This time, Black Firmament City used the Five Elements Reverse Universe Great Teleportation Technique to cross the Void and deliver to the Battleship of the Death Star Territory in the Void Killing Array in the heart of the Sixth Palace. There are hundreds of thousands of ships. .

Some of these Star Level Battleships collapsed during the Void’s big move. When they arrived at the Void Big Killing Array, they were already some damaging hulls. Then, there were a lot of starry sky powerhouses from the wreckage of those hulls. When I fell out, I couldn’t get through the first round of Void Killing Array’s bombing. I turned into a bloody and residual limb. Life Aura no longer floated in this murderous aura.

Then, the second round of bombing started, a large number of stars of this Void Killing Array burst out of the trillion road word glow, intertwined into a net, I wonder how many starry sky powerhouses were strangled, some small fortresses of five kilometers diameter also Can’t resist, they collapsed and turned into a wreck.

Filled the whole piece of Void.

Two days ago, the third round of the strongest strangling started, this time, was controlled by Tian Qianzi personally, countless size of the word glow from the spurt of countless Killing Array stars, and finally gathered together to kill the sword, speeding In the past, even the large fortress of 10,000 meters diameter could not resist, and they disintegrated.

Among them, the Star-Eon Level small fortress of 50,000 meters diameter has shot huge energy beams, and Super 陨Star Cannon is raging.

Ten 10,000 meters diameter Aerospace Fortress has more than a dozen, and they have blasted Death Ray Cannon with a diameter of two 10,000 meters. The intense great war lasted for two days, during which the star nodes of the Void Array were annihilated. Some, but these Aerospace Fortress also have some disintegration, and they are dying.

Void Killing Array has a large number of sword glows in a myriad of nodes. It is a terrifying sword with a diameter of two 10,000 meters. It is not inferior to the Aero Ray Fortress’s Death Ray Cannon, in a short day, 斩Three Aerospace Fortress were dropped.

But the loss of Ten Absolute Sixth Palace is not small, in addition to the 5% of the star node of the Void Killing Array, there are some Sixth Palace powerhouse fallen hosting the star node.

This round of bombing has just ended, the two sides have just stopped, is brewing the fourth round of big confrontation, Tian Qianzi suddenly left, and then the order quietly came, Ten Absolute Sixth Palace in the large number of guarding the stars The powerhouses evacuated, and finally the void of the Void Big Killing Array was closed, and Ye Xuan came to the fore, and the Aerospace Fortress and small fortress, which survived here, circled the center.

“Long Xuan? Damn, the felfels have all been withdrawn. Why did he move him alone?”

“What do Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace want to do? Do you want to wait for the civil war with Immortal Dynasty? Are they good at fishing?”

“No, you didn’t see it? Long Xuan didn’t have any horror. It was already clear that it would have been the case. He was not forced to move, it was more like preparing.”

“Damn’s, conspiracy, this is definitely a big conspiracy. Immortal Dynasty and Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace teamed up. This time I waited for the Second Universe various clans to squat, and the Death Star Vortex is a trap. Long Xuan deliberately tempted me to wait, the Black Firmament City of Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace suddenly broke down, they are a group!”

“What does Human Race want to do? To provoke the civil war between Third Universe and Second Universe? Is this the rhythm of splitting Myriad Gathering Federation? They are sinners of Federation, too daring…”

“Booming Long Xuan, this is not over!”

“Not bad, join forces to kill Long Xuan, then we will go out hard, this must be reported to the Federation, Human Race is going to rebel…”


As the sound of a path of cry out in surprise sounded, an angry mood quickly brewed, and the powerhouses in more than a dozen Aerospace Fortress and small fortress were all angered, and the same were from the Heavenly Machine Race. In such a situation, underground, with the enemy, for a time, actually joined forces, clamoring to kill Ye Xuan.



a path of huge sounds of explosions, nearly ten Aerospace Fortress all blasted two 10,000 meters diameter Death Ray Cannon, the other 50,000 meters diameter Star-Eon Level small fortress is also unwilling, Super 陨Star Cannon’s energy beam is simultaneously blasted.

The fierce white mans and the mysterious black Death Ray Cannon energy light column are intertwined into the net, and Ye Xuan, who has just arrived here, is shrouded in it. This is clearly an instant killing, completely breaking the rhythm of vitality.

“There was still some hesitation. Now it seems that I really don’t need it…”

“Devouring Innate Skill for Innate Treasure Body, it’s really looking forward to it!”


Ye Xuan is in the Void, in the center of this huge Void Killing Array, with no sadness and no emotions on his face. In mutter to oneself, Devouring Innate belongs to this Treasure Body Doppelgänger. Skill.

A strong terrifying power, suddenly suddenly emerged from Ye Xuan’s Treasure Body Doppelgänger, although invisible and inferior, but more powerful than the ordinary Black Hole can have .

In the blink of an eye, the three 10,000 meters diameter Aerospace Fortress closest to him were sucked up and suddenly stopped.

This is just the beginning of nothing more, at this time Ye Xuan, like the birth of terrifying Vicious Beast, want to devour everything!

Just as the engulfing Origin Essence was gestating him, he collected countless Void energies, the light and heat of countless stars, and even the entire Star Territory, which was turned into a Land of Death!

The same overbearing! The same madness! The same is the ruthless usurpation of red fruit!



The three Aerospace Fortress, which is closest to his body, blasted in an instant without any suspense, and all the starry sky powerhouses and supplies in the fortress were exposed to the inner dark Void of Death Star Vortex, and instantly Of the speed visible to the naked eye, the rapid and incomparable wilting.

The various natural resources within the fortress, including those who are caught off guard, are now dumbstruck panicked by all the starry sky powerhouse.

Then, the other small fortress and the Aerospace Fortress have no hesitation. a path of huge sounds of explosions, the situation is still very different, obviously such a huge Space Fortress and Aerospace Fortress completely disintegrated and exploded, but no one has a flame that shows the explosion.

They are clearly being invisible by one kind of invisible force, causing a momentary disintegration, all natural resources and starry sky powerhouses, as well as the three Aerospace Fortress in the first half of the second, all natural resources and powerhouse All of them quickly began to succumb to the wilting, the extracted energy, turned into an invisible Storm, and rushed toward Ye Xuan’s within the body.

Even including the huge black Death Ray Cannon energy beam, before the bombardment of Ye Xuan’s body, the tremors disintegrated and then swallowed.

From this moment on, Ye Xuan’s Devouring Treasure Body is no longer visible. His original position has turned into a whirlpool of huge Black Hole. Once the Innate Devouring Innate Skill is launched, it is like a Black Hole. Want to devour everything…

In this kind of phagocytosis, Ye Xuan’s cultivation base strength of the doppelgänger Treasure Body is also like a rocket. The brushing ground quickly soars, there is no bottleneck at all, and when the energy is swallowed, it is directly broken through!

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