
Ye Xuan’s body has just fallen, and the tiny and ancient Transmission Line Array suddenly bursts into the gorgeous rays of light!

I didn’t know what kind of material was cast in the whole array. I changed the shape in an instant and turned it into an energy ball. I wrapped the whole body of Ye Xuan and finally condensed it into a micro-mang, with a broken voice. I got into Void and disappeared!

At this time, Ye Xuan is afraid that he still doesn’t know. This is actually a nest that has entered the enemy’s nest. The top-level Transmission Array is extravagant and disposable. It can only be destroyed after use. Transmission, clearly Tian Qianzi Old Ghost was originally set as a backhand.

After all, the Devouring Doppelgänger he saw was amazing, but it was just born, and then it was stronger. With this Transmission Array, when Tian Chenzi’s Pemporial Spirit with doppelgänger within the body entered the Devouring Treasure Body, After completing the refining fusion, you can safely return to Ten Absolute Sixth Palace in the first time in case of any changes.

At the moment, although it is indeed Tian Qianzi who has set foot on the Transmission Array, he has memorized thousands of Devouring Treasure Bodys, which are close to ten thousand years, but the Primordial Spirit, which has been in the Lord, has long been easy to change…


Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace, the absolute overlord of Human Race Cultivation Camp, occupies a semi-linked Universe Starry Sky in Third Universe, and Technology Camp’s Immortal Dynasty is both a close friend and a secret competitor.

The Immortal Dynasty of Technology Camp is imperial, and the semi-linked Universe Starry Sky controlled by the Camp is the territory of Imperial Dynasty. There are three Great Empires and countless big countries below, but in name, they belong to Immortal Dynasty!

But in Starry Sky Territory, which is controlled by Culture Camp, it is basically different schools. Although there are some imperial or other forms of countries, they all belong to little fish and shrimp.

In addition, in Culture Half’s semi-linked Universe Starry Sky, whether it is a country or a Culture sect, it is independent of each other, at least nominally.

Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace is also a Culture sect, but its status is unique and transcendent, although not nominally like the Immortal Dynasty, the entire Cultural Camp, the power!

But in fact, it is far from being able to compete with several sects and countries that are ranked follow closely from behind, and their Culture Camp has no status as a hegemon, and has been invisible in the past!

Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace’s sect Ancestral Land is located in First Palace, also known as Absolute Heaven Palace! The Palace Lord of Absolute Heaven Palace is the supreme leader of the entire Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace!

The subsequent Second Palace is also known as the Absolute Earth Palace! Absolute Earth Palace’s Palace Lord is responsible for sect foreign affairs, and the relationship between Immortal Dynasty and Myriad Gathering Federation is the responsibility of Absolute Earth Palace Palace Lord!

Third Palace is Absolute Human Palace! The Palace Lord of Absolute Human Palace takes the punishment of the entire Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace!

This third house is the most powerful and mysterious place of Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace, and its status is detached!

After the fourth until Tenth Palace, it was a little weaker. The Palace Lord is generally only responsible for the palace, and the authority cannot be extended to other nine palaces!

The entire Culture Camp occupies the Half Universe’s semi-hanging Galaxy, which is as vast as the Ten Temples of Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace. They stand in different positions and sit in the Void to form a big net and control the entire Culture Camp!

Absolute Heaven Palace, located in the central area!

Absolute Earth Palace and Absolute Human Palace are not too far from the central area. The first three palaces belong to the core of the entire sect and stand in the central area of ​​the semi-hanging Galaxy.

The other seven palaces are like the Territory Periphery Zone in different directions in the Culture Camp!

Among them, the fourth, fifth and sixth are the three heavenly palaces that border the Immortal Dynasty Territory!

The closest thing to the Death Star Territory is the Ten Absolute Sixth Palace. Perhaps for this reason, Tian Qianzi will eventually choose the Death Star Territory to breed his strongest doppelgänger.

From the edge of the Death Eastern Region to the Cultural Camp, it is already the Star Territory controlled by Sixth Palace. If you want to go to the Sixth Palace Headquarters and sail at full speed with a 10,000 meters diameter Aerospace Fortress, it will take two months. Time will arrive.

There are two universe wormholes on the way. If you enter the wormhole and expand the wormhole jump, the time will be cut in half, and you can get more than a month!

The Headquarters of the Ten Temples are located in different environments, some of which are huge giants, and some of which are suspended in the Void, the heavenly place!

There is even a place like the Desolate Ancient Prisoner’s Cage, such as the Absolute Heaven Palace, which is not visible in the Central Star Territory of the Culture Camp. It is located in a smaller ectopic Void, with Third. The Universe has a Void Channel connected, and the portal traffic in and out is in the central area of ​​Culture Camp, guarded by Absolute Earth Palace and Absolute Human Palace!

The Headquarters of Sixth Palace is a Super continent with a wide range of miles. If you think of some small-sized stars as chess pieces, this piece is suspended in the six-element continent of Void like other stars, and its vastness is almost a chessboard!

It can be seen as a state in which a normal star is crushed and crushed!

All around the edge 嶙峋, the bottom of the bottom is spiritual qi thin, vitality is not obvious, are not livable choices, only the top land table because of the spiritual qi filling, full of vitality, not only the lakes are scattered, but also the mountains are rolling…

Although the shape is special, not the spherical shape of the ordinary star, but all the characteristics of the Life star, this Super continent is all available.

Including gravity, the atmosphere, the vitality, and so on!

Ten Absolute Sixth Palace’s Headquarters stands on the edge of a giant peak in the Starry Sky continent. A large palace is surrounded by the peaks and peaks, and the scale is grand, highlighting the out of the ordinary!

But at this moment, this vast palace area is quietly invisible, but in addition to the seclusion or outings, Ten Absolute Sixth Palace’s top and disciples are mostly, all of them went to giant peak Northern several days ago. Somewhere in Territory.

There, Palace Lord Tian Qianzi had already laid out a huge Starry Sky Killing Array nearly ten thousand years ago. In the former Killing Array, the policeman was angered, and Tian Qianzi was furious and screamed with a large number of six palace powerhouses. Start the Slaughter!

This is a full four days, and now, Slaughter seems to be still not over, so the six palaces of the giant peak will appear so cold, only some ordinary disciple and very few high-level stay!

Here, it is also the destination of Tian Qianzi’s top-level one-way transmission Array in Death Star Vortex. This lineup is designed to return as soon as possible. The transmission site chooses the six quarters Headquarters, which should also be!

It was just that the giant peak was too wide, and the transfer destination set by Tian Qianzi was not precisely positioned. Yes, Ye Xuan, who was sent with a shackle, randomly fell into a pool!

Still not an ordinary pool, but a hot spring pool!

A pool of dreams is like a dream-like floating hot spring pool!

The misty gas reveals a thick spiritual qi, and the hot spring water in the pool is clearly a kind of spiritual spring!

These are not the main points.

The point is that this Lingquan pool is not only located in the Harem of Tian Qianzi, but also the enchanting females at the moment, the white tender lovable body of more than ten red fruits, splashing water in it.

Ye Xuan pū tōng, falling in the middle, splashing countless splashes…

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