“Space Law divine ability? How is this possible? It’s only Half-Step Heaven and Earth Realm nothing more…”

Inside the purple Mecha, the cry out in surprise of the Heavenly Machine Race is loud and the heart is shocking.

The entire Battle Mecha was inexplicably lost. The original shape itself, the arm of the arm slammed into the top of the head, turned into a body flat, a punch to the crystal body on the other side… …

This scene is too strange, the key is still traceable. As a party, he doesn’t even know how this change happened. There is no sense of it. There is no other explanation except the space law level of the divine ability magical technique.

The power of the Universe Law level is clearly the Supreme Being of the Fifth and Real Realm of the Fifteenth Big Realm. Only the Domain that is qualified to touch it, and even the vast majority of Heaven and Earth Realm Supreme Being, may not really touch the Universe. The power of the Law level requires insight and opportunity.

Void Armoroid Venerable Only Half-Step Heaven and Earth Realm, it is impossible to display the power of Law level of the divine ability!

Where does he know that the Void Armoroid Venerable is in the true body of the Great Desolate Era, but terrifying is second only to the Desolate Ancient Supreme, although the Desolate Ancient Inheritance Tower is branded with a restore, only the Terrifying of the Great Desolate Era is less than 30%’s Bloodline inheritance!

Even so, with the level of Great Desolate true body of Armoroid Venerable, even if it is only an inheritance that 30% is not enough, it is now enough to touch the power of the Universe Space Law.


Without waiting for Purple Mecha’s Death Ray to punch, there was a huge explosion in the air over the Void Armoroid Venerable.

The piece was smashed into rags by nine golden ribs on its back, and the Void, which was covered with a path of Space Crack, finally collapsed completely. It smashed a large area and touched about a small li. It instantly turned into a small one. Black Hole, the silver-winged monk in this area has not yet returned, and the figure has been swallowed into the Void Turbulent Flow in Black Hole.

Even if it is not embarrassing, it is like eternal exile, but don’t want to come back again!

At the same time, Ye Xuan, who came swiftly swept at the rear, finally arrived. The skull was slammed into the body, and the Void Armoroid Venerable, who pressed down, shouted: “Violent madness? In addition to pressure Can you use some other tricks? The crystal body is also useful. In addition, the Purple Mecha is also the Prince. The inside of the fellow doesn’t matter, and you will toss… Mecha will not be bad!”

Void Armoroid Venerable obviously can’t understand these words, but its crystal body is reshaped by Void Essence Crystal refining. The latter is like a signal transfer station. Ye Xuan’s words mean the first time through Void. Essence Crystal passed it out and was received by Void Armoroid Venerable.

Its shape is abruptly abrupt, suspended in the Void, like a giant peak, across the head of the purple Mecha and crystal body!

In the next moment, the high-frequency tremor of the Golden Horn at the top of the Void Armoroid Venerable suddenly changed. The speed of the humming sound in the Void suddenly became as heavy as a drum.

This must be another kind of the Armoroid Bloodline divine ability that touches the Universe space Power of Law. If the previous divine ability is called Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, then the Armoroid divine ability that Armoroid Venerable is using now is Can be called a mountain beaten!

Because under the Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, the purple Mecha, which had just stabilized its shape, was a sudden shock, and then it was completely quiet. The anti-material Death Ray light ball of the right fist also disappeared. The figure under the ten zhang high is suspended in the Void, like a sculpture.

If nothing else, the Heavenly Machine Race in Mecha, the moment of the sudden shock of Purple Mecha, has fallen.

Live was shocked to death on the spot, but Mecha was intact!

This is also the universe void Law Strength!

Void Armoroid Venerable was originally Half-Step Heaven and Earth, and with the Bloodline divine ability to create a powerful shock with the help of Void, the Heavenly Machine Race in Mecha was only Genesis Realm cultivation base, almost weakened two big realm, natural blow And hey, it’s not unusual.

This type of attack, in fact, Ye Xuan has already seen it before.

It was in the Life Black Hole of First Universe, at the forefront of the Armoroid army, which was at least a thousand miles away from Ye Xuan and Ba Cai two people. The huge Void Armoroid Sovereign suddenly sent out without warning. A voice of severe roar.

Its terrifying, such a large black Void Abode, was swayed, and it instantly rang out a path of thunder, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

It was actually led by the whistling, and instantly invigorated the power of Void in the Black Hole area, which turned into Prisoner’s Cage, which was completely rolled out in all directions!

This Void Prisoner’s Cage can only be regarded as one kind of secret technique, not a divine ability, nor a real Universe Void Law, but it is also an inheritance in the Armoroid Race group Bloodline.

Although the Void Armoroid is not a Life body, and even if it is counted as a Life body, the Arroroid in the Life Black Hole has nothing to do with the Desolate Ancient Era. Armoroid is an adjunct to the formation of Void Origin Essence. The Armoroid born within the Void Origin Essence has nothing to do with each other.

The essence of Void Origin Essence is the same, although the grades may be different, the Samsara product that shrinks and swells for different universe faces, the power size depends on the size of the universe.

And their formation reflects the essence Profound Truth of Universe Void Law. Therefore, Arvanoid, whether it is the same nest or growing to a certain height, can comprehend some Universe Space Law, like the bloodline’s Bloodline inheritance, never will Broken!

For these, Ye Xuan has vaguely guessed that it was the high-level of the Heavenly Machine Race that was seen by this familiar divine ability.

“Rely! Raise the Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, and cover your hands and beat the cows. The blink of an eye is two kinds of divine ability related to the power of Void, tch tch tch, amazing!”

In mutter to oneself, Ye Xuan’s face can’t help but show a touch of envy. These two divine abilities have to be jealous, although they can’t communicate directly with Armoroid, and Void Essence Crystal as a transit station doesn’t buy much. His account, but Ye Xuan did not intend to give up on this, at this time has been remembered, and then look back and find a way.

Leaving this idea aside, Ye Xuan turned to look at the crystal body standing in Void not far away, and the other party just took over all the vitality and power of an Eternal Light Realm powerhouse, and closed it again. Both eyes seem to be digesting and silent.

However, this process of digestion is obviously extremely rapid. When Ye Xuan turned around and looked at the crystal body with only a few seconds of eyes closed, he had once again opened his eyes. This time, the confusion in his pupil light. It faded most of the time and was replaced by a strong resentment and killing intent.

Moreover, actually speaking, and yelling at Ye Xuan, it is a bit of a big tongue, the voice is dry, and ambiguously said: “The little king dialed, the true body was ruined, and the neck paper was washed. See you next time, if you can’t take your head with your own hands, I, I, I…”

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