Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3228: Beheaded alligators

"My cultivation methods haven't reached the peak of the past realm, can't I create a warship of the past peak?" Ye Hao smiled slightly.

Can Ye Hao make it?

The answer is yes.

With Ye Hao's Qi Dao Xiu as a warship that surpasses his own cultivation, there is no difficulty at all.

Of course, Ye Hao's current practice has already surpassed that of the past.

In fact, Ye Hao's cultivation practice has been promoted to the early stage of the future.

Why is it so fast?

You have to know that Ye Hao used many big dreams for three thousand years.

As the Dao of his celestial galaxy progresses, the Dao of his nine-celestial system naturally rises.

It is true that the Dao Guo of his Soul Sky Galaxy is not idle.

The Daogu of Soul Sky Galaxy has now reached the early stage of taboo.

Of course Ye Hao's progress could be faster if he didn't care about the consequences, but he tried hard to suppress it.

He wants to carefully polish every realm of every Taoguo.

Feng Xue has always felt that Ye Hao's entry into the country was too fast, and that he would have extremely serious consequences in the future. What he did not know was how long Ye Hao had felt. In fact, every realm he walked on was very stable.

Of course Feng Xue is now aware of this problem.

Because Ye Hao will display a big dream for three thousand years to help Feng Xue to realize the avenue of the Nine Heavens.

With the help of Ye Hao, the road of Fengxue's Jiutian system is also steadily advancing.

Of course, when it comes to progress, compared with Ye Hao, the difference is not a star.

"You have to work hard." Feng Xue gave Ye Hao a deep look and said, "You are now in the fifth domain."

"Before going to the ninth domain, I will reach the strength comparable to Emperor Ji." Ye Hao smiled slightly.

Ye Hao is very confident.

He was confident that it would not take long for him to be able to break his wrist with Emperor Ji.

As for how sure?

He didn't have much confidence in it.

Emperor Ji, the first person in the Soul Sky Galaxy, said that if there was no means against the sky, Ye Hao would not believe it.

Besides, don't forget the inheritance of the celestial galaxy, but Emperor Ji gave it to Ye Hao.

There is no doubt that there is no inheritance of a celestial galaxy, and Ye Hao is not an opponent of Diji at all.

You should know that this is not one plus one effect, the actual effect is far greater than two.

There are two kinds of inheritance of celestial galaxies, and there are no kinds of inheritance of celestial galaxies. These are two very different results.

"The ninth domain?" Li Hua was startled, "Are you going to the ninth domain?"

"Yeah." Ye Hao nodded.

"The ninth domain is very dangerous." Lihua said softly, "I heard that it is the place where the arrogance of the arrogant, the top ten supreme, hundreds of worlds, almost all in the ninth domain."

"This is interesting." Ye Hao smiled slightly.

"Are you a mortal?"


"Then you still don't want to go to the ninth domain." Lihua said seriously, "I heard that Tianjiao didn't make it there."

"He is not a mortal." Feng Xue said with a smile at this time, "because he is supreme."

His eyes widened uncontrollably.

"Are you supreme?"

"Almost." Ye Hao said with a smile.

The painting was startled, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. "No wonder you don't take the giant alligator family in your eyes."

Which supreme has no strong background?

Want to know that the entire Soul Sky Galaxy has only ten Supreme Supremes?

The supreme ancestors shared their supremacy, the supreme ruled the blessing, and the supreme ruled the world.

No forces dare to take action against the Supreme?

Unless it is impatient.

At this time, Ye Hao put away the warship at the peak of the taboo.

This battleship is no longer suitable for roaming in the fifth domain.

They appeared in Lihuozong with the warship at the peak of the past.

The Lihuozong was blocked by the densely packed giant crocodile family, and the entire Lihuozong was fighting everywhere, fighting everywhere.

When Ye Hao's battleship came, both sides of the battle looked at it.

"Leave or die?" the senior of a giant crocodile yelled.

He felt the rank of Ye Hao's warship.

The past is at its peak.

The giant crocodile decided not to take the shot for a while until he could not understand the other party's background.


No extra words Ye Hao's battleship fired directly.

The master of the giant crocodile was immediately hit hard.


The crocodiles were irritated.

They did not expect the other party to fire without saying a word.

That is provocation.


Hundreds of giant crocodiles rushed towards the battleship.


The battleship turned on violent mode.

Thousands of shells were fired in an instant.

Of course, the levels of these shells are all at the peak level of Divine Realm.

The three masters who watched the giant alligator like dumplings are suppressing Lihuozong were angry.

"Are you looking for death?"

A figure appeared next to Ye Hao, who shot at the moment.

The figure just looked at them quietly.

The three masters of the future are broken like a bubble.

Not even the soul is left.

Looking at this scene, both the giant crocodile and the monk from Lihuozong were ignorant.

what's the situation?

The three masters of the future have just fallen.

What a joke?

They exist in the future.

You have to know that even the early existence of this world cannot be done.

Of course, the master at the beginning of this world can't do it. The problem is that the third puppet is shot, and his cultivation behavior has reached the later stage of this world.

"Thank you senior for your shot." The blood-stained ancestor of Lihuozong thanked the figure beside Ye Hao.

"I'll help you solve some more." Ye Hao said, glancing at the puppets around him.

The puppets swept towards the giant crocodiles present.

At the next moment, all the crocodiles above the King Realm were killed.

"Can you solve it next?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Yes." The ancestor of Lihuozong said excitedly.

The crocodile family now has no god.

However, they still have more than a dozen emperors from the Huozongzong. How difficult is it to kill the remaining giant crocodile?

Although he has been hit hard now, he has to deal with the remaining giant crocodiles, which is a matter of minutes.

When his Shen Nian swept down, he was wiped out of his soul, and when he was about to use it again, he felt dizzy.

He realized that he was almost dry.

If the mind is used again, it will damage the source.

So after thinking about it, he didn't use it again.

In fact, there is no need to use it again at this time, because just now he waved away more than half of the giant crocodiles present.

It is enough to hand over the remaining giant crocodiles to those dozen emperors.


The remaining **** emperors have released big moves in order to kill the giant crocodiles present as much as possible.

By the time the dozen or so divine emperors were exhausted, there were less than a thousand giant crocodiles present.

But there are hundreds of **** kings from Huozongzong.

After the **** king also released a wave of moves, the giant alligator family fell clean.

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