Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3005: Star Kelp shocked

"Aren't you afraid of the cause and effect of Daoyuan Liquid?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"I've been tied to the owner for a long time." The emperor's face was not heartbroken and did not jump. "Since this relationship can't be shaken off, it's better to improve the strength as soon as possible, it will probably help the owner."

"Your face is thick enough." Ye Hao gave the Emperor Insect a drop of Daoyuan Liquid, "See if you can make a breakthrough in one fell swoop?"

In fact, the emperor worm did not know that even if he wanted Daoyuan Liquid, Ye Hao would not necessarily give it.

Because the gold body must maintain its excellence against the emperor insect, otherwise the emperor insect would be in danger of repelling.

In other words, the golden body must have a leading edge in the realm of the emperor worm. Under the same realm, the golden body is not the opponent of the emperor.

Now Jin Jin's strength has been upgraded to the early stage of the future. If the emperor's cultivation practices have also been upgraded to this stage, how much can the emperor be restricted by the contract?

However, after Ye Hao condensed the warriors at the peak of the future, these problems are no longer a problem.

"Thank you master," the emperor said excitedly.

"You need to do one thing before Xie." Ye Hao looked at the Emperor Insect.

"What's the matter?" the Insect asked subconsciously.

"You signed a contract with him." Ye Hao pointed at the puppet.

"This is a war puppet?" The emperor stunned.

How can there be a contract with the war puppet in this world?

"Do you think this is an ordinary combat puppet?" Ye Hao said with a smile, "He has his own consciousness."

"Is that still a puppet?" The emperor stunned.

"All his consciousness was given by me." Ye Hao looked at the Emperor Insect.

"Can you give war consciousness?" The emperor's face was incredible.

"You have a lot of questions." Ye Haoda said his face was down here. "Are you signing this contract or not?"

"No," the emperor whispered softly.

"Are you sure not to sign?" Ye Hao stared at the Emperor Insect.

"Master, it's not that I don't sign, but I can't sign." The emperor said with a wry smile.


"Because the premise for me to set foot in the future is to cut off all the past." The Emperor Insect looked at Ye Haodao. "This past includes the contract that was signed?"

"Do you mean that the contract you signed with Jin Shen was invalid?" Ye Hao suddenly realized.


"Since this is the case, give me Daoyuan Liquid." Ye Hao extended his hand.

The emperor stunned.

"the host……."

Looking at the poor emperor, Ye Hao was unmoved. "If there is no contract limit, God knows you will betray?"

The King Worm is a demon!

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Ye Hao still understands this.

Finally the emperor insect had to return the Daoyuan liquid to Ye Hao.

"Master, you must believe in my loyalty."

"Now, your task is to search for resources for me all over the world. You also know that Yan Huangzong needs resources next." Ye Hao ordered, "Now I will definitely not give you Dao Yuanye, but it will not be for you. "


Give wool?

Ye Hao never believed in the creatures like Emperor Worm!

Because the reputation of the emperor worm has always been bad.

"Follow the orders." The Emperor Insect said busy.

Although the emperor knew that Ye Hao was suspected of drawing a cake, did the emperor now have the right to choose?

If you don’t step into the future one day, you won’t be able to break the contract!


Yu Yue Men!

These Tianyu Yuemen collided with Xinghaizong in all aspects.

However, Yuyuemen and Xinghaizong have a difference in their heritage after all, even if Yuyuemen uses a lot of heritage, it is still at a disadvantage.

And just when Yuyuemen considered whether to further increase the heritage, the emperor appeared in Yuyuemen and told them that the Xinghai Sect had been destroyed.

Yu Shao summoned the top level of the Yuyue Gate to the hall of deliberation for the first time.

"You guys, what do you think?" Yu Shao said after telling the story.

"I guess the one in the Diamond List can't make a joke about this." An elder said immediately.

"This kind of existence can invite the existence of the future peak or even stronger." Another elder agreed.

"The top priority is to determine whether the ancestral court of Xinghai Sect has been destroyed?" Yu You said at this time. "So I think Erzu should go and check it now."

"I think so too." Yu Shao nodded. "As long as the second ancestor's side is confirmed, our army of Yuyuemen will pounce on Xinghaizong's residences everywhere."

"In minutes and seconds, we don't have much time to spend."

"Once the news of the demise of the Xinghai Zong Zu Ting spreads, the major forces may act at the first time."

The second ancestor of Yuyuemen is an existence in the early stage of the future.

He first went to the ancestral court of Xinghai Sect.

When he reached Zu Ting, Ye Hao's eyes of the puppet fell on him.

The second ancestor of Yuyue Gate shuddered uncontrollably.

"See seniors."

The warrior glanced at him indifferently, "In addition to the ancestors who killed the Xinghai Sect, there are two futures. In addition, the Sect Master of Xinghai Sect and several elders in the past have also fallen. As for Xinghai Sect, I don’t know if there is a surpassing level, but I think you can handle it.”

"Xinghaizong should still have a surpassing level in the outside world, but I can completely cope with Yuyuemen."

Ye Hao's puppet nodded lightly.

The second ancestor of Yuyue Gate resigned immediately.

He sent a message to Yu Shao just after he left.

After receiving the message, Yu Shao immediately mobilized the army of Yuyuemen towards the various stations and cities of Xinghaizong.

Suddenly the entire Xinghai Kelp was shocked.

"What happened?"

"Is Yuyuemen fighting with Xinghaizong?"

"Yuyuemen can be described as elite this time. I saw several super-demotions cruising."

"Don't Yuyuemen worry about angering Xinghaizong?"

"It's strange, why hasn't Xinghai Zongzuting made any response yet?"

"Aren't Xinghai Zongzuting a problem?"

After realizing this, all ethnic groups sent masters to Xinghaizong.

But when they arrived near Xinghaizong, they discovered that a terrifying existence had stopped them.

The breath of that figure is so vast.

Even if it is the existence of detachment, but this moment is still swaying.

"Senior." Some monks tried to communicate.

Unfortunately, no response was received.

This situation made many monks realize that most of the Xinghai Sect had an accident.

But no one dared to act rashly without getting the exact news.

After all, not everyone in Xinghai Sect is qualified to touch!

As the Yuyuemen continued to plunder Longyuanmen and other forces could not sit still.

"Xinghai Zong is 100% accidental."

"Yeah, otherwise Xinghai Zong Zu Ting already dispatched masters?"

"Shoot, if we wait any longer, we can't even drink the soup."

"What if Xinghai Zong is okay?"

"All forces have shot, even if Xinghai Zong is all right?"

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