Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3210: Thunder

"Son, you are all a god-class killing team?" Xu Yuanyuan suddenly thought of what?

The king-level killing array is used as a strategic weapon.

Can't you always use the god-class killer?

Ye Hao smiled. He pointed to a purple flower and whispered, "The flower is blooming."

The purple flower bloomed in an instant, then turned into a horrible sword rain, suspended above everyone's head.

Everyone except Zhou Caidie was pale.

"Killing the Divine Realm." The old lady exclaimed.

"There are about six hundred and eighty-one killing arrays in the Divine Realm." Ye Hao said that the killing arrays one after another suddenly burst into a tyrannical glory.

"You go to mark it now." Ye Hao said lightly.

The top of the Devil's Palace quickly went to record.

After they returned, Ye Hao took them to Xu Yuanyuan's courtyard.

At this time, they found that Xu Yuanyuan's courtyard had been expanded more than a hundred times.

Hundreds of magic weapons are quietly placed in the courtyard, and these magic weapons are blooming one by one.

Hundreds of golden warships are suspended in mid-air, and each warship is actually of the God level.

"I don't know if you still think that resources are wasted?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

The upper floors of the Devil's Palace were all stunned.

What is the use of resources like resources if they are not used?

"Ye Gongzi." Zhou Caidie said incoherently.

She believes that the Devil Palace has these resources, which is enough to sweep the entire Continent.

"The reason why I did these things is not because of you, not because of the Devil's Palace, but because of Xu Yuanyuan." Ye Hao's words made the senior people present looked at Xu Yuanyuan one after another.

Immediately afterwards, there was an ambiguous look on their faces.

They thought Ye Hao liked Xu Yuanyuan.

Only Xu Yuanyuan's heart was full of bitterness.

She knew that Ye Hao never touched her, strictly speaking, it was just a deal.


Not long after the various races went back, they came to the Demon Palace again.

To be honest, they don't want to come here.

But the top nine forces of Baihua Continent will recruit disciples in the Demon Palace.

After such a feast, after being missed, this life may never be encountered again.

Fortunately, the devil's palace is not difficult for these guys, but they did not give them a good look.

"What's the devil's palace crazy? When Lao Tzu enters the Nine Great Sect gates, the devil's palace will look good."

"Yes, the Demon King's Palace is even more powerful. Could it still be able to compete with the Nine Sects of the First Class Mainland?"

"Wait, the one named Ye Hao, I will not let go."

The younger generations who came to participate are clenching their teeth, and they silently vowed to make Ye Hao and the Devil Palace look good.

Just before the arrival of Baihua Continent, Lei Ming came to Ye Hao's courtyard.

"Young Master Ye, I have something important to tell." Lei Ming said respectfully at the door.

Ye Hao opened the gate of the courtyard with a wave of his hand.

After Lei Ming walked into the courtyard, he was shocked to find that the space here was extremely vast.

"The space here is stretched." Lei Ming soon realized this.

"This..." Lei Ming's heart set off a storm.

At the level of Heshen, you can break the space, and at the God King, you can carry out the space shuttle.

But no one can do it if you want to stretch the space.

Lei Yuan couldn't do it.

Lei Ming recovered for a while before looking at Ye Hao in the courtyard.

"Young Master Ye, I heard an important news."


"Ban Xun and others want to do harm to Ye Gongzi."

"Just by them?" Ye Hao said disdainfully.

The gap between the two parties is too great.

Ye Hao didn't think Ban Xun and others could do it.

"The forces behind Banxun and others can't do it, but what if Banxun and others become disciples of the top nine forces?" Lei Mingyi pointedly said, "Most of them will join hands to make trouble for you."

"It doesn't matter." Ye Hao waved, "If you're talking about this, then you can go back now."

Whether the first-class continent is out of bounds is between the two.

Moreover, even if there is a detachment?

The big deal is to use the galaxy of that galaxy.

Moreover, Ye Hao's small world does not know how many cards are stored? Let's say that those cards are not to deal with the existence of the past, even if he is facing the present world, is he not good?

Thunder's pupil shrank.

Ye Hao's sentence is tantamount to revealing a great news.

That is, Ye Hao's background may not fear the nine forces.

He said after a little pondering, "Young Master Ye, I know you have a strong background, but there is someone you can't help but pay attention to."

"Paeony Fairy?"

"Yes, it's the peony fairy." Lei Mingzheng said, "the peony is now a genius, and her martial spirit may be the legendary martial spirit."

"Heavenly Martial Soul?" Ye Hao muttered.

Heavenly Martial Soul means that you will be able to step beyond the border in the future.

"Yes, Heavenly Martial Soul, which is why the peony fairy is known as the first person in Baihua Continent?"

"Tomorrow I'm going to see the peony fairy you are constantly touting."

Looking at Ye Hao's eager expression, Lei Ming knew that he had said nothing.

"Summon your martial spirit." Ye Hao said lightly this time.

Thunder called out Wuhun for unknown reasons.

Ye Hao directly used the plus Wuhun to raise Thunder's Wuhun to a new level.

Thunder's original Wuhun was mid-level.

This means that Leiming may reach the peak of God King Realm in the future.

Of course, this is only theoretical.

In fact, this requires resources, opportunities, etc.

After all, Lei Yuan’s martial spirit is also at this level, but after so many years, his cultivation behavior still stays in the middle of the God King Realm.

"Premier level." Feeling his martial spirit, Lei Ming was stunned.

"Yang Gongzi, did you help me upgrade Wuhun's level?" Lei Ming looked at Ye Haodao in surprise.

Ye Hao made a silent gesture, "You know that, you don't care about trouble, but I don't want trouble."

"Ye Gongzi's great grace, Lei Ming will never dare to forget." Lei Ming saluted Ye Hao respectfully.

Before Lei Ming did not expect Ye Hao to give him such a gift.

Wuhun directly upgrades a level.

This is a fantasy for Lei Ming.

And now he vaguely understands that Ye Hao is an unfathomable existence.

Paeonia is just a pediatrics in front of him now.

Because when he mentioned the peony fairy, Ye Hao's eyes showed a strange look.

That's right.

Li Qi.

This shows that he does not care.

Maybe just interested.

Just look.

"Actually, your so-called intelligence has no meaning to me, but I am not good and have no indication." Ye Hao looked at Lei Ming and said lightly.

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