Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3235: New Martial Soul

Ye Hao found that two new martial spirits appeared in the sea among the saplings that had grown up.

One Wuhun is a sword, and one Wuhun is an eye.

"Jianwu Soul." At that time, the sapling exuded a wave of spiritual fluctuations, "Sword Wuwu Soul contains the sword art, which is within the scope of the Soul Sky Galaxy. It is almost the same as invincible. Furthermore, Jian Wuhun has a terrible bonus to any swordsmanship."

"What about those eyes?" Ye Hao asked.

"Eye Martial Soul." The sapling immediately replied, "The Eye Martial Soul contains the withering technique, and the eyes of it, all living things wither, and the Eye Martial Soul also has a terrible bonus to any eye surgery."

Ye Hao tasted carefully and said, "Just give me these two martial souls? Did you swallow me a hundred at that time?"

"Do you think it's so simple to raise Heavenly Martial Soul to half-step **** of Martial Soul?" said the sapling angrily.

"You have to know that you are the passing Wuhun, you know?" Ye Hao said angrily.

"What do you say you want so many martial spirits to do?" The sapling said helplessly.

"Is it one thing, is it another thing?"

"Yes, every time you raise a small realm in the future, I will give you a half-step to dominate Wuhun, how?" The sapling finally gave in.

The main reason is that it does not let Ye Hao look down on it.

"Good." Ye Hao said with a grin.

After a pause, Ye Hao then asked, "What do you have to do with celestial galaxies?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't." The sapling stopped speaking after saying this.

Ye Hao was about to say something, and suddenly felt something on his face.

He scratched his hand.

Black juice.

Smelly, pungent, and unpleasant.

"What's the situation?" Ye Hao stunned.

Why is there such a thing on his face?

Just then Feng Xue's voice rang in his ears, "Curse."


Ye Hao's expression changed.

What is the curse?

Why didn't he know?

"Young Master Ye, there is black juice flowing in your eyes and nose?" Li Hua said sharply.

The monk of Lihuozong looked at Ye Hao's eyes full of terror.

No one has seen such a scene.

Ye Hao held his breath.

He is carefully observing his condition.

He found that black liquid like ink was flowing through the seven tips, and these liquids were constantly destroying his body and soul.

"Don't you stop it?" Feng Xue said with a shock.

What time is it, and you still let it go?

Don't you want to live anymore?

Ye Hao was unmoved, and he was watching quietly.

And when his body melted by a quarter, his dormant power exploded, like a volcanic eruption, sweeping away the power of the curse along the way.

Immediately, Ye Hao's body recovered quickly.

After a few breaths, the original appearance was restored.

"What is the source of the curse?" Ye Hao frowned.

"Some people say that the existence of Transcendence has broken the rules of heaven and earth, so Heaven will curse and punish them." Feng Xue said slowly, "Others said that all kinds of celestial galaxies were cursed, and they will only appear after they have transcended. Of course, there is no reasonable explanation until now."

"I think the master must know something." Ye Hao said for a while.

"Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to contact the master." Feng Xue shook his head.

"Study slowly in the future." Ye Hao immediately changed the subject.

Ye Hao was somewhat dissatisfied with the kind of celestial galaxy but did not give him anything. The kind of celestial galaxy that passed away did not appear just now?

"What are your plans next?" Feng Xue asked softly.

"I will only consider going to the eighth domain when the cultivation of my celestial galaxy and the soul celestial galaxy have been raised to the peak of the past." Ye Hao said after thinking about it.

Feng Xue said nothing more.

Ye Hao seems to be traveling everywhere, but in fact feels the world.

Feng Xue still knew this.

The next time Ye Hao practiced silently in the seventh domain.

He needs time to practice the magical power given by the two great martial souls, and he also needs time to stabilize the present state.

Of course, if there were no such exercises as a dream for 3,000 years, he would not know how long it would take to do it?

That day Ye Hao came to an ancient city.

After arriving in the ancient city, Ye Hao went straight to the largest medicinal herbs market here.

The seventh domain is already the upper three domains, and there will be many good things here.

Ye Hao naturally needs to buy some.

After arriving at the medicinal herbs market, Ye Hao greeted his waiter with enthusiasm, "Which one are you in charge of here?"

"Is there anything you asked us to do?" the waiter asked softly.

"I want to buy bulk medicinal herbs." Ye Hao said lightly.

"Wait a moment," the waiter said busy.

It didn't take long for a middle-aged to come here with the waiter.

When that middle-aged man looked at Ye Hao, his heart shook slightly.

Early in the past!

Not many people reach this level at this age.

"How do you call this son?" the middle-aged man asked with a smile.


"Mr. Ye, what medicine are you going to buy?"

"Is there a list?" Ye Hao said after thinking about it.

"Yes." The middle-aged man handed Ye Hao a list.

Ye Hao took out a pen and read it on a piece of white paper after reading it.

About a quarter of an hour later, Ye Hao handed the paper to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked at it after he took it.

Looking at his face, he was full of surprise. It was really too much for Ye Hao.

"Mr. Ye, the total value of these medicinal materials needs about 80 billion emperor stones."

"Do I need to pay a deposit?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"The deposit is 30%."

"To you." Ye Hao threw a middle age bag of that age.

The middle-aged **** swept away and looked very dignified. "Yang Gongzi, wait a minute, I will write you a receipt."

Soon that middle-aged man handed Ye Hao a written receipt.

"Yang Gongzi, because of the large amount you need, I need three days to get it together." The middle-aged man said positively.

"Good." Ye Hao nodded.

The middle-aged man shouted to be in charge, and after handing over the list to the other party, he ordered the other party to prepare immediately.

Immediately he looked at Ye Hao and asked, "Master Ye, are you an alchemist?"

"Yeah, Master Dan."

"Ask me, what level are you from?"

"The past."

The middle-aged man couldn't help but be surprised, "Yugongzi, are you from the past?"

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao asked in a daze.

"Mr. Ye, have you heard of Mingyuedan?"

"Although Mingyuedan's grade is not high, not everyone can refine it." Ye Hao said softly, "What? Who's martial spirit is polluted?"

"The martial spirit of our city lord's daughter is contaminated, and now we are investing heavily to seek Mingyuedan."

"I will refine Mingyue Dan." Ye Hao said lightly.

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