Ye Xuan simply sat down in the bamboo forest and fell into sinking!

At this point, he already understands who the Transmission Array is. For the origin of this Treasure Body Doppelg盲nger, there is a general guess, there should be no doubt.

Obviously, the crystal big egg is the handiwork of the Palace Lord Tian Qianzi of Ten Absolute Sixth Palace. The purpose is to get a powerful doppelg盲nger with Devouring Innate Skill. For this reason, a whole piece of Star Territory has become a victim, in Void. The energy and the light and heat of countless stars are all invisibly swallowed up unconsciously.

However, Tian Qianzi clearly knows that this may cause problems. In order to ensure that the completed Devouring Doppelg盲nger can return to Sixth Palace smoothly, the one-way Transmission Array is set up. Who knows that the doppelg盲nger Treasure Body is back, but it is the main one. It is not the Primordial Spirit that it stays in Tian Chenzi within the body, but Ye Xuan.

This was a great loss for Tian Qianzi. He tried to detonate Devouring Doppelg盲nger for thousands of years and lost the Tianpzi doppelg盲nger. How can he not be angry?

In addition, the female ugly ghost should be his daughter, but inadvertently seen by Ye Xuan, these new hatreds are added together, and anyone must be completely violent.

Ye Xuan, although fearless, is now invisibly constrained by the exploration of the mission. In a month’s time, he must stay within the scope of the Ten Absolute Sixth Palace. You can’t take a step, otherwise it will not only be this time. Exploring the mission failure, the System title that has reached the 3rd level, will also be reversed 1st level and return to the 2nd level Interstellar Adventurer.

This is what he can’t accept anyway.

Ghost knows when to wait for the next time to trigger the System title exploration mission again?

That is to say, even if his heart is depressed again, he must be honestly staying in the guardianship of Ten Absolute Sixth Palace this month.

And you have to find a way to find out what the so-called inheritance treasure of Ten Absolute Sixth Palace is, and get it, refining!

This can kill people!

Ten Absolute Sixth Palace is not an inn, but is it just waiting to be treated?

Tian Qianzi, but the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth Realm in the Fifteenth Big Realm world is the Thunder Source Bead. Maybe it can only be used to make him more. The headless infant corpse is the last card of Ye Xuan. It can’t be easily exposed. What’s more, this Sixth Palace is more than Tian Qianzi alone?

Eternal Light Realm’s Vice-Palace Lord has a full four, of which Huai Dongzi was sent to the Black Firmament City to sit in the city. If there were no accidents, the other three had at least two still in the palace, plus The other six palaces expert, Ye Xuan, all in one, how to stay in this dragon pond for a month?

Simply is impossible to complete the mission!

“The only way is to figure out what the Ten Absolute Sixth Palace’s inheritance is in the shortest time before Tian Qianzi discovers it, and win it and win it!”

After some indulgence, Ye Xuan smashed a smear of smear, and he got up from his own voice. He decided to return to the talented pool of Lingquan, and started from the female ugly ghost, and asked everything he needed to know. .

It’s not Technology Camp, although there must be a treasure of Technology like Battleship, but those things are definitely not going to be popular in Culture Camp.

Therefore, Ye Xuan’s personal Starry Sky Communication System is useless here. People don’t use Starry Sky Super Brain as the Intelligent Center’s star network. They want to use it to invade their star network when they are in Technology Camp or Demon Star Territory. It is totally unrealistic to get information in this way!

At this time, Zhao Lingyang in Lingquan Pool had already changed clothes on the shores of the dozens of prostitutes, including the prostitutes. Seeing Ye Xuan’s face turned coldly, the expression of a group of prostitutes changed, Zhao Lingyang Also slightly slightly startled a bit.

“Jun Big Brother, I thought about it so soon? Someone wants to be a child, and I am so happy…”

As I said, Zhao Lingyang’s face, full of black and small dots, suddenly became red and sorrowful. It was also * flooded, and it was a shame that Ye Xuan took a look and hid.


Ye Xuan feels vomiting, vomiting in the stomach, ugly into this, can go out at night to scare the dead ghost, actually still so eager to tweak, too toss.

No, you must destroy this ugly ghost, and the right to be harmed by the people, by the way, you can also force out what is the inheritance of Ten Absolute Sixth Palace!

Female ugly ghost’s cultivation base strength is not bad, it is also Black Hole Realm, and she has more than a dozen prostitutes around her. Although the cultivation base is not as good as Ye Xuan, all the other people are not suppressed by Array. On the surface, Ye Xuan, who was suppressed by Array, seems to be not an opponent, but he knows a lot and has a great grasp. Once the Devouring Innate Skill is launched, the girls in front of them can’t help but be sucked into a corpse.

It鈥檚 a big deal to stop halfway and stop, it鈥檚 a matter of leaving them a life, a hot hand to destroy flowers, and Ye Xuan can鈥檛 bear it, even though there is a female ugly ghost!

One thought of this, his shackles instantly smashed a touch of fine mans, and wanted to shoot.

Just at this moment, a long laugh came out of the small courtyard: “Hahaha… Who wants to lick the truth of the body? This is a happy event!”

The voice was degraded, and an extremely savvy figure had been pushed open, and strode in. It was an old man, a purple robe, a temperament out of the ordinary, aura faintly, far better than Huai. Dongzi, invisibly revealing the demeanor of the monks, gives Ye Xuan one kind of extremely strong danger.

He even erected the cold hair on his back. Although it was an Innate Treasure Body, not a flesh and blood life, but a crystal form, it still felt this way.

Everything is just because the cultivation base of the other party is too strong, even if it is only invisible, it may not be intentional, but it is still the case.

Heaven and Earth Realm’s Supreme Being, really no small matter!

There is no doubt that this sturdy and elegant man is the true body of Tian Qianzi!

At this moment, Ye Xuan is already considering contacting the headless infant corpse, or immediately let the Devouring System transfer the Thunder Emperor Seal within the body true body Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness, so that whenever there is a change, you can always do this. Printed out, killing Tian Qianzi with Thunder Source Bead, a few more, or have the opportunity to solve the other side!

“Father, what are you talking about, shame!”

Didn’t wait for Ye Xuan to act, the female ugly ghost Zhao Lingyang had already crept, and she was not stunned by the resort. Then she turned to look at Ye Xuan and turned her face to a small room not far from the small courtyard. Don’t run away.

A dozen prostitutes looked at Ye Xuan with a strange look, and bowed to the old man, and then hurried away.

At this time, the sight of the old man Tian Qianzi has also been swept to Ye Xuan. When he saw his first moment, his eyes twitched: “Well? You…”

At a glance, he saw the state of Ye Xuan, revealing a rich engulfing Origin Essence aura!

Tian Qianzi Instantly realized that it was no wonder that it suddenly appeared here. It turned out that this person actually robbed the original possession of him, but it was transmitted from the one-way Transmission Array.

The heart angered, Tian Qianzi’s face changed into gloomy and uncertain…

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