Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3223: Seal the entire clan

By this time, everyone knew Qiu Yizong was saved.

"The future?" The ancestor of the cicada's past realm changed wildly. He looked at the middle-aged man in black armor. "No, you are just a war spirit."

"Yeah, I am a war spirit." The middle-aged nodded.

Everyone was stunned.

War Spirit!

In other words, the other party fell off many years ago?

"Since you are a war spirit, you should know that when the energy in your body is exhausted, you will completely disappear from this world." The old man said very solemnly.

"What is the War Spirit?" the middle-aged middle-aged man laughed, "The War Spirit has long since fallen, and disappeared from the sky and the earth, and disappeared. Do you think I still care about this? Furthermore, you think that your cultivation base is How much energy can you wear me?"

The old man fell silent.

There are six transcendental beings in his vein, including three early in the past, two in the middle of the past, and one high-order in the past.

And his cultivation is in the early days of the past.

That is to say, even if all six strong men in his veins appeared, it would not be the opponent in front of him.

"My cicada confessed your plant and made your request." The old man said after a silence.

Hearing this, Qiu Ying looked at the war spirit nervously.

"What do you want to do, then do it." The war spirit said softly.

"I'm going to kill him." Qiu Ying said firmly, "I want to uproot the cicada clan."

"Good." The war spirit said, turning into a ray of thunder and rushed towards the old man.

His speed is too fast, even the old man can't catch his speed.


The old man's body fell towards the rear, and there was a mouth in his heart, which was frantically filled with blood.

However, the old man's own vitality is too strong, and with the green life energy flowing out, his injury recovers at the speed seen by the naked eye.

"Give me death." The war spirit shouted, and an axe appeared in his hand.

The axe bloomed with the eternal glory of the ancients. When chopping towards the old man, the whole world was surrounded by endless axe intentions.


The old man was cut to pieces without accident.

"I have already remembered the old man's breath. I will take you to find him now." The war spirit looked at Qiu Ying Road.

"it is good."

The war spirit soon took Qiuying to the second battlefield of the cicada battle.

Without too much speech, the war spirit shot directly.

After the beheading was completed, he went to the third battlefield.

Just like a quarter of an hour later, the monks who came from the cicada were all killed.

"I have learned the location of the cicada clan by searching the soul, now we go to the cicada clan." Zhan Ling said calmly.

"Can you persist?" Qiu Ying said with some concern.

She found that the brilliance of the War Spirit seemed dimmed.

"It's okay." Zhan Ling said carelessly.

Qiu Ying looked at Ye Hao hidden in the dark.

"Go, go to the third domain." Ye Hao said lightly.

And when the war spirit took Qiuying and his entourage to the third domain, the cicada had already been in chaos.

When the first ancestor of the early days of the past fell, the cicada's seniors were shocked.

To know that the existence of the past is not Chinese cabbage, Rao is a powerful cicada only six.

But now there is only one.

And just as the ancestors of the cicada clan convened a meeting to send masters to inspect, the cicada's second ancestor in the early days of the past fell again.

The cicadas were all shocked.

There is no doubt that this is an action against the cicadas.

"Evacuate the seed." The ancestor of the cicada clan issued such an order immediately.

When the seeds of the cicada clan heard this news, their heads were stunned.

How could the cicadas fall two ancestors one after another?

Does the Siping mainland dare to kill their clan ancestors?

Don't those old guys want to live?

"The clan is in trouble, how can we go at this time?"

"Yeah, I want to see who started our cicadas?"

"We will share the trouble with Zongmen."

Seeing the dozens of Tianjiao in Zongmen refused to evacuate, the clan's senior officials were very pleased.

This proves that these guys are not white-eyed wolves.

"I order you to leave immediately." The senior of a cicada cried aloud.

Under his stern look, the dozen or so Tianjiao unwillingly set foot on the teleportation array.

It was only soon that their complexions changed.

Because the teleport is not working.

"What's the situation? Why can't the teleportation array start?" The cicada's high-level officials were a little nervous.

"I don't know, but the space teleportation array won't work." The division master responsible for maintaining the formations smiled bitterly.

"It's too late, and I will take them away." The senior man said a little deeply.

But when he waved his hand to tear the space, he was shocked to find that the space became a piece of iron.

"what happened?"

"No, the space is sealed, there is a detachment around it." The second senior of the cicada immediately realized what.

Both of them are at the peak of the taboo.

In addition to being out of bounds, they can seal the space quietly without being known to them.

They certainly do not believe that the existence of the same order can do this.

The two of them immediately reported the ancestors of the clan.

While the ancestors' face changed greatly, they also tried to break the seal.

But this is doomed.

The space is terribly stable, even if it is the existence of the pinnacle of his past, he desperately shot, and he can’t even shake a trace.

"What's the situation?" The ancestors of the cicada clan were full of horror.

"Don't waste your energy." Just then a dull voice rang in the air.

"Senior, I don't know how the Cicada tribe has sinned you?" The clan tribe's ancestor asked after recovering for a while.

"You Cicada didn't offend me, you can only say that you are unlucky." The secret existence said lightly, "After a while, a woman will come to collect debts."

Debt collection?

Hearing this word, how did the ancestors of the cicada clan not understand that this time the calf was finished.

It didn't take long for Qiuying and others to appear in the ancestral land of the cicada clan.

"I don't know what antagonism between the cicada clan and this lady?" The clan clan's ancestor calmed down and asked softly.

"Qiu Yizong, you know?"

The ancestors of the cicada were silent.

How could Qiu Yizong not know?

This sect is one of the targets chosen by their cicadas to attack.

"As long as I can give the Cicada a living path, I am willing to pay any price." After a few years, the clan clan's ancestor looked up and looked at Qiu Yingzheng.

"Autumn Yizong has damaged seven or eight out of ten. Only by uprooting this family can we remove the hatred in my heart."

"Weakness is the original sin, you should understand this truth. Even today without my cicada clan, there will be other genocide to destroy you Qiu Yizong."

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