten the soil below.

There is no doubt that this is just the point. Ye Xuan’s cultivation base strength has been soaring unconsciously. As for what kind of realm is now, it is still unknown.

In the next moment, the energy that was poured from the true body mortal body and refining by the doppelgänger Treasure Body finally disappeared completely. It is the doppelgänger Treasure Body that contains the Ye Xuan true body mortal body. There is an influx of energy.

Beyond the Doppelgänger Treasure Body, the mysterious whirlpool Black Hole formed by Devouring Innate Skill, disappeared, and the doppelgänger Treasure Body, sitting cross-legged inside the Void Killing Array, was completely revealed.

In the Void of all around, there are a lot of Battleship wrecks, and there are some kinds of natural resources, but at the moment, whether it is the wreckage of Battleship or these various natural resources, all of them are gray cars, and they are all inside. Energy and essence have been thoroughly invaded by the invisible power of doppelgänger Treasure Body Devouring Innate Skill.

Including the starry sky powerhouse from these collapsed fortresses and the small fortress ship within the body, the same is true of the two Eternal Light Realm executives of the Second Universe Federation Tribe, in a situation where there is no way to escape. After all, it did not resist the invisible power of this terrifying.

Like other starry sky powerhouses, they are all turned into dead bodies, with the body’s cultivation base, and the vitality, Mortal Body Qi and Blood Strength, all lost, in order to promote the growth of Ye Xuan true body mortal body and The Innate Primordial Spirit gave birth to the food…

However, although everything in the outside world is over, everything that happens in the Ye Xuan true body mortal body inside the Innate Treasure Body is clearly going on, so the Ye Xuan true body Primordial Spirit, which is still in the doppelgänger Treasure Body, remains In the attention, as a practice of returning to the inner view.

This directly led to the doppelgänger Treasure Body still clinging to the eyes, so sitting cross-legged in this awkward Killing Array Void…

At the same time, in the doppelgänger Treasure Body, the Ye Xuan true body mortal body is in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“huā lā lā ……”

Below is the cultivation base Sea of ​​Consciousness of Ye Xuan true body cultivation base strength. The sound of the waves of huā lā lā is resounding, revealing a majestic aura.

This moment seems to be inductive, and like resonance, the pieces of Great Treasure and the divine ability that are hung over the Sea of ​​Consciousness all have a different mysterious glow.

The golden bow of the handle bulges a golden glow, on which the phantom of the Desert Yaksha is faintly visible, and a pair of demon wings are flapping gently.

Dark-Gold Dragon Scale is also a black gold mansion, a giant dragon phantom with a black gold scale, which has a golden aurora dragon and a Desolate Ancient Demon Dragon Illuminating Nine Yin.

Inside the Void Essence Crystal, a ray of light bursts into the Void Armoroid Venerable, looming.

In the Spirit Source Core, a sudden explosion of the Spiritual Force waterfall formed by the pure 7th level Spiritual Force hangs down, but disappears directly from the Void above the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

At the center, the Thunder Emperor Seal suddenly had a large golden mansion, and numerous azure thunder densely packed blasted on the surface of the thunder, endlessly thunder, and still stretched and smashed numerous Golden Lightning.

In the vagueness, there are nine small Thunder Source Beads that roll in the thunderstorms that thunder on the Thunder Emperor Seal!

In addition, the small Desolate Ancient Inheritance Tower is also a sudden bloom of the gray Primal Chaos aura. For a time, the towers are all around the desolate ancient creatures of the phantom, rapid life and death, short breath There are dozens of them, all of which existed in the Desolate Ancient Inheritance Tower 9-layer when the Great Desolate World Extinguishing fight was launched.

And each is Desolate Ancient Supreme’s Supreme Desolate Ancient Supreme, including the Desolate Ancient Supreme, which is suspected to be on the side of the headless infant corpse.

Everything is not over yet, the next moment, from the sea of ​​cultivation base below, the endless rolling of Sea of ​​Consciousness waves suddenly heaven-shaking, like a tsunami, the whole piece of the vast and innocent Sea of ​​Consciousness is alive, completely churning .

In the center, a huge starry Sky Giant Sky Turtle slowly emerges from the deep place of the Sea of ​​Consciousness. On each turtle shell on the turtle’s back, there are numerous mysterious symbols.

This Starry Sky Giant Turtle represents Ye Xuan’s Void Abode over the renant slip and has some kind of mysterious connection with the Void Abode Giant Turtle, so this moment is the phantom of the top-of-the-line Giant Turtle.

For a time, Ye Xuan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness was full of enthusiasm, all Desolate Ancient inheritance and Supreme Treasure, all of which showed phantom.

But this is still not finished.


A heaven-shaking magical whistling sound suddenly rips over the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and a huge black Demon Dragon Phantom rushes in. The neck is clearly marked with a small corpse.

Then, a huge blood color corner rushed in. It was the Weeping Soul Blood Horn, with a Weeping Soul Blood Ape behind it, but it was very light.

At the corner of this blood color corner, there is also a small corpse lamp brand…

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